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"dyspepsia, A.ND DIílKASES RESIIM'INC F K O M DISOEDEBS CF THK LIVEB AND DIGESTIVEORGANS, ARK CÜRKD HY HOOFLAKE'S german bitters, THE GBEAT STEEUGTHENING OBi VS tg:, fy, Y %; 1 I w i These Biltcrs have peifornitil aiore Cnrcs HAVE AND DOGIVEBKTTERSATISFACTION Hnrt uor: TnUmvnft HAVE MORE ESPECTABLE PEOPIB TO VoUCil FOK 1HEM! ïliaa any 0II1CT artfdv ia the inarket. We defy any oic to contradict tliis Assertlvu, AM3 WIIli PAV S1OOO Tu aiiy oue vrfco wiil produce a CY-rt ifleate [iublis]ib4 bf us, t ha t IS uot UKAt-'INJi. HOOFLAKD'S GEMÍAN BITTERS WILL ODBC IN F. VER Y CASK OF Chronic oï Nervous Debiiity, Dïseaae of the Kidueys, and Dlscaaea aristng fiom dlEordeied Stoinach. Obrve th( foli'jitin? tymptomsTtmlfinrfrom Dstordtr of the Digcstivc Organs t Contlpation,lnwara Tiles, Fullneüs of Blnod to U IjphJ, Aidity, of thetfUrtÜneh] IfAiUieft HourtWurn, Disgust for lood. Fnlluess or weight intlie8tinnch Sour Eructfltions, Sinkinj; er flulti-ring nt tie oí th Stomacli, .Swiuui,](i(f cl the lUtid, Hurriedandliiftculi breathfiip. Flutterbg at lbo Ueart.Clioking vr yuff'jcuting tfuasíitiuriH wtit'Q in a Lvíug Post IMP, Dimaess of Vision, Pot a or Webs before th Sight, Fevtr and Dull Pain ín tïie Heal Deliüiency ot Presplratioa, YeüpWnesa olth Skin finri Eyes, pain Ín the si de, back, t , limbs, SteM Suddeu fluab ea of' Heat, Burnio? in the Flesh, Constim, laiaginiags of Evil and ftreat Depresaiou of Spijrit. THAT THIS BITTERSIS IÏOT AL9OHOLIC, CÜNTAINS Nü ROM OR WHISKEY. AND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKARDÖ. Büï In the World. Et REAI) WI1O SAY SO From the Rev. Icri O. Bede, Pastor of th Buptmt Church, PembiTton, X. J. ( oraierJv of the N'orth tíajitistCnurtth.PhiUdelphia. ♦ #♦♦ I have known IIooñand'M (j'eruian Bitten favorabl for a number ot year.q, i hiiv used Iht'tn iu vny owii faniiliy,knd have beeu w yUmxtú witli their vttvttta tliat Iwa inducedto reconimtad tbem to maajr othern, and know rhat tliey liaveoperated in a stiikinjíly beneficinl raauner. l tke grett pltamu-a in thus j?ubl:cJj proclaiming this fact , and cailiug the attentiyn of tkoAa afflicted with the discases lor which they nre reaoaimendd, to these bitters from experience thut my recommendation wil) be u.stained. I do thi more cheeifully as Iioolland's Bitterx is intnded to benefit the afllicte'l, anü "'Dot ti rum drink." Vourstruly, LEV1 G. BKCK. Froro Rev.J. Newton Brown, l. D. Editorof theEacjclopcdia of Religious Kitowledge and Uhnstiau Chroiele, l'hiladelphiailthough not disposed tcfayor or röcommend Patent Mcdi-ïinea in general, thouh distrust of their Inrrdienta and oftects, I vet knuw of no suflicieut rpasoti why aiorvnmajnut tostify to tue bt-neflts lie belierei himselfto bare rect'ived from any xiinplü prt-paration in th hopethat h ma thuscoatribuic to tb beotlt of others. I do tliis roorerendily in renard to Hootíand'n Oerman Itittern, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jacks-m, of thia city, becaue I was Drejudicíí! Heninst tl1L'm for man t yea,rs, undertho iraprfssion tlia', they were ci..iT _ alchoholic mixture. I ara indfbted to nny fricnd.Rob ert Shoeranker, Esq., for the remora] of this prejudic bv proper tests, and for to try thera whtn suffering from great and lonp conunned debilitr. The use of three bottlee ol these bitters at the bryinninff of the present year, was (nlloived hy evident relief and restoratíon a dtígree of b(ji3ily aod mental rigor which I had not for sis months before, and hl alratmt fie&pairod of regaining. I thereïore thank God and my friend for üirecting co o ttt use of lhf-m J. NEWTON BKUWNvfrhÜ From the ïtev. Jos. U. Kennard, Pastor of the lOth Bap tist Churoh. Dr. Jackson : - Dear Sir: - I havo bton frequently rqueeted