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CLOTHING AT Haring ,j ust returned from Eant with a lárge stock of SPRING AND SUMMERGOODS! wefnvitean our old friends and cufctomerB to come and examine eur stertk of CLÖTHSCASSlllERIS&mTMS. , Dispute the fact if you can, It takes the TAILOE after all to give appcarance to the onter man. lf joh wib to appear well l You muit tccordingly Dress Wel!. Go to M. Gniterman & Co's,, There you will find tbings exactïy SO. SONDHEIMawaya ready to take your measure, , GUITERMAN will Bell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in ihe State, Take heed - call early, else you are too LATE. The iNDUCEMENTS are now greater than ever, Our Clekks you will Lnd obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own getting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to top. STUDENTS especially will find it to THEin ADVANTAQE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMP0RTAT10N, Forwarded through our New York reUatwras, From Engfaad, Belgium, Germany and Franee, Sueh as you carr tand up in, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Panf s r l Pañí s ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMEEES and BOESKIN of everv grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up tO E1GHT. VESTS, &C, of every descriptioD, You will find it so without fiction, Furnitihing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we aay now, Tharefore we make our bow Tours trnly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. A Co., F. BAOH has a neiT and corapletO STOCK OF Si R IVG GOODS bcught before the recent GREAT RISE ITÍ GOLD J Which will be Sold FOR CASH ONLY, -A-T THE LGWEST MARKET F RICE Í Cali a nd ee ! Aun Arbor, April, 1864. For Rafs, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, MofAs in Fu?s, Woolen, Sfc.r Insects on Plañís, Fowhy Animáis fyc. Put up in 25c. 50c. aml $1.00 Boxea, Bottles, and Fiusks. $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Puhljc Iwstitunoss, &c. "Only infallible remedies known." "Freeírom Poisoi." "Not'langerous to the Human Fíimilj." "Kats come out of tlieír holes to die " 4 flold Wholesale n all large cities. ■ftU Sohl oy all Driifrgists and Retailer everywhere. #S '!! Rbwark III of all worthless iroitations. B, ee that "CosT.Mt's" name is on each Box, Bottl1, and Flask, before you buy. .V rtresa lï EWJR V R. COSTAR. fl=. Pkintivai. fiapor 4S2 Bkoaivway, Nkw Yokk. Sold liv all Wholesale aud Retail Druifgists in Aun Arbor, Michigan . 6m9ñ4. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHH.ADELI'IHA, PA. DIaenses of He Ncrvon, Smliinl.trlnary and S-xuaI iyr-m - new and reli;ible trpatmcnt- in reports ol' the HUWAliD ASSOCIATION- fent hviiaii in sealftd letfor envelopee, free of charireAd.lrtss Dr. J. SKIU.IN HOUGHTO.V, Hon-ard Association.Nu 2 South Nmth Street, Philadelphi, I'ennsylviini.i, Iy963 llrowiiell & Perrin, 6E1TL GOMMIS&ION 1ERCHANTS, 183 South U'ater Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisions, Seeds, Green and Dried Frnits, Cider, tÉc. Peference! I'restnn, WHarcl & Ki'en, Chie.i?o. S. Botsford & uO., Ano Arbor, Mich. Í3, Partimlar nttpntifiT) givinto the sale of Oreen anl Drinl Fruit, Cidc-r, k. Order for the purchaií of dover ftnd Timoihy !"l,rnlM , fcc. pr'impily sttended tn if


Old News
Michigan Argus