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BANNEB HAT STORE! GOTO Before you buy, Spring and Summerstylea oi 2E3CLLII3?IL3 STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furniching Goods, &c. un Arbor, April 20th, 1864. 3iü553. EMPIEE BOOK STORE! ■ Haring purenaaed J. R. WEBSTFÏÏ'S stocfcuf Books and Stationery, I shall endeíivor to keep a constant nupply ot TEXT B00KS1 MEDICAL í LAW BOOM STAKDAHD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, ivliich will be soid at the LOWEST CASH PKICE. Also ALBUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSIÓ and a superior quaüty of WALL PAFBR! ind everytliing usually kept na well conductect Book tore. üpposite Franklin Houne. G. W. SJVOVER. Ann Arbor, June, 1864. lyDCO Rifle F actor y! Beutler & Traver, i [Successors to A. J. Sutherlund,] Manufaeturers of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition 7lashs, Poiíehes Gamt Bags, and Everjother article íl thatLine. All kinds of REFAIRIKTO one at the snortost aotice, aod ín tu e best man nor. full asflortmentalways kept, onhand and made order t&g. Shop corner MaÏD and Washington olreetn. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 1362. 873tf MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSUEANCE COMPANY Kalamazoo. HVTicli. Insures against ï,oss 01 Damage by FIre Iiightuiug. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Gunrantee Capital, by State Authorüy, S3oo,ooo,oa. DIRECTORS: J. P. Kennedy, Marrh Giddinos, A. P. Mili.8, Geo W. Sntdee, S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P Ken-nedy, Pre. T. P. Shelrion, Pr Geo. W. Snyder. Sec, A P. Mills Treas., H. E. Hoyt Ass't Sec, S. D. Allen, Gen. Agt. 940tf 1STEW FIRMÜ o GRÜNER & SEYLER i WHOLESALE & RKTAIL ÜEALERS IN I 1 TOBACCO, CIGARS, Mersehaum Pipes, &c. We, the underfiKned, beg leave to inform the CITIZENS OF AXN AliBOK and vicinity, (hat we havcthis day estabünhed a Tobacco and Cigaf buuintss in this pliice.ime door North of the Franklin Blocli Main Street, whure we shall ahvays keup afull assoitment I of the best quahties of SMOKING & GHEWIV6 TOBACCO! l as ftiso a large and choice selection of the best brands of j CIGARS! PIPES, (Mereehaum, Brier and Kosewood,) j CIGAR HOLDERS, INDIA RUBBER POUCHES, I s SNÜFF & CIGAR BOXES. d W!H be found with us of al] kinds and of I'ricks to SriT Bvkxt OM. We sliall ell all of the above mentionedartioleü and ; S1 mauy otbcrs wlilcli belong to our lino of trade at the ■ lowect poHsiblo late for ca-sh. PleasA tííillaml exaöiiiie . N. R.- Sign- Squaw with cignr box, one door north RI af the Franklin Block. GPUXEH i PEYI.ER. Sc CLOTHING AJF IGÜITERilANUO'S! Q . Haviog juat returned from Eaat with a Urge stock of SPR!áANDSUMMERGOOD$! wc iiiTitf f,11 our oUl frUmdfl aud cuhtomi-rs to come and esiuni'ie eur stock of CLOTUS CASS1MEBES & VESTIÏVGS. Dispule tbe fací if you can, It takes the TAILOll after all to give appearance to the outer man. If jou wtsh to appear well You must accordlngty Dresï Well. Go toZl. Guitsrman & Co's,, Tbere you will find things exactly SO. SONDHEIMdwaya ready to take vour measure, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasnre, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, Take heed - call early, else you are too LATE. The INDUCEJ1ENT8 are now greater than ever, Our Clkriïs you will find obliging and clever. We will Bhow you good CLOTHING of our own ketting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. 8TÜDENT8 especially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTATION, Forwarded through our New York relations. Frorn England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can rtand up in, or weab, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of every grade, We eell them froin ÖNE DOLLAR up tO EIGHT. TESTS, &C, of every deacriptson, You will find it eo without fiction, Furnirihing appakels Frotn SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This ia all we say now, Tberefore -we make our bp'W Tours truly, ever so, M. GDITERMiN. 4 Co., has a new and complete stock of mm goods bouglit before the recent GREAT R1SE IN GOLD ? Which will be Sold FOR CASH ONLY, LOWEST MARKET PRI ï Cali a nd ee ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Mot As in Fujs, Woolen, Spe., Intects on Plañís, Fowh, Animáis, Sfc. ■ut up in 25c. 50c. and $1.00 Boxes, Bottles. and 'lasks. ii auü $5 sizes for Hotels, Public I.nstitüioss, &c. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free Irom Toirtons." "Not 'laugerous to the Human Farailj." "Kats come out of their holes to die " ,6= Sold Wholesale in all larf?e cities. ■ftB Sold by all Drupm-sts and Retailere every where. , Ml BïAS !1 of all wortbless imitations. ?ee thnt "Costak's" name is on each Bol, Bottle, anil Flask, before you buy. Addresa HENBÏ R. COSTAR. , PaiHOIPAL Dkpot 482 Diuuiiway, Nkw York. SfiM by all M'holesale and Retafl Drugglfeta in lBH Arbcr. Miclniian. 6m9ñ4. I 1 0 WA RD ASiSOCIATIOW", PHII.ADEI.PHIA, PA. DIsi'hm's ofilif Ncrvous, Seminal, Urlnary nuil Sexual Systems- new and reliable 1 lent- in Jreporti of the HOWAKD ASOCIATION- ont by mail in soaled letter envolopes, free of cbarge.ddnsa Dr. .1. SKI1.I.IN IIOUGHTO.V, Howard Assocition,No 8 South Nmtli Street, l'hiladr lphia, Pennylvania, Iy969 Brownell & Perrin, lEN'L COMHISSION MERCHANTS, 183 South Water Street, CHICAGO, HL.X.I3STOIS, r )ealers in Graïn, Flour, Provisions, eeds, Green and Dried Fruits, cl er, cfec. Refereucet: " -opton, Willnrd k Keen, Chicngs. 8. Boísford k )., Ano Arbor, Micft. - - - ■ o 'jl, rarfcfciiTamt tention given to theaaTe ofGrceo id Drieil Fruit, Cider, &c. Order; for the pinchase of Clover and Tïmothy ed, Obt Meats. &C, prfirnplly atteniled to if accomn'Vd wi.tb cnb or pftt'wfacfory rpftfrwwe 93Í1 ft


Old News
Michigan Argus