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AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN 3Ï' rrs FRUir. So i ■ ""' l'liyi"inn by his Successtiil Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEüBEATAND CEI.F1BRATKI) i'HYSICIAN OF THE THKOAT,LrsGS AND C'HKsT, Kiiovmi all over the countr; a the Olobrated INDIAN HEBB DOCTORI I From South Amerjca, will be at his roomn, RUSSEU. HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthclSth ndlBtll nat., on the name dal of and every subsjequent month Zuring 18C2 and 1663, A NÍ AT 1-A.UPHLET Of the llfe,tud Knd ettensive i rnvel of Dr, Lynm can lie procored by ll whodesireoae . Srve nf churre. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, A'Jrian, Mtch.,afiilJnvK : Ann Arbor, Monitor Hou.ift. 20th. Jaökaon. llibbartl House, 21st A.irian, Hrackctt Hi uè,9J anl 2JM. SlOIia of KzAMlNATlUH.- Th Doctor discorns -l!se bytleyes. He, 'uh'Tet'ore, asiis no quetlonn nor ' q ire.s .átients to explain symptomö. Afflicted, come and have your lymptoms a mi tliolooatmn of yyur disonseoxplnineü frfce of charge Editor of abgu: ÜKar ik: - With ypor pe-tnisgion I wlsh to say to the reaiUT of your paper that I rill send. by return mail, toall vvtin wishit (free), a Recoipe, with full di reclioua for making artl usinff a sitaple VexeUible . lï'ilra. tliat wül elTtíCtuallv remove, in ten days. rimptes, Blotclies,Tu, Ffeckles, andall Itupurities of the .Skin leaving the samo Hoft,clear, amootb and beauti J ful. I will also mail (ren to thoae havin;? Raid Heads, or Itaro Face, siinj.e directioiiN and inform:ition tbat willsnable theu to start a full growth ol Luiuriant Hiir, Whiakerè, or a Moustacho, in loss than tliirty daya. All applicationH ansffeied by roturn mail without charge. Rö.'ectfully ynurs. TUUiiAS K. CE! VPMAN', (Ji mist, 3mO66 831 Broadway, N'v York. A Gard to the SnHerlng. SWALl.OW two or tbree hogheada of "Bucbu," 1 "TonlC lütturs," " Sarsopaillla," 'NWTOIW Antidotes," tic, itc.,&c., and after you are atilled wit li tb result. Uien try ou(j box of OU) DOCTOR BÜCHAN'S ENX3IJSH Sl'EC'KIC F1LI.S- and be restored to healthand vigor in less than thirty days.- They are purely vegetable, pleasant totake, prompt . nd salutary in their effects ou the broken-down and lattered oonstitutioo. Old and young eau take them ith advantuge. Imported and sold m th United tatesouli by JAMES S. BUTLER, No. 47 Bruadw.y, New Vork. - I Jjp" Agent for the United State P. S. - A Bnx of the Pilis, aecurely packed willhe ailed to any addres on receipt of prico, wtiich i VE DÜI.I AK, pont paid- monej refunded by the gent if entiry satisfaetion i not ven. Sm966 I miU LADY'S BÜOK. ; o T3E3CU ?ashion Magazine of the World. UTERATCRF, FINE ARTi, ANrD FASFI1ONS. Tbe most magnifici? ut Ste 1 nnraviofru. DOUiíJ.K FAHH(JN-l'I.ATES. 'Vorjd enffrftving.s on every ubjoct that an interest ladiea. Crochet knitting, WtJttinjf, Eraruidery, Articles for tlie Toilet, fur the I'allor, the oadöir, and the Kitclten. Kverything, ia fact, to u.iko a coMPi.KTK Lady's Book. The Ladies' Favorlte for 35 Years. So MagaziuB bas boen able to eompkt with it.- une tttttíiupt it. OODETS RECEIPT or t'very depai'tinent of a household. TheeJoQ ar (jrth the price ui the Book. M"i' 1 Cottages [no other Magazine gires thetu] , with di&gmM. IjRAWING LKS6ONS FOR THE YOUN'G. Abother Bpt-cialiy with Godev. ORlÜlNAL MUSIC, worth $3 a Other Magazines pubhsh ol wurn out miisic ; bot the .subscríbela tu (jodey get it before the niuic stores. (Tardeoing for Ladiea. Anothir puCu liaritj with Godey. FasliioDs from MesBra. A. T. Stewart k Co., of Niw York, thu miUiutiaire merchuntï, appar in Godej, 1he uDly Magazine Vm. bas them. Alaw, Fashiona fiom the cylobnttoii Urodie, of Now York. LtidiüH öonaets. We give tnoro of tnem ia a yor than any other Magazine. In Vact, tïié Ladj'ü lïook euable.