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Fortifying The Valley

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Accordiug to the official bullotins, not less thun a hundred tbousaud Federal and Confedérate soldiere have been killed, wouudfid and captured in the Shennu doab Valle}', during the last two months, This estímate is probably exaggerated. After niakiüg due allowaoce for this, we fiud & total of fiftj thousand men either killed or placed out of the service ou both sides. Yet both armies preserve the sanie relativa oonditioo. Geu. Sueridan is fortified ou the soene of bis firat viotory, and the robe! are intrenobed at Fisher ' ilill - the tcene of the last de leat. Gen. Sheridau has won a hundred pieees of oimnon, aud a soore of battle flags; jet the rebels have not lost au inch of ground. This strauge aud unparalleled feature of the war arisca from the geographical gituation of the Vallej, which is like a saok opon at both end to tho fiiends and foea. They eau ruu btiokwards and forwards, and fight, lüe aud wiu biUtles indetinitely, without any important result so long aa the-loyul and rebel States repair the losses on either side. The ouly way of stoppiug this sue-buw game in the Valley of Death, as the Shenandoab may be culled, is to Boizu and fortify tho passes, and to erect fort at our oud, at Straesbuvg and Winchester, on the plan recommended long since by Gen. McClellau. ïhis is uow being atteuiptcd by Geu. ttbend:m, and the eusuing coutest will determine whether it shall be accoinpliiihed or not. Tbs rebels havu au interest in retaiuing these passes, and bold ing the gate of the North aud South, and also iu preventing Gen. Sheridan's [iruiy froin operating on more important points and reinforcing Gen. Grant. Gen. Sheriduu, however, is master of the situation, and acts uudur the direct orders of tho Lieutenant Getier, il. He will doubtlesn aocomplish lus object of sealing up tb Vulley, and will oagorly improve any chance that may bo offered by Early in wliipping him ouce more, und souding him ''wlnrling up the Valley" lor the last time. L:L" To Indian troubles on the piains hiive neurly subsiitcd, the pold flupnients are now couidL Totljt 1 larly. The Black Iluwk Gold Mining 0'nnp'iny rcceived nt theii' office ín j Novv Yirk duri-níí Oc-tobnr, :ib'ut 1,100 ' Btlttcee f gold, rwaltóng ver ?40,000.


Old News
Michigan Argus