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Instel ixtúm%. J C. WATTS & BRO. DEALERS in Cloeku, Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware No. 22, Nv Blooli, Aun Arbor. C. BLISS. DEALER in Clocks, Watehes, Jewelry and Silver Ware No. 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. 'O. B. MILLEN. DEALER in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, &c. &c. Main Street, Ann Albor. "PHILIPBACH. tvRALEHS in Pry (ioods, Groceries . Boots & Shoes, ) Kc, Main st., Ann Arbor. GEORGE VV. SNOVER, DEAI-EK d MiscellanoouB and School Books, Station erj, Wall Papers, fcc. Hurón Street, Ano Arbor. RISDON & HENDERriON. DEALERS io Hardware, Stoves, house furnishing joods, Tin Ware, Sc , te, New Block, Mainst. GEO PRAY, M. D. PfíVíICI V..V and Surgeon. iïesidence and office od Detroit street, near the í epoU S. G. TAYLOR, TAKAI.KR in Hats, Caps, Fura, Robes, Gents' FurnishJ in,' tiootls, etc. Kast side Main Street, Ann Arbor, AHcbigau. A. J. 8UTHEIILAND, AGKNT ior the New York Life Insurance Company, Qftice on Huroa street. Also has on hand a stock c( the most upprove : .-lewing machines. 885tf' gëo iïg k "fïsch e m. I EAT MAKKET- Huron Street- General dealer in 1V1 Fresh and Salt Meata, Beef, Matton, Pork, Hams, Nultry, J.ard. Tallow, Jcc-, &c. HüiAM J. JJEAKES AnOBNEY an.l Counsellor at I-iw. „nd Solicitorin ClianctTy. Oiiice in City Hall Biock, over Wobster's Book Store. LE W ITT & BREAKEY. PBYSICIANS AND SL'ROEONS. Office at theresiilence of Dr. Lewitt, north side of Huron, two doors west of División Street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOI.KSALE and Ret.ail Dealers and Manufacturers of H.-idv -.lia.le Clothiug. Importars of Cloth, Casimere, Jkietkms, &c, No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main st. WM. WAGNER. DEALER in Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, and IVstings, Hat?, Caps, Trunks, Carpet BagH, &c, Phnix Blick, Main street. SLAWSON & SON. AROCERS, Provisfnn and Commission Merchants, and U Dealers in Water Lime, Land, and P!aster 6f Paris, onedoor east of Cook's Hotel. J. M. SCOTT, lUBROTYpEand Photograph Artial , in the rooms LÏ over CftDipioo'a Clothing store, Phoeuix Block. Peitïctsatiafactioogiven. Ü. B. PORTER. 00RSEON DENTtST. Office Corner of Main and Hurón U itrcets, over Baoh 4 Piersoh's Store. All calis (tmptlyattendfi to Aprl859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALEtlrt in Foreipfn and Oomestic Dry Good.Grocerie.i, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, ., Corner of Main & Liberty sta. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY. MIIJFACTURERS of all kinds of Coooper Work, City Cooper Shop. Custom work done on short tice. Cor. Detroit and Korth Streets, and cor. North U& Tiftb Streets Ann Altor. ANDREW BELL. jjËALER in Grocerien, ProvÏRions, Flour, Produces) "te, 4c,( corner Main and Washington Streets, ion Arbor. The highestmarket pricespaid lor country Mie. 8S6 I. O. O. F. WASHTENAW Lodge, No. 9, of the Independent Or" Jerof Odd Kellows meet at their Lodge Koom. "■'! Friday Kvening, at 1% o'clock. _. Sosdsbim, N. G. p. B. Rose, Secy M. C. STANLEY, Photograpliio Artist. Corner Xain ud Haron StreeU, Aan Arbor, MicL, HIOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTY PES , &c. - &c. , a the latest styles, and every effort made togive satis'- 986tf D. DeFOREST. WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Lumber, Lath, ,.' Sliingles.Sash, Doors, Blind, Water Lime, Grand "'T PUster, Piaster Paris, and Nails of all siz.e A yadperfectassortment of theabove, and allother "of buililios; niifrialBconstantly on hand at the .'■"poisible rates,on Detroitst.,a few rodsfromthe rovl Depot. Mbo operating extensively in the 'tent Cement Roofing. WRANGER & FINLEY, iTTOBHBTS & COCK8ELLORS AT Meeting and Land Agents. 'PICt 07EB DONELLY'b STOEI, HU&ON STREET, F. Graxger, ) Ann Arbor, Micb. ■ H FiNtBY, Jan. 28, 1864. 941tf FOR SALE! A i'?? GROVER & BAKEK SEWING MACHINE u . a NEW SINtiKR MACHINE, either Family or' "'icturingpattcrn. Apply at _______ 'THE AHGOS OFFICE. Ayers Sarsaparilla. ;


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