-i evtry lady to be her own botitttft maker. MARIÓN HA.RLAND, Authoru of ' Alone," " Hiddcn Patk," u Mom Side%" lWtmesië," and "■Miriam," ritw f'ix Godey eat;h month, aud for no othor maga zinc. We hra üUl rutaiued alt our olU ad fttruriU coatributurs. TKRM9 OF GODEV'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1869. {From which tkere can be no Deviation.) ThefoHtrwiíig are the frins of the Lady'n Bo k for 18A5. At present, Wh v'1 ruceive Mubjtcrtberi ut tbfl foUQwisg ratH. ïf notice wilt be (cítpii if w aro oblitied to advunce, wlïicb. will üopend upon tlie prico of paper. Oue copy , one yoaT $3 (Q Two copies, one yenr ó 00 Tbree copies, one y car "7 50 Four copies, one jijar lü 00 Five oopie. ooe yeitr, and an extra eopy to the persuu wending the club, making aix copies ... 1400 Eight copien, on year, an 1 n.n extra copy to the períop sendiug the club. making uino cnpi k 21 00 Eleven copien, one year. and an extra copy to the pemou sending the club, makinit twelra copies 27 50 Additiuna to any of the abore clubs, 9'2 60 eaoh sabicriber. Godey'n T-.i'Ws Book and Arthur's Home Uagaiinq will be ent,each one year, on receipt of S-i 50 We have ne club with ny otiier Magazine or Nwipaper The moaey mast all bo sent at on time for any Club. Canada nubscriben muit send 24 cents additíomal for eacb subficriber. AddrPM T-. A. GODRY, ff. B. Corntr Slxth ánd Chestnut Streef, 079tf PNïLAVRLPHIA. aK33AT Excitement in Piano Fortes ! WM. B. BRADBURY'S New Sc ale Pianos In the Ascendnnt 8evcn ftrst premiums awarded in four weeks OTer eTery cotnpetitor. GrOTTSCHALK, to Renowned Pianist, says: They are the bctt anc most perfect piano now ma, for through woikmanship, power, purity, richneii, and equality.of tone tiífv exeel. J. BENKY WIIÍTTEMOUE, Gen. Agent for the .State, 179 Jofferi-on Aveuvi, Detroit. Mi E. C. Fotér i's my authorixed Agent for Anp Arbor. Rooms in Exchauge Bloeit. Estáte of Beo! and Field, Minors, STATE OF MÏCHKïAN, Coüxtt of Washtkwaw:- s. Ata ession of the róbate Court for tho Oouityof Wüshtt'iiaw, hohlennttho TlobiLte Uffice in tbe city of Ann Arbor on Fnday, the t-venty fïrst day of Oct"ber, in the year one tbounand eigbt hundred and Bi.ty foor. Tresent. Thoniaa Nimip, Judge of ProbatIc the tnatt.T oi' the Kstate of ('Jugeue K. Beal and Juniua Field, miiiors. On reading and filing the petition, dnly rerificd.of Rico A. BeaJ, guarüian of aaid minors, prayinp that he may be Hcensed to aeli certain real estáte o! fiaid minors. Thereupon it is Orc'errd, that Fridy, the twentyfirit dny of Xovembnr '■oxt, at on6 o'clock 111 tlie ftt.-rnoon be ansigned for the hearing of ,id petition, and thiitthf nextof kin pf saïd minnrs, and all utlier per ons iotPresfid in said ost 'te, are roquired f ppcar at a sessioD ot said Court tndn t" be holdcnatthp í'robato Office, in the city ot Ann Ail)'r, in mid cotinty,and slunv cuv, if any there be, why the pr.-tyer of tiie pc titinner should m t te rantrd ; And it ft furher or dcred that airt pet tiener ïve notic t tiie pemon in teresV-r] B aid f--tat', t.ï t'if pciuU-nry ui said ptton, anA thi lioanng tlieríMif, ly causing a cojy of thís Order f be pubhshed io the Mich'gun Argús tá new-paper prinfd mdcitculating 111 tsaiu Courty o" Vahht?naw, threi ncessive weeks previous t w tay of lnring . (A trae c-py.) TUOI S NINDK, y77 .Tudge of I'robt. Xü. SHVHTIEÏ'S KTXi'W PBBSCB1PTIÖN & DIÍCG STORE ! Is the placo to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "Writing Paper, by th Iïuu ortew, E30Xr-r3E3XjOXS an-l nll otbfr nrtielfs in our line. Ifjr F'sjieciül attention to Cympoundine :tn(i puttin np Presciiiitions, at tho sin of COLU MORTAK, K shflng Block, Ann Arbor, Mlchlgiui -Jfiff -ft_ l' calb promptly Attended to. 1Y-06 100 Gity Lots for Sale X1;arm"fo5sa'l'ë. A íarm of 9 r in Monre County frir ale ehftaj or exchanpclor bfiusG an 1 lot. n this Civ. toj. pa] ticulars itifluire of Vompm Calkioö bW {Uü.wBon' Aan Arbor, Ock. 2th, U'ft. 9S0w4


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Michigan Argus