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The Vote Of New York City

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-Tn alludmg to the registry of 120,000 names in New York city, tbo Htrald says : " This metropoli ig, in faot, a 8tst by iíeelf. íiy a compañón of the votes registered wilh the vote polled in rnaDV of the New England, Southern and some of the Western States io 1860, its political importaDce is at once manifested. ''Tak?, for instance, the States of Vermont and New Haiupsbire. The ageregate vote in those two States in Í860 wag about 111. 000, or 45,000 in the former, and 66,000 in the latter, íd round Rumbera. The total vote in the State of Conneotiout of that year was lesa than 79,000 ; llhode Island, 22,000. Nfw York city has inore Totes than both of those StüteM, which have tofuther, fonr reprugentativen in the Tnited States Senate. The vote of Maine did nt reach 98,000. Thus it will bt? een that thero is only one State ii TSow England - TVfassachusett - which ha HL larcre a vote as thiu city. The State of New Jersey - many of whf'se voters are New Yorkers, doing business here, but residing in that State - only reach-d 121,000; while the entire vote of Maryland and Delpware cornbined was ouly 108,000 in 1860, in rouud Dumberd, and is imich less now. We might continue this comparÍ8on with several ol the Southern Btatos - such as Louisiuna, Alabama, and Florida - snd show a like prepon deranco. All this Bhows tbat this metropolis tnkes the lead of all other cities in the Union in its financia!, commercial and politica) importance, in a canvass like this, many nhole States, and in aeveral instancoe, thut of two or three States cotnbined. EP" There aro now threo iemale American otilptors, to wit : Mss Hosuier, Miss Stephens, and a Mrs. Freeinan (now in Italy), wbo is just becoming knowo to fame. K3T In Chcstei eounty, Pa., it is jiist. Btated that not leso thnn thirty milis aro dow at work, nianufütituring sorhtim syrup. Tlie prico charged ia 25 to 30 cents pertralion. {T Nuwburyport, Ma1., ís at work to próvida lor auother drafr. Tna city goverriment has appropri ited money to pay $125 éfcsjl fur one hundred and twenty-tive recruit8, and the citizons ore ííoing to maUe tip enough to pay $200 bounty to each inan.


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