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Boy Lost

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He had black eyes with long lashes, red cheeks, and huir a'nio.-t black and almost curly. He wore a crimsou pluid jacket with full transéis buttoned on. Had a habit of wt) lading, and liked to ask questions. Was ncéompanied by a smali black dog. It's a lona: while sinee he disappeared. I have a very pleasant house and miich company. My guests sav, "Ah! t is pleasant hure ! Everything hus much of an or derly pnt-away lonk - uothing about under floot - no diit !" Bilt my eyes are ncbing for the sight of t he whitllings and cut paper upon the fioor ; et tumbled-down c rd-hoii8 es ; of wooden slieep nnd cattle ; ot pop gons, Imwfl nnd arrowp, whips, tops, go-carts, blocks, aud truinpet!". I i want to seo orumbles on the carpets, i and paste spilt on the kitchen table. 1 want to nee chairs and tables tnrned the vi'rong way about ; I want to see cand3T-n)aknp, and corn-popping ; and to find jack kuiven and fish hooks among my muslin, and vet these things ueed to fret me once. They say : - "Ah ! you have leisnre-nothing to dixturb you ; what henps of mening you have lime for." Bu I long to be aefced ínr a bit of string or an obi newppaper ; fur a cent to buy a shite pencii or pea nuts. I want to be coaxed lor a piecti of new cloth for j:bs or mainsaili', and then to hem he same, 1 want to inake little flags, and bugs to iiold mnrliles ; I want to be followed by liitle (eet all over the house; teased for a bit of dough for a bit of cake. or to mako n pie in a saneer. Yet these things used to fídsret me once. They say : - '-Áh ! you are not tied at home. How delightful always to be at liberty to go lo concerts, lectures, and parties; no confinement for you." But I want confinement ; I -Aant to listen for the school bell in Ihe moi riing ; to give the last haity wah and brush, and then to watch frem the witidow nimble feet bounding to fchool. I warrt frequent renis to mend, and to replace lot bnttot's; I want to oblitérate mud stains, fruit stains, and paint of il! C'lors ; I want to ba sittipg by a little orib of evenitiffs, wht-n wearv little feet are at rest, and prattling voices re htislied, II at others muy sing their lullabiaSj and teil over the oft repeated stories. They dou't knovv their happiness then - those motherf. I . didn't. All these things I called confineuient once. # A manly figure stands before me now. Hf is taller than I, has ttiiok black whisken, and wears a frock coat, bosomed sliiit and era vut ! He has ju.-t come f rom college. He brings Latin and Greek in hin countenunce, and biists of' the old philosopnWs f'or the sitting-room He calis ine mother hut 1 am iinuilüng to own him. He stouily dei-Kred lie is u y boy, and saya he will provo it. He brings me a prnnll puir of hile trouerp, with gov Btr pes at the aide, and asks nie if I didn't innke thfm f'or him when he' joined the boy' rnilitia. He tay heis the Very boy, too, that niiidu the bontire near the Imrn, so that we oame very neur having a fire in earnest. He brings hts liitle boat to show the red stripe on the sail (t w:ih the end of the pieee,) and tl e name o:i the stern, Lucy Luw - 8 little girl of our neighhorhood, who becauHe of her curia and pretty round face, was the chonen favorito of ry linie boy. Her curls wtre lunijsince cut off, and nhe has grown to be a till, hannsome girl, How the red cunes to his face as he shows me the nime on the boat. Oh ! I see it all as pliiin nu if it were written na book. Mv little one is lont, and my big one will gon be, Oh I if he were a liitle lired boy, in a long white nigbt-gown, lyifig in a little ciib, with me i-iuing by, hi'hlin.a bie h;i[id in mine, pushing his curls )aK frnm his forehead, watchmg his eyelids drop, and listening to his dcep breathing. If I only had my littla boy again, how patiënt I would be ! How mueh I eouJd bear( and how little I would fret ímd scold ! I can never have him back again ; but there are etill many mothers who haven't lost their boy. I wonder it they know they are living theif best ; and now is the time to really enjoy their ehildren I I tbink if I had been more to mv little bov, I might now be more to my grown up one. A Few Facts Abcut Erazil. The cinpiro of Brazil has by far a greuter territorial área than any other Soulh American Stt, souie three mil lion square iniled. Its greatest length from uorth to south is two thousand four hundred and fifty railes, and its greatest breadlh two thousand six Lundred and thirty, while it has a coast liue of neai ly fuur thousand miles. WEAI.TH AND EliSOÜRCKS OF TUK EMPIRE. Probably the greatest mineral wealtli of Brazil lies