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FALL & WINTER STYLES! HHj CAPS m PDRS, AX.ÜO LADIES'MISSES'&CIIILDREN'SHATS, Umbrellas, Parasols, Canes, JFOr Cash ! Axi Abok, September, 1864. The subscrlber bas jubt oponed an entire Nevr and Desirable Stock in tbo above Hbo, at the store formwrly occupied by A. P. MILLS fc CO., M-vm Stkbkt, anii rsspectfully uvites tbe attontion of the ('iti.cns óf A.v Arhor asd vic'imty to bis steek, vhen xnukini: tbeir Fait and Winter Seleclion? in thia line. My long experience in tho busineea, and mj residenceln Nevr Yoi k, enablea me to rnake mj selection direct from tbc HANUFACTtJKICRS, and to give satinfoctio both in STÏLEa AND TRICES. My stock liallal. wajs contain the LATEST AND MOST DESIRAUI.E StTLBS OS' DOODS, direct from New York. Cali and examine before making your purchuïeB N0TR0UM.ÏT0 saoir OOOD3. E. L. LAWUENCE. ytore foriutr] occ;ipied bj A, P. Milla & Co. lm' " MATBIMOHIAL! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN if you vrifh to niarry, address the uiuiörsigiied, whe will sena you without inontiv and without prict1, vuluable inforin;ition tliüt will enable üii tt inarry hftpp)1 and speeiHly, irreapecive uf agf, wealth or beauty. - Thia information will cont you notliiiig, and if you wlah to ïuüiiy, I will c!ieL'rfuIl iissist yuu. AU Letters strictly cunfldential. The Ae&ir&d infurmaLion sent by i'üturb niail, and uo queaUons ankc! address , Sabah B. LJiMRKETj Ureenpoiut, Kiin? Co. 2m9"y NEW YORK. XfASHTENAW COUíTirY MUV T TUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Office over Noble ty Rider'ê Boot and Sioe Stort) Huror. Pireet, Ann Arbor. Ouïce open on Paturday jo ach Weekl 983m3 f. WHITE, Secy. MILLEH, DAVÏS &WËBSTER Agents for tbe sale of 10-40 U. 3. BONDS, 7 3-10 Treasury Notes also, for aalet Interest 6 Per Cent Compound LEGAL TENDER NOTES. Ilighost raten paid for (OI.D, PREMIUM FUNDS.and LAND VVARRANTS. Auo Arbor, Oct. 30th, 1864. 3m981 A SPLENDID PIANO FORTE ! For a Moderate Prlce ! ! VOSE'S nw and lraproTd PIANO nurpusioi anjthlng uow naade fur QRJEAT DURABIL1TY! 3ui-prising ricbnesB aad brilbaDcy of toae, L EGA H CE OF FINISH! And MODERATE PRICE. The attenlion of thn people of Ann Arbor is ropectfullj invited to an exumiuatlou of this beautifti] instrnmont. J. HKNHV WUITTKMORK, tieneral Agent for tlip State, 179 Jefferson Wftnae Hetroit. Miss K. C. Foster is my authonxed agent for Apn Arbor. The VOSE PIAFO may be seon at hor romus in the Exchange Hlock. WIZARD OILÍ THIS SPLENDID REMEDY CURES 6$ THOTilACíTE SÖ NEURALGIA B In Thrce Minutes. In Ten Minutes. ÍMxlftlCIlE r.Ali'ÁCHIy 1h Fiv.c Minute. In Ton Minutfa. CBA-MP C81.TC DirTUERIA Ui %'en .l.i:;itr. In . Few Tfours. .SORK THROAÏ ' KIIEUMATIlJM. In a Ft:y Ilcuri ]n „ F,.w D;tj.,. LAMKBACK. Sl'KAINS. CBTBANDBRriSEB. BURNS and SCALIJS. COKXS. J, CII1LBI.AIN. 'fö ïhia ii. w ;;.;,)" {.lnralion ojily ffrd- a tiÍTl to rfcoiimit ii. i [tilfto tvory liouscl-.old Ín }he land. Uflë om' hoUlc und yon VU ilirayi 2fp H on liand agüiiiKi tle time of ntt-d. i -ti-v toVrft Hun tBfiits per bottle. Tlic larjre bot tU s contHin ucftitv Ibrví: limes as muchas tbc Rpmil oqh, Mftnuftiolurfd by .7. A. I1AMMS A ittCK, !'■-: V."-...i;;!.;.-ii-n 6tiet, 'Chicago, and for s;ile b f di i. hít ,-■ i ;;iMy.


Old News
Michigan Argus