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i HPHE KOOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be tur íhu JlealiL-g of the Nationa . BibU. srof. n. r. XjVokts, THE GREAT AND CELEBHATED I'H VK i AN of the TflROATjLUNGS, 1IKAKT, UVKfi AND THE BLOOD, Enuwn alloverthecountry an tbe C'KLEBRATED TNJDTAJST ÜEUS DOOTOH Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ühio Will visit tlie foUowmg placen, viz APÍ'OINTMfcN'iV FOR 1802, 18G3and 1864. ! Prof. R. J. Lyons can bu consultad at the f]lowin places every nionth, viz: Detroit, Hussel House, each montb, 18 th lod 19 th. Anii Albor, Monitor tíouae, each month, 20th. JacliMOB, hibbard House, tmch inonth, 31, Ailriiiii, líracktt House, each month 22d and23d. Toledo, OhiojColhns iíou.-:e, each mouth 24 th Siöth and 2(ith. HilUilale, Mich. , Hillsdale Hof se, each month,27tl ColOwater, Mich., Sotitüem Alichigau liouwe eac inonth, 28th. Klkliart, Klkhait Roulsp, oiich month p 29tli. South Bond, iud., tít. Jo. Uoel, each munth, 30. Ltípíírte, [a., Tee Uanlen He iBe, each mQiith BHt, Wuoster, Uhiu, Crandell L'xchauge. each mout-li 7t aur!8th. MauBlield, Obio, Wiler JIoust each month 9th anc lOtb. Mt. Verndn,Kcnyon House, tach month, llth an Now.irk, Ohio, Holton House, eh raoBth, 13th rd Uth, l'aiuesville, Ohio, CmrlesHouse, each mouth 4th CLhVELAHI, OIIIO. REflI&EKSü AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET Kast ol' tlie public square, oppo&ite the Poatoffice Oiïice days each munth, lt, #d, 4Ui, 5th, 6th, 15th Office hours from 'J A. M. to 12 M, and trom 2 P. M.'t 4 i'. II. OnSumlay frora 9 to 10A. Ü.,aiid 1 tu 9 i'. M JlQrMftximestrictly ailhered to-I give sucU balín as huve no s tri fe, Witli QHtnre or tiielaws of lifo, Witli blood ny h&ndé I never .slain, Nurpoíson men toeast; t heirpaiu. ƒƒ a a phiaicmninilf.ed, who Cares. The Indian HorB Doctor, U. ,J . IA'ON'S, cures thefol lywing coiujiiaiutB in tho niotft obstinate stages of thei exiMtence, y'w. íiaeiineR of-the Throat, Lunga, lïeart, Iiiver, Stomach, Uropsy intho Ohest, Klieumatism, Neuralgia, Pits, or FftUiDgictneBSjandallothei nerTousderangementa. Also all distases of the blood , sucb at .Scrofuïa, Krysipelas, Cancera, Fever Hores, Leprosy, and all other complica tet) clirouiccoinplaints. A forms of female diliiculties atteaded to with the happJQBt resulta. It is hopöd that no one will despair of a cure until they have siven thp Indian Herb Doctor Ja Medicines a fair ainl tailhful trial. $,l)uring the Doctor't travel in Kurope, West UiiiJcs, Bouth America, and the UniHbq States, lie haa been the instrument in God'?) hand. to reatore to health and vigor thousands who were givenup aad pronounced incurable by ihe most erainentold school physicianfl; nay , morr, thousands wlio were on the vere of the grave, are now living monump.nts to the Indien Herb's Doctor's skill and succï-ssful treatment , and aro daily esclalnÜBg: "B?essed betheday wlien fitst e aw and p;vrtook of the Indian Herb Ooctor's medicine." Satisfactory references pf cares will be gladly and cheerfully given w hpnever rfequired . The Dootor piedles his word and honor, that he will in no wise,-lirectly or indirectly, induce or cause any i u valid to take his medicine without the probabilit y of a cure. K3F Mode of Pxamination, which is entirely different from thofacnlty Dr. T.yon professea to discern dinases by the oye. lie therefore asks noquestions, nor does h ft roquire patienteo explain symptoms. Calí one and all, nl tiivve thesymptoms and location of your diseaseexplained f ree of charge ■ ÍTh1 poor shall be liberally considered. áES-Postofllceadú' 2663. R. J. LYONS, M. I. Glcveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862 ly880 . t IvIjlI il C8'-ïil!!WE!a'!!i : - ■ ■ lUIII'mlHHHIi'UWI" 'Wij .;; ..