in its diaiuond9, the most inferior sort of which comes from the provinee of Bahía, which is the port just now celebra toii by the Feizure of the Florida. Gold, silver a:id iron are fouud in sinall quantitios in various provinces of the empire, and mineral coal of an inferior quality is also cbiaiued. The foresta of Brazil are altnost an inexhaustible sonrce of weahh ; from them come the caoutchoii, Brazil wood, annottr, bertholietta, (or Brazil nuts,) cocoa nut, mahogany, rosewood, granadilla, fustic, Brazilian ivy, sarsarsparilla, vanilla, ipecauuanha, copal, cloves, cinnnmon, tamariuds, chinchona, and cacao (or chocolata), of commerce. IJamboo of a superior quülity is abundant; sugar, tobiieco, cotton and tea - the latter in smail quautity - are also raised. The principa! agricuhural product of Brazil, however, iscoffee; half the worid's supply being furnished by that couutry alone. The annual exporta of coffee from Brazil to ihe United Sta'es alone, beíire the war, averaged more than one hundred and eight million pounds, while even a greuter quautity was sent to Europe. The annual export of sugar is about two hundred and tífty million pounds. POÏÜLATION. The pnpulation of Brazil is nearly, or quite eight imllions, distributed over twenty provinces. Miscegenation flour ishes to au extent that wouid gratify the most insatiate aholitionist, the population being composed of Portugese, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Germans, white nativea, callmg themselves Brazilians, mulattocs of all shades of color, from that otsugar-hou.e molasses to that oí a ■ uiikl buckwheat cake, and who are the true miseegens ; uiamalucoes, or left hand malialenkons, the descendauts ol whites and Indiana; catiacoloes, or doinesiicated Indians; wíld, simon-pure savages; free negroes lioru in Brazil, manuiniitefl Africans, and mestizoes, or zainboes. The slaves of the couutiy are uow all negroea. QOVERNMENT. The government of Braz 1 is a hereditary, limited and constitutional mouarihy, leaving the law-making power in thfi hands of the general assemblv. The present Ëmperor is Don Pedro II, who was crowned on the 18'h of July, 1841. He i said to be a veay libeial tniuded man, courteous in hi.-i demeanor, and pos sessing otherwise very amiable traits ol churacier. A sister of this sovereign is married to the Piince de Jomviile. MILIÏARr AND NAVAL STUENGTII. The standing army nuinbtirs about 20,000 men ; and in addition tliere is u national guard ot about one hundred thonsand men. This natioiml guard is similar to our militia in charaeter. lts offioers are thorou;hly drüled. and onetliird of the rank and tile can bö called into service in caae of invasión The lii'sziUan navy consi-ts'f flbout one hundred vessels - over ibirty of which are gunbnuts. Tlm total naval forcé cannot be less than five thousand meD. Brazil bas no irou clads as yet. BAIIIA OR SAN SALVADOR. The seaport, now made temporari'y famous by the seizure thereat of the Florida, is the t-econd commercial city cf Brazil. It ia situated on the west side of a strip of land fonning tbe east ■side of the entranco to Bnhiado Todoeos Santos, or all Saints' Bay, ïrnmed'iutely within Cape San Antonio. It is eight Imudred miles N. N. E. of Rio de Janeiro. The town 3 divided into two parts, in the lower part or shore, all the business houses being here located. Here also are theouslorn houses, arsenal, aud ship yard. The residences of tha wealthier ciiizens are situated in the upper towu, whcre, likewise, are the most iuiportiint public buildings. Among tbe latter are the Governor's palace, the Arcliiepicopal palace, mint, court-houe, public and military hospital, tbeatre, .and granary, The population of the city is about one hundred and thirty thousand. The harbor ol' Babia is cousidered one of the best in America, and is suitable for vessels of any size. It is defeuded b'v seven stone forts ; a liglit house is at the entrance. Vesels of war He in front ol the city, southeast of the frt known as ÍSan Marcello, while merchant vessels lie lariher west, toward the fort called Montsterrat. These stone fo-ts could be crumbled to pieces by ihe fire of our iron-clad and heavy vessels of war in a very few hours. A country rentleman, wnlking in his giitdn, s:iw hii gür'iencr asK ep in ün irbor. "Whui !" suys the luaxter, 'usleep, yon idle dng; ynu are not wnrthv that the Bun should fhine m yon " "I atn truly sensible of iny unworthiness," íinsweretl the triiiti, "and thereforo I luid my self down in the shade." A cntemporary inquirea if the young ladies of the present dity are fitted for wives. A mu oh more important inquiry is, whotber they are fitted for huebands.


Old News
Michigan Argus