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Sfftúnl fjtote pHEKOKEE MEDICINES! THE AFLICTED are requested to carefully peruse the avcrlísemunt of [r. W. R. Mkrwix &Co.'a CU brattd Ckerekee Medicine, in anotber column of this paper, and cali immediately upon the Druggist named at the foot o f the i-drertisemont and get our Z'lpagt PamphUt, giving much intere-stiug and valuable informatíon to both stxes, male or íeniale. If tho pumphlets are not to be obtained at your Drug Htore, send at once to us, and one will be .sent to you ín a icalíd envcfope, free of postage. Vddress , W. R. MERWTN & CO., Im331 63 Liberty St., N. Y. po CÖNSUM PTIVEP Consuraptive sufíbrers will receive ti yaluable preacriptiiin for Uie cttre of Consuroption, Asthma. Bronchitis, anti all throfit aud í.ung atTectioni, (freé of charge,) by fendine: theïr adnYeas lo Rkv. tDWARD A. WII.SON, 3m976 Williarosburg Kings County, N'ew York. PROF. R. J. LYON'S' PiiUents aod all othern interrested ivill please take notice thal he will contin ue his visita at the Monitor House, Ana Arbor, duríng 1864 and '65 an'l at the expiration of which he willdiscontinue his visits and open an Infirmar at Cleveland, Ohio, foT the treatraent ot Lung aDd Chest disease. DO YOU WISH TO BB CURED! DK. BÜCHAN'S ENGLISH SPEC1FK' FI1.LS cure, in les thn 30ly, the worít eases nf NKBVOÜPMESS, Impotencv. l'roiáature [íeeay, Seminal Weaknesa, Uisanity, and all Uní nary, Sexual and Norvous Aftections. no matter from wlnit cause produced. I'rice, One Dollar per box. - Ser.t, pust paid, by njail, nu receipt of an order. One 3ox will perfóctthe cure in ni'int cases. Addresa JAMJiSS. BUTI.F.R, 3m9S0 General Agent, 427 Uroadway, New York. AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS KRUIT. So i a good l'hysician by his Successfu! Work. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE ÜRKAT AN CELEBEATEI1 PHYSICIAN Oi' THF THROAT, I.UN'GS ANU CHEST, Known all over the countr; as the Celebrated INDIA N HERB DOCTOR! From South America, wilt be at íiiu rooroa, KDtiBCLt IIOCSE, DETROIT, OnthelSth and 19th inst.,on the same dale of and every subsequent month during 1862 and 18G3, A NKAT PAMPHLET Of the life,study and extensive travels of Dr. Lyovt can be procured by all whodosireone, free of chame. Dr. L will vinit Auu Arber, Jcksun,aad Adrián, Mtclu , as foHoivs : Ann Arbor, Monitor FTnuse. 20th. Jackfion. Hibbard nouse,21sí Adrián, Brackett H( nse.22d and 23d. MODK OF Kxaminattom.- The Doctor discerns rtiieafles bytkeeyes. He, tkprtfore, asks no quetionR nor req-.irei patients to explain symptoms. Afflicted, come an.lhavu your symptorns and the locatiou of your diseaKeexplained free of charge EltlTOR OF ARür.: Dkar Writh your prmimi1on I wish to Baj to the readers nf yonr paper that I wül send, by return mail, to all who w!sh it (free), a Receipe, with full di rections for makii and usíng a simple repf?ta.lile Balín, that will efFect nal I v remove, iii ten days, PirapltíH, niotches.Tün, Frecklfs,andall Impurities of the Skin. leaving tUu ame aoft. ciear, smooth and beauti fut. I will also mail (ree to those having Raid Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and ínformation that will enaHe theia to stait a full growth ot Luxnriant Hir, Wliiskcr, or & Moustache, in less than thirty dajfi. All appHcations an.sweied by return mail without charge. Respectfully ynuns . TH'JMAS F. CHAPMANT, Cïu-mi'st, 3m-66 831 lïroadway, New Vork. A Card to the Suffe ring. SWALLOW two or three hogsheads of " Buchu," Tonic Bitters," " irarfiaparilla," Nel vouh Antidotes," kc.t &c, &c, and after von are satisfied wltb the result. then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BrCHAN'S EXGI.ISH SPEC'FIC PILLS- and be restored to healtli and vigor in less than thirty days. - They ure purely vegetable, pleaant lotake, prompt and s:vlutary in their eifcts on the b rok en -dmv n and shattered custitution. Oíd and young can take them with advantage. Imported and sotd n the United States ouly by JAMES 8. BUTLER, No. 4'27 Broadw .r, New Vork. CW Agent for the United States P.S. - A Box of the Pilis, ecurely pcked; willbe mailed to any address on receipt of price, which ís OXE DOLIAH, pont paid- raone refunded by the Agnt if entire satisfaction is not gïveu. 3m966 Oysters ! Gysters 1 ! THE BEST QÜAUTY direct from Boltimore, in aüy quantity desired , and warrante fresh and niet every time aad at the lotoettjtures. Bv (6w83) THOMPSON Ai CON. Taken Up. Cme ioto the enolosure of the subscriber abont the 6rst of September, one BR1NDLK BULL, spotted bebind, abnut a yenr and a half cld! The owner is r queted to prove property, pay charges, and take said BULLaway. VEIT ZEEB. Scio, Nov. 15th. 1S64. Sw983 Estáte of Michnel D.ïlon. StATE OF MICHIGAN-- County of W shtenaw- ss. AtasesHionof the Probate Court lor the County of Washtemw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on W-dnesday ,the Mxteenth day of NoTeraber,in the year one thousand eight hundred and eixty four. Present, Thomas Ninde.Judge of Probate In Ihe matter of the estáte oí Michael DUlon. deceafied Keiram Costello, Jr.( Admintrator of mid estafï, cnmes into Court and representa thathe is now pre pared to rendcr his ëb1 account as such Administrator . Tlieretpon it is Ordered, That Friday, the nintb day of December nextv at ten o 'clock in the forenoon be asaigoed for exumininer and nliowing such account, and that the heirs at law of Éafd deceaned, and al] other persons interesteil in said estáte are required toappear at a sescion of said Coort, then tobe holden at the Probate Office, in tlie City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any there bp, why tho aid account should not be granted: Ano it in furthi-r ordered. that said Administra tor fcvc notiseto the persons interested in said estatejOf the pcni'ency of said account , and the hcarinsr thereof, by cansina a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argns, a newspaper printed and circulating in sid County of Washtenaw , three successive week previous to said day f hearing. (Atruecopy.) TÏIOMAR XIKPE, 9fl3td , Judge ot Probate. A SPLENDID PIA.NO FORTE ! For a Moderate Price ! ! VOSE'S ncw and improved PÍAKO surpasees anything dow nade for GREAT DURABIHÏY! Surprlsing riclincss and brilïiancy of tone, LEGAN CE OF FINISH! And MODERATE PRICE. The attention of the pcopl el Ann Arbor is rfspfictfully inrited to an ex amiuatiou uf this bcautiful instrument. J. HKNRV WHIÏTKMOKK, üor.eral Agent fur the State, J79 Jsfferson Wenue Detroit. Miss E. C. Fostar is my autjtori?pd agent for Ann Arbfr. Thi VOSE PIANO rasy lm -ninKiMBi


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Michigan Argus