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Pístate of Beal and Field, MinorT OtAIl OF MICHIGAN, C„OBTT OT W.( "' O Ata se,lon of the róbate Court lor .í "'■ aíbtenJir.hoMffli at the Probate Offic",h ""'"' Aun Ar tor on Fnday, the twent, finí1'" Octr.berlinthe year oe thou.and eigM hu '! "I s.xty teof. I'rosenf, Thomas N,nde, jid„. of í,Bd h the matter of theEstateof fcugene E r !"""■ Jamt ï. 1 wld, nrinom "' n4 On readh,;. and nling" the petition, duly „._., . Rice A. Beal, guardián of said minor "Hol that he nay be liceMed to geil certain S ÜH aid minora. real Ut Thereupon l is Oríered, that Trida flrgt day of No.cmber , kt „Se o'clocï1,??, " . noon, be assigned lor the hearing of ai,l„",ie "■ 1 thattbe next of kin of .,,1 mianI% and ' ,{ ', j son mterested in aid e.tate, are réouirid ,,,.?" "'■ aftaloi. of gi, Court then to be holden at theT'..' ' Office, In the city of AnnA.bor, D „ ,.' '"b'k show cause, if auy ,b,„ be why , pr "Oo7'ï.i( tit„.ner „houW not te gr.nfc.,1; And' M fü i,?" " l.r,l that .sa,dp,titioner nutice to the „!" terested in sa.d estáte, of the pencJency of L?!2! '' ná thehwmng thereóf, hy cíusing a cooVof der to be pubh„hed in te Michigan Arg l „ '""" '■ inntedandcrculating in saio Ccanti o W, TP1111 r three ucce.H,Tc week. previou, to gaiïday „f u ""■ (Atrn copr .) TH(JM l S NI NnE "" ■' ( Judge of Proiit, Estáte of Alexander Seifert OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County „ Wasb.e,,' OAtaesi„nofthe Probate CÍort '5Washtenaw, holden at th.Probatedflle, f„?'I Ann Arbor, on Wedne,lay tb. second da of "' t! the yoar one thousand eight huniired a.d i, , ' Present, Thomas „de. Judge of K bate '"tJ-to"ÖÜi.111" of ""E"- ' .gned forthe bf „f s„id petil n a" tb' V' previous to said day oi bearin ""ccessive „„ (A true Copy.) THOJIAS NÏNDE. 0 Jue of Prob.t, Estáte oí Michael DíIIod. OTATE OF MICHIGAN- Countj ofw..h) t Ata aessionof the Proba". Co.ít „? "' of Washteniw, holden at the Pr.ibate , ' y""T citjr of Ann Arbor, on W-dne.óay .ti" ,„"", ' "" liztz: in the year ünetii---' t:tt: Present, Thomas Ninde, Judge of Probate ceasea matter of the estate ul mcitLe „ d%_ Keiram Costello, Jr., Administratnr of said M.. comes into Court and rtpresents thatb. U „„„"!' trator er Bna' "CC0UBt a uch AJai,,". Thereapon it s Ordered, That Fridny, the iilk day o Ilewmbcr teno'elock m the foreZL be aiged for examming and allowing Zll' onnt „,} ,hat the at of tód Z ceased, anrl aUother persons interested in said .,. are pequired toappeívr at a sesión of said Cosrl th tobe holden at the Probate Ofti. the City „f ,' ATbor, m sa,,l County, an.1 show cause, f anv tam í why the said acc.unt shonld no be eiantert i i it i. further or.Kred. that aid AdminYstrS . notijeto the persona interesteii in said estate of tu peníency of said aceonnt, and thebearmg therénf Ï! cansin.e a copy of this order to be pukllried in tk. Michigan Argu$, a newapaper priateü and circuí.: , in sa.d County of Washtcn.iw. th.-ee successiie w previous to said ilay of hearing. f'' cP)'- THOMAS N'INDE "83td Jndge Of iro,fc FiiRNiTURE ROOMS One door North of Risdoa anii Henderson'i Hi4,t. Store. The,?'!5ïsigned haTinS purchased the entire itmi of W.D.Smith &Co.,rndadded largely to thením,, i ppared to lurnish bis fnends and patroo a ntf a.'Sortment of well made furniture, cbnsistiog of SOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! TABLES and CHAIHS, buèhii-a1' a'1 í0 fSdt 'eVer5rthinePerti"ítotll JL O U JT G E 8. MATRASSES, te, &c.,BMde to oríer by good and experieacíil irorkroen, and warran'ed to give ratisfaction. He lia keep. agood assortment of Cberry and WalDutLnmbn tér aale at reaxonable prices And uili also nar tb bigbeimarketpneefor Cherry, Walrut, and Whü Woo'i I.umber. P. S. He ha also purchased the new and ELEGANT HE ARS E! ofSmith &Co.,an(lispreparedtofurBisball indio Wood Coima, Melalic Cases, A3srr caskets, On the shortcst notice. Also attenfls to l.ying ort deceasíd porsutis dav and night, without charge. Alí fornitureiletivered íd the city free oi charge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, Jannary 18th, 1863. 94Otf LOOK 3ES:EjHlDE? A iarge ]ot of LIISTEN" COATS AND SÜMMER GOODS, alivays on hand at M. Guiterman & Co's, CLOTHING STORE. GiTe us a cali and we can and will sell yon cbH' andlett r goods than anv other house in thifi cili. 959tl nEMOVALI ' . N. B. COLÉ, ías removed his STOCK of BOOTS SKOES, tothe store of A. P. Mills Co., on Main Street."1 he will be glad to wíit on his oíd customers nd'' public gene rally. GIVE HIH A CALiIí! LAST CLLlTl "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN." All persona indebted to tbe late firm of SCH0KF MILI, Klí, either by note or book account, are heiíT requested to cali and make an immediate pamení ii the same, and those who fail to comply witb th'Sre' at theendof SIXTY DAYS ft-om thiadt, find their accounts in the hanüs of an oílicer forc0" lection. Ann Arbor, OctobfrlOth, 1864. 2in9"í IDIEl. SMITH'S' NEXT PRESCRIPTÍON & DRLG STORE! ís the place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMERA Writing Paper, by the Ream orless, ind all other nrticles in otir Hne. tif Especial attention to Componnding and pottin? ip Prescriptions. at the sign of GOI.D MOBTAB," hange lílock , Ann Arbor, Michigan. ÍSjL l'rofessonal calis promptly attemledto. IT5 100 Oity Lois for Sale. Ayer's Agüe Cure.


Old News
Michigan Argus