to connect my narae with commemlntionn of different kinds of modreines, but Mafaruing tiie p actie as out of my appropriate sphpro, I lnive in all cam decline;!; but with a clenrj.'iuof in rarious iiut&M and partieularly in my faroily of the usofullnews of Dr. HooftaotTs Germán Bitter, I dfpart tor once frora my UKiiul, to exprens my full oouviction that, íor generaidebility oíthe tfstéra and espeniatjr for ï.iver Complaint, ït i a safe anl .raluable prepáration. In som e cases it ma y iaü ; but usuaJIy, I dou : t will be vory beneücial to ihose who ufit from the abore cause. yourn,Tory respodfully, J. n. KKN'NARD, Eijfhth beJow Coute atreet, PUIU. Froto Rev. Warren Randotph, Pastor of the Bsptiit Church, Germantown Penn. Dr. C M. Jackson :-Dear Sir : - Persünalirperiene enables rao to Bay that I regard the Germán Bittfri prepared by you as a most bxocI ent medicine. In a of evere cold and generaldebility I have been groatly beneflted by the se of the Bitters, and doubt not tho wül siuniar eífeets on others. Yours,truly, WARREN RAN'UOT.PH. Uermantown, Pk From Rev. J. H Turner, Pastor oí lleddinr M. E Church ,Phila. Dr. Jackson :- Doar Sir .- Unving ued your Germam Bitters in my familjr froquently, I am prepared to say that it ha been of great service. I be lieve that n most cases cf general debility of the ystem it is the sateat and raost valuable remedy of which I have auy knowiedgo., J. H. TURNER, No. 72CN. Nineteenth Strea:. From the Rer. J. M. Ljons, formerTv Pastor of the Columbuc, (N. J.) andMillatowu, (P:i.) BnptistChurchoi. NöwKochelle, N. Y. Dr.C. M. .TnckHon :- DesrSir :- I feit it a ploaur thu8,.f my own accord tt bear teftimony to the excellence of the 'orinan Bitters, Some years .tince, being much aiïlicted with Dyspepia, I used them with rery beneticiftl resulta. 1 have aften recommendcd tht-m t persitns cn'eobU'd by tb fit lormenting difiease. and hav heard from them tlie raaat flat tering testimoniáis a te their great value. In casen of general debilitj, 1 Uêlievi itto be utoulc thtcau uot bc sarpM(i. J. M LYONS. From thip Re. Thos, Winter, Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson ■- Dear Sir: - Tfoel itduo to jour xcI tent preparatinn, Hoofland's Germán Bitters, to add nij testitnony to the deserved reputation it has ohtaineri. ï hnve foryears, at ttmes, been troubled with great disorder in my head and nervoufi system. I wa ndviid by frioiid to try a bottlp oï youv Germán Bitte". I did so and havo experitDced jíroat and uncpected r lief j my bealth has been rery materlally bonefitted. I eunfidently recommenil the articli r ere I meet with casen similar to my owu, and hare bten aseured by many of tlio!r gnod rficctíí. RcHpectfully yourn, T. WINTER, Roxborough Pa. From Rer. J. S. Ilrrman, of the Germán Reformtd Ghurch. Kutrtown, Berku Co Pa. Dr. C. Jackson - Respected Sir . - I havo heen troubled with Ujiipttpsja nearly tweDtj years, aDd hnv never u.ed auy medicine th:it die me usmuch good a& [IonJlancl'f. Bittere. I am very much i m pro ved ïn höalth aftcr haring taken fivf bottle Tnurs.wtth respect, J S. HERMAN. BRICES. I.nrgr Slr-f, fliolding ncarlT rtouhle qnsnütv,) tl 00 per liottld- hafio7.S00. Small Siïe - ÏS cents per Bultle- hlf dozto S4 00, BEWARE OF COUNTEKFEITS. Ser thnt tlie niifnaturo uf " C. M. JACKSON"" I n the WRAl'l'ER of ench bottle. Hboulrtyour nearpnt Druftsist not hve theartiele, 4o not boput niT by ioioT'catinp prwprftlons that maj h% nfferod n its plaoe, but end to u.,And we will forward, secuvly i'acked, by expresi. Principal OíSce nd Maaufattory „ NO 6 31 ARCH STREE T PHILADELPHiA. Jones &j Evans. Successors to C. M Jackton Sf (Ja. PR0PRIET0U8. For sale by Imgg!3h am! IValern 10 rerj t thT.)ïtK; HtatPi. KBijr


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