-Hl O. BXiIS WouM tafee this method of nforming his old frienus anil patrons and all others who may favor him with their patronage, tli at he has greatly enlarged hia Stock and Assortment ! aiul having adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYIN6 &8ELLING s prenarjd to aell ( Roanona' "fcXe r'rloeiSi 's 8loc consista n par üt thefollowing: t-j AMERICAN AND OTHER Irit Waches! Ét? 41 TheCelebrated S88ö&Ly SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setis GOLD OHAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OÜTLÉKY 1 HazorSjSiioars, Scissorsaud Brushes, ROOERS PL.VTED WARK, the bestin market, Gold Pens, Steel Penss Pcncils, PAPER and ENVELQPE8, Musical Ixistruments, Slrings !f Bnohs for Instruments, SPECT A.CXjiL!8, of Qold, Sllmr, Steel, and Flaled.wüh PERÍSCÜPICGLA.SS, a superior article. Persons having difficult watches to fit with glasses can be accomodated, as my stock h larguaad complete, P. S. Particular attention to the of all kinds of fine Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinians, Stajfs, and Cylhtdere. Alto CLOCKS, Sc TE-WELRTT neatly repaired aml war'-anted, at his uld standeiiBt sideof Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor,Nov. 25, 1862. 826tf GREAÏ.GREATER GREATEST BiVKGAINS EVER OFFERED 1859. )1859 In thÍ3Oity,.are uow being, offeredat the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATOH, & jewelry StorOTHK3bBcribor wouldaay tothecltizenFolAnnAr. bor.i" particular, and the rest of Waihtenaw Onuntv insoneral, that hehasjust ÏMPORI'ED DÍRECTLY from EUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! All ofwhichhR blndehimeclftosRll CHEAPlilUhan can be bought weat of New York City. I have also tne CELEJRAÏED AM EU' CAN WATCHES, whichl wlll nel' ttr 35. Every v atch warrantbd to oerform well.orthe inonoy retunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Pinted Ware, Fancy Good, Gold Pens, Muiicailnstrumenti and .Strlnas Cutlery, &c, and ?n fact avariety of everythinf: uaually kept jyJowe Iers can be bnughtforthe next ninety days at vour OWN PRICES! PersonB buying anything at thls wel' known establishrae nt can rely upon getting goodu exart'y af reprenented, orthemoney refunded. CaJlearly and secure the best burgains ever oiïered in thif City One word in regard to Repairinp : Weare prepared to make any repairs onfine or common Watches, even to makingc er the entire watch, If necessary. Repwrinp: of Clocks and Jewolry hb usual. Also the manu fact urine ol RTNGS, RROGCH.S or auythinp; dnsired, from California Gold onshortnotlce. Encravimr in allitsbranchesoxeented witbneat. nesfi and dispatch . 1 C. WATTS. JJissohition Notice. mHEFIRM OF CHAPÍN, WoOI) k CO., was dissnhod XJanuary Ui, 18H3, by mutual oonsent. C. A. Chupín andA.I!. Wood will settle tlieaccounts of tliellrm. C. A. Ciiai-i.v, A. I!. Woon V. Chapín, js_ Wells. Ann Arbor, June 24, lít. Copar tnersliip. TTF. UNnURSICxNED entered into partnorskip Jan. W.lSfl::, by tlie lirm name of Chapín fe Co., and will continuo the biu-iineas of manufacturing printinj' aml wrapping paper. C. A. Chafjx, N'.CiiAriN, V. Cf!AP;y. Anc ArV'cr..T!ne24,18!3 Jijot.'


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Michigan Argus