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The Crops For 1864

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The Crop Circular from the Department of Agriculturo gives the relative produc'.ion of the last three yeara of the ieading erops, aud ihe luorease or decrease oí the rewainder of our farm produets. Tlio aggrpgates liave already been publithed. Ve give tho eomparative figures for 1S63 and 1864: Wheat 18,708213 bush dec Rye 903,807 bush dec. Barley 750.827 bush. dec. Oats 2 888 489 bush. dec. Hay. . 8,620.096 bush dec. Corn' 4 78,618,444 bush. inc. Huckwheat 2 894.085 bush. inc. Potatoes 3,901783 bush. dec. Tobacco 69,799,691 lbs. dec. In sorghum there baa been a large initierease in all the 8tutes exoept Miolligan, Indiana, lowa, aud Ker.tucky, in whi(b the decrease has, bowever, been slight, while the inoresse in the other States haa raaged frotn one tonth to doublé the yield of 1863. In flax seed and lint, there hits heen a great ídcrease. In root crops there has been a considerable decreaso, excopt in Massa cbusetts. Connecticut, Delaware and West Viiginia. In stock hogs for fat teuing this fall, tberebas been a deorease in 11 the States of from 15 to 38 per cent. In fattnini cattl; thero is an increase in Minuesota and Kansas, while in all other States the decrease is from 20 to 50 per cent. In the quantitj of o]d wheat ou hand, there ia uu the whole about twentj fivo pv-r ceut. lesa ttan laat year. The quality of the new wheat is given at from ten to fifty per cent. better in the different States, so that the extra quility this year, uearly balances the deüclency in quantity produoed. LL" It is reported tbat the mate of one of the vessels recently captnred by a rebel pira'e, while a prisoner had some converaation with Üe piratea, and he gathered from certain hints thrown out by them tliat the destruction of gbips was not the primary object of their present cruise, but tnerely n incidental ffair. The tnaiu object ia for the four rebel steamers that run out of Wilmiugton a few duya ago to concéntrate at some point on the coast, and mako a grand raid on som6 of the Bmaller citiea. t3T Lieut W. B. Cushing, the gallant young nfficer who has destroyed the rum Alberrnarle, was born in Wisconsin, but s a citizen of New York, and was app intiid frotn it 9 ft MidBhipman on the 25th of Septemhor, 1857. He was conimisioned a Lipu tenant on the 16;h of July, ' 1861. Lieut, Cughinc; is only twer.tytwo year of age, and is one of the .most dwing, cool, and detennined men in the uary. fjf Five thousand guns were shiped on Mondav from tho Springfield armory for Kentucky, and twen'y thousand were gent lust yreek to St. Louis. ty The citizens of Boston, with tbeir ever-rcady generosity, aro establinbing a temporary asylum for women, who, on their discharge from prisoü bave no home.


Old News
Michigan Argus