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Our Exchanged Prisoners

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We publis'i bc'ov interesting extracis from H. J. W., tho regular correspondent of the New York Tinut, who aoooinpaniod the Commissiotier öf Exchange to ï-av.iniiah, uil witnessed the reception of our poor starviug prïsoners lï'uo werj overjoyed at tho re easo from a captivity worsu tbau death : PoiiT llov al, Souin Carolina, ) Moüday, Nov. 21&t, 18G-1. Tho pnst few days have been fraught vrith a very painful interest to everybody who has been conueeted in any wuy wimtever with the tschaugo of our siok and wounded prisoners now in progress on the vSavannah liivei'. Colouel Mulford bepan to receive our p'ior fellows last Friday, and the do'ivery is to continue at tbe rafe of from S00 to 1,200' per ■day, until tho iiLfgrt;gate BÜulbcr of tho vrrctched sufferin weatures, estimated at 10,000, return t) ur weleome keeping. REBEL VINDICTIVESES3. ' Of tho vindictiv.eness of the rebel authorities the irrefragable proof is lying before me, no'. a'onc iu tho es-parte testimouy and wasted hungry aspect of tho BuS'orers, whoso filth and tqualor and ■- ■ skeleton frames appeal for justiee to the Gad of justioe, but in tho official papers of tho rebel ourgeons at Andersonville, and the rocords of the charnel-houses, ' nibcailed hospita'?, at that terrestrial heil - iecord.-! nevor meant to pass the limits of the Coufi dv-rac}', but which a morciful I'roviilenca has brought to Hght. that out ■of their ovra inouths these barbarians, wkh whoai we are at war, should bo convicted. EFFECXa OF r.EBEL CRUCLTY. The task before mo I undertake with great relucíanos. Aside from the indig "iiation which every mau cannot help feeling at the visible effects of the cruelties that havo been practiced - an indignation almost forbiddÍDg a calin recital of the ' niets - the baak invests itself with anothcr difnculty, as words are found incapable of expresaiiig the revoltiug experiences sid incrodiblo hardships of ihe men who have been languishing without hope, inonth after mouth, shelterless, naked and La'f starved - to the number of from 25,000 to 30,000- liko sheep in a foul pen, dying at an average of lOü iu every 24 hou ra. It is a distressing faot, but one of which I have found abundant proof in many coin-ersations with the men so far DroiiTiii oacK-, tnat tne pnsoncrs veiy generally believe that they havo been abandoued by our Goverun.eiit. Thia wea is sedulously ineulcated by the rebo nuthorities. I am convinced that ruany a braco heart has suooumbed under the cruoi aspersión that ths sympathies of the peop!e are dead to their "woes Huusrer, nqtinlor, filth, uakedness and disease may bo borne, but that Lope deferred yhich - results in heartsickness - that longing for home which supsrinduces mental depresión, cannot long bo survived. Nostalgia i the parent of physiea! ni'ments, and, onder the terrible monotony and privations of, tiie pens, it is more fatal tha i buliet8 on tho field of battla. HOW THE EXOHANQE IS OONDCGTI.D. The rendezvous for the exehangesis at "euus Point, on the Safannah líiver, a bcüd of the gtream whenco the spires and üvauy of tbe housos 'of the city ot Savaniiah .re visible. Our boats aro invariably the first at the reudezrous, anehored ia mid-river awaiting the rebel veastls, whose tardia:ss procceds fi-om the faot that it is only at tho proper tido certain obstruetions of the channel above can be cros3ed. Fiaally they ajjpear over the low marshes, belching their turgid clouds of deuse b'ack smoke, and in ha'f an hour their uucouth, grotesque, toweriog shapes are puff ng and v toezing near us. Col.. Mulford immediateiy goes in a yawl boat to tho Gen. Beauregard, a small steauier used by Capt. Hatch, the rebel agent, as tha ilagship of his tramsport squadron, and after a lew momonts' coumitutiou, during whioh tho rolls of the prisoners are transierred, the two agenth go together on board Oiie of tha floating oSjjoL-ts 'aden with the roleased men, and she ia at once laid alongside a neat Uhíoi] ■acasel, the poor fellows are traus shippad. EFFnCTS OP LIBESTT. Thoso of thfim wbo aro ab!e to move without aid pass to he proteotion of the old flag -first ; then come tboso (alas ! thoro are many of this c!asa) who hobble on crutches, and last tbe few whose he:p lea-iness requires that tbey should be oarried on stretchers In all this operation tho greatost formality 13 obscrved A nmnbcr of robel civiiins, with bands rouud. their hats, labeled " Committce for the Woimd d," whose position corresponda withour own Sanitary Commission, accompany tho boats from Savannah to atteud ou the sick, and assist in the trasnahipment, but seldoin on either side ia a word spoken except 011. the subject of the matter in hand It is no uncominoii th'.ng to see a mau wbo has been so crij - p'ed by scrofula that crutches were noces nary to his locomotion, under the influence of his ecstacy at again being free, spurn from him. hi& artificial supports and walk. or a time, aserectandas instantaneously aa lie whom tho Saviour miraeulously curod by tho healing waters of Kethesda. Wiien, the rebel boafe nxoves off aad the meu are huddled together on tbc docks oí Qur.own vessels, all fully undrstand that tïie last link which bound them to rebeldoai ha3 boen severed, then rises hearty Iijutiog and cheering, whioh only can be giveu u-ider these circumstances. There is the muiic of intense gratefuluess in it. Turcè choers and a tiger for the old flag; tlu-CG more anda tigcirfor Col. Mu'ford; Üieu coinés a burst of song, most often the worda bjing " Rally round the flag, 1i iy.j., fromi.ear and from far-, down willi - th- traitor and up with the star," the rc'djls still within hearing. APPEAKANCE Oí TÍIE PKISONKRS. The vermin iüfested rags, till now hio-hly priz d as the on'y cover for nakcduess, are rudely torn off and iiung into the water or eist with. glee into the flaming furnaees of the Bteamors, and new clothes are issued, and a gouerjl cleaning time inaugurated. the bathing h:is long been ueuded, and scurce'y comss soon enough. il.iiy of the msu, through illness or careltfisTieas, are so begriined with ülth, that, were it not for tho doad color of the blajlced epidermis, they might be taken fir tht:.[v)in-)f Ham. The stoamor Eiiza ILincrv.k, ons of the exohange flcet, lias a duok, áffvtrdíog room for dancing, uuu Torp; iohoru fiud hor volados, eveu though they ara taUerd.-nialioug, wbo i dauou uot uugracofully iu their streaiuing I rags. TOOD FOR FAMISHBD MBN. As soon as possiblo, barrels of hot i coffee are prepared, and hanis aro cooked, and boxea of hord bread opeued, tbr the refreshmont of these men, to whoin dei cent füod bas been for a long time unj known. Tt is a touehing pight to see tliem, caeh with bis quart can, filo by the 1 steaining coffee barrels, and receive the ! refresliing draught whase taste bas long ! been uufamiiiar. It seems soarcely possib'e tbat rucnahould feel such chi'dish joy i as they express in once inoro receiving eoimnon stimulant. And theu, the eagcr, hungry glare which tíieir glassy ! cyos cast upon the chunks of ham as they oliiU'h and devour their allowanco with a wolf-like avidity ! HORRIBLE SDriEKINGS. Such is the condition of the men whom wo are now receiving out of chiva'rous ! Dixie. These, the sous, brothers, hust bands and fathers cf the