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HítEASICS R E S U I. T I K G FRO DISOEDEES OF THE LIVE AND DIGESTIVFgORGANS, ARK CCr.KD liY EOOFLAKD'S SERMAN BITTERS, THE GEEAT STSEKGÏHENI5O '#' , H . '. These Bitters have ferforeml more Curt 1AVE AND Dl! Gl EBtïTTEK SATI8FACTKMÏ (tare morí Tctiiiioi.y ! iavï: morr kesi'ectablk PEpris TO VcüOH FOH 1HEMI Tiiiiii auj otliel1 in the Oiarket. Va i'elv auy ouö to contradi et tliia Asertion, ASI) WII.I. PAY ÍIOOO ó any ine wno fH! i-íh.Nco a Ortincate nublvLt by us, tíiu: 14 ut UlcM-'iAE. lOOFLASD'S GEBVAN BITTEIS WILL CÜJRE ÍN KViiRY CASK QF Zhronic ci Nervous Debiíity, Pfnnaii of the ÏCidneya, and DisOaptí# aiising fioin disordü:Gd Stoniach. Üfira rír foll'trinr ttimjHumt rtvuUiyr fropt piêurtkrê of the Digeetivt Organ$ ( 'oñ&tlpfttiou.liiwai-J 'yï, Futhwrt of Iilood to th bead, Aic.dftr.of tliaStumach, Nausea, Iluattkur, Disgust for fuo'l, Ku linean 01 veight intli tit.muh tívú,t Emctaliuns, tfinbnig or llutti. ririff ut the pit oí the Stoipach, Swiinmïog of tho Hejul, Hurrlodaqd Jiflicutt hretvttifng, Fltuterlhf t tiiü Heart , CokiBg ot SufTocittnig tíentatioii.s wifi iji a, jJipg PoMurfc. riniqpsH oí Vision, Dots or Webs b.-fortí thn Bbt, fövtr atl Dull P:tii) in the 1J(M i, 1)( liilíenc.v oí Prer pii-atiuD, VtIlgVoHa oí t h Skin ad Eye, piin iu the side. back, chest, timba, &c , Suddn fluJ e oí Heat, Ruruine in tiie Fle&h, Coiistaiu Iragiiiiugs of Eil and Oreat Depression of Spirit, THAT THIS 8ITTERS18 KTOT AL "í OH OLIO, CONTAINS NO RÜM OR WHISKEY, 6lND CAN'T MAKE DRTJNKARDft, n the Wprld. - Ï1EAD WHO 8AÏH SO i : rom the lit. I.svi G. Bppjf, Ptür of ILo Usptut Uiurcli, l'u-niberton, NT. J itiriAorlr ül tha Xorth Bu.UtCuurch, l'Lilttüelüliia: ♦ I havknuwu lluoilundU CiTuan [iitteu farurublj 'or a uuuiIkt ol j ears, 1 luiv usi'd Dum tal M M amily.and huvf büuii so plpftüed willi caceta lUt [ b iiKluctJtM recminiienil tliwu to many otbun u4 íii.jw -hut thcj liave opera ted a h trjltipgly beuaficial tiiiniior. I great pletisure n tbps puul clv Jrelmining tliis lKct.uní] culling th attentiou f tbc. ifflicted willl the dixenjpi l'or which they ar rocoiseüdí theB bitlers knuiigrromc?peience tht y recmimienüation yill bcsqstainpd'.' lío tbi mor jhofifully a H"ollanil'.s liittcr ia utíüdtd to braellt ;he alUicícd. and is' ''uot a ruui drink." i'uurí truly, LE VI O. BECK. r'rom Kev.J. Kuwton Bpnirá, i). D. Editorof theRccy :lopedia of Religioua Sfimcledg apd Uiiistian Ciroai:le, l'Uiludelliliia. ltlii)Hgb not disposed tofuyoi or reooijiraejid Pattnt Medioiin-s inguneral, tlinouh ílJFtr't or'tbéir inirrolienta and ufftct, I yet know of no 5ufficient raa'uaa ,vii.v a mu maynot tostifj lo tbe btiii-Hr4 bt btliev liniMtl to have rtcaivoil Ijom any simple jiroraratiou D lu.pctliíU Le uia.v thuacontributitp (h bwiaat if otberr. I de tliis morercadil} n renard to Hooliand' Grmui DHrs,i)PBj,ared b.v l)r. C. JI. Jackon of thi iity.becauMlWMprejudicMlugainst tlum for manr íi'ar,umlfrthehij)reasun Iha; tliov iMru cliirthr an ilcboholic mixtiii e. I am indtbtfd tfi mr fricad "r1 ■rt.SIioemakcr, Eq., It lliü romo va] nf (lili prej'udic v propiT teatí, aud aaepgi gegast to trT thfm ■vhon sufferiRg frow s,w,t and I.ids cuntinued dbilitr Ibi'useof thrse bottii-s ot tl.i-se bi'tlprn at t tie beiliiniíí of tlio pro.stnt yt-:ir, was í..ll,vt'i! bv e-fdent relief tod reatoratfon ti a ijogrea uf and mental rir .vhicli 1 had not ror aix momtbs befóle, rnid l,ad almot lespaired of rwjaining. I thereffire tbaui Cod and m Tiend for üirfíctiug ce to ti o use oí tlicm J. MEWTIOK IH'.üff.V, PhlU. rrom tbeBev, Jo. II. Keinmrd, Tastor of tbe lOthBas -ist Cbuixh. ' Dr. Jackson :- D.-ar Sir:- I bave becn frenuentl nluested to connect mt ume nitb coniíumdutioni uf Ufferent kinds of medicine, but rfffarding tbe paetlt hsoutof my appropriato npbt-re, J hva n all tTU ladined; but wílb a. olear prouf in yarioua instaac ind pai-ticulirly i;i ay of llic usefúllaeM or Dr HoofUnd's IJeiuiiin Bitters, I ilepait for once from miT isual aonnre, to expresa mv fi:ll cenviction that 'or :euoraldsbilityoftl,e8yBt(-in and special! for í'ít .'oinplainc. it á safe '.lul rajuable preparation la onu' caaes itmaj but usuallv, I ,JOu t not it'wlll ,e rary beneficiul to those ho ufler from ttie'akor. :aujo. Youra,Tery rwpectfütíy, j. jr. KEKXARn. üib'h'-b bolürt Coaita ötroet, Phiï. ■ rom Er. Warrrn Ka!1,l.,!ph, Puaíor of tb. Biojl. jburch, G'erni&ntown, Papn, Dr. C M. JíCkaou :-Drfir :_ Personal. iperi.n m,ibleme to tliat I rsgard tbe Germán Bitu irepared by yon aa a uiuítoiccn! ent medicino Ín laaa ij sovere cold and genonUoMUt; I bave been gr.atlr isbetied by tho a of tbe Bitters, and deubt ult th.i rill piodtictí similar efftíct on üthers. ' Yours.trul, WARREN RAKDOI.PH. (jcriuantown, Pm "rom Re J. H Turaor; l'astor of ileddinï II ■ hurch.l'hila. ' Dr. Jackon :-!loar 3t .- Haring nd rour Genaa iittersin iny faniilyfienuently,! am prfpar.! to .ar hatitbaBbetofgrt8prTice. I beliave tlmt in mort of th .ytein it is thi anítit .nd rqut valu.Lio rmdj of Th'ob I bave , knTÍVoun.rssfcoifullj, J. H.TtjRER, -No. 720 .V. Kiueteanth StrMl. from tbe Rer.J, M. I.T"tn, formulr Paator of tha f. umbua, (N. J.) adililUioim, (Pa.) üaptiitCburcliH. New Koch.l, K, Y, Dr.C I. M. Jackson :-Der Sir :_I felt it a pl.a.ur. hu,..f mj on aocord to h.-ar Ju.-.ii.ii.nv to the tc.lBUofthrte .Bitter. ?omeearaiin beiar Duclialmcted w.tbl'.,p.:,,r;a,l USI,( t!l(.m wit;, T nsúcial resulte. I have oíien rauommendpd thom t ■anima ■ ffaekled by fhat ténnenting dissaia and hará ierd from them thenioat attrúig wmlmoniaia n u lieir trroat valu. Inois, of get,erl debilitr lealeve uto be atunic thotoau not boa arpa bbK J. ü l.YONS. teT?ChtorhTh0' r""ior ot Roboroutk Pr. Jackaon - flPAr Sir .- -1 loe] it diie to rour exeel'i.t preparaüou, Houfland1 tíírm'ín Bittor, to and mj fstiuiony to tbe .leservod reputation it has obtaine hare for, nt time, baen tioubled with great i. rdcrin my hea.lnnd norvuus arnirm. 1 wan adriwl ■y frieud to try bottleof jnur. Oeran Blttn I id m. anfl have oxparienced rreat and unrxpectri) n c ; my health has heen ver.y materflly benf-fitifd i on(!.leTit!yreoomK,-.ii,i ■.;:;■ .-.rti,.:,-. ,.re I mt with imlliinrBromt own, aud hT been wtured by ■.any oí '.crgoodcflocts Rcspeclfully your, 'i'. TÜKTER, Roxborongh Pa. 'rom Rey. i S. Herman, of tho Germán Reforme u&rch.Jtnuiteira, Berks Co i'a. ir;,, 5!;, '?cksn :- Heipoctcl Sir .- i bxe Wn f-. ■,■■'■ witli Dyapepaianearly twenty ycara and hava ■! any mc(!:ciuethat(lit mp'usmuch íoofl ai ■ ' Kitiors. I timverymuohimproTedin health ■!'■;■ :.-i i-li.g'nkrn uve botllr. ymi:,,Ttt) rtspeot, J S. HERMAN. .1? X?, X G B S . .nrge S-f, flióiafngricartv doublc qnantitr,) ti 00 pM biiitio- half .ir. $i "o. ■! S;.c- Ti taoii Jioítlo- l.alf doim Í4 08, BEWAliK OF OOUNTKÜFKITS. 9e tbst'tlis sitfnatiire i.f '■ C. M. .IACKSOX" 1 an ho WRAITKR of oarh bottlo. siioiil. y.nir neareoi Druggiat not have thrticlc.J mt bpput oír by íploxicaiing prepur.uions that roy ha iflered i H plaee, but nd to n,nd n willforwaM, ccuilytacked, by eiproas. Principal Office and Mo:n)factory, ?O 631 ASCH STHEE T I'HILADELI'HÍA. Jones fe Evans. Successors to C. M. Jackson 4" Oo. PKOI'RIETOliS. For sala Uy Drnfglsts dlUaloñin ovoi-y t') h l'jitwl Stutt. 5Sy


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