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From The South

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New York, Nov. 20. In tho Legislature of Georgia, ou tho 9th, rt'solutions were introdueed asserting tho right of eaoh State to act in ïts individual capacity in rofereuca to soouring poact), as vvell aa all other aft'airs; hailing w:th gratifioation the dispositioD in iavor of a cessation of hóst.ilities manfestod by the democratie party Nortli ; favoring a convontiou of all the States, and calling on Jeif, Davis and the rebol Congress to niake offers to sueh a purpose to the govermoout at Washington. The ïlichmond Enquirer, in an article on the efficiency of the rebel ordiaance department, io its eutbusiasin apparently becomes unguarded, and pointa out several valuable objeots, some of which General Sherman may deern worthy ol h's atteution. As an instance, in thë Georgia army and laboratory at Macou, the arsenala at Athens, Columbus and Sav:innnh ; in the North Carolina arsenak at Fayettoville, Raleigh and Salisbury, and in the immense government works at Richmond, Va; ïhe fire at Charluston on the 2d waa doubtless igoited by Yankee incetidiary mÍBBÍlf8. It destroyed very exteosive governinent shops and armory, contsining cannon, a large number of gmall arms, and very considerable clothiog supplies. RiöhmoDd papers give rather au unflatteriug picture of the licentiousoess provailing iu that city. Gold was quoted in Ricbtnond on tho 13th at 27.25 to $28 00. The Richmond Whig, in commenting upon the capture of the Florida, saya the act was the greatest indiguity to Brazil, but oue to whieh no doubt she will submit. John Oliver, a Captain in the Georgia reserve militia, orders all persoas batween twenty and sisty years of ige, Hablo to duty, to enroll before iov. 5th. - Penalty, arrest and imprisoument, for duty at the front, in case of disobedience. lu the Georgia Legiílature, ou the 8th, an effort to prohibit irapressment or eurollment of rueu between fiftv and sixty years, failed. On tho game day a bilí was introduced in the House, empower ing tho Governor to impress one half of the male slavcs of Baldwin county to work on thu defeuees around the Capítol. That owners of euoh be justly corupensted for suoh labor, as wcll s for all loas or da m age to such slave?. In tho Senate, ou the saine day, Mr, West moved to Uike up Lis resol ution pledging th.; State to a vigoróos tion of the war. Mr„JEzzard offered the following: That tho General Assernbly earuoatly reoora naend our govormuont to uiake to tha United States officials offera of peaoe ou the baais of the great principies of our cummou fathors in 1776; further, tbat our Senators and Represeatutiven iu Congress ba reqtiested to use their nfluence to Btop this unnatural otrife, looking forward to thO timo wheo peaee may be obtaioed on just and honorable ternas. Theso resolutions were uuaniniously voted down and the original ones adopted by yeas 82, naya O. The Marión (Va.) Ensign, io comnieuticg upon Davis' thanl.sgiving Proelamtion, eays : " The cationa] heart dhould agonize for peace. We believe the peopie are heartily tirt-d of war, and Would termínate it Ht once if they knew how to do it honorably, Our rutera, or rather servants, no doubt partake of the ame feelings, but we lack neeensary wisdom. We desire peace, but we know not how to obtain it. Let us pray God to enlighten the minds of rulera and people, of both sections." Tho Charleston Mercury of the 5tb, says there is not a human bting in the Confederaoy but longs for peace. There ia a party which asaumes this bltssed sound as the shibboleth of ita organization, but do they mean simply peace b}their orgauiantion ; if , everybody belonga to it. But the) mean Bomefhing more ; they mean peace, with eubmission to Yankee domination. They ineau reconstruction. Our Confederacy is to be aboüshed, our iodependence surrondered, and the vileet of all dejpotisms to be estabüshcd over us hy reunión with the hateful aad hated Yankees. New York, Noy. 23. Late rebel papers eay Gov. Watts, of Alabarna, has had an official conflict with with the rebel conscripting officers. The policemen of Selina bcitig taken for service in the army. thej applied for redresa j to the Gorernor, who issued an order that as State officers thpy were exempt from the draft, and the; were thcreiore released. The Richmond Examiner ia ?ery severe on what it stjlca the defection of Govornor Brown, of Georgia, and the Legislatures ol that Stato and Alabama. It eays that the conveution of all the States uurth aad eouth, for the purpose of agreeing .upon terina of peace, will meot on the same day with the Parliament of Mankind, the Federaiion of the World, and not one hour sjoner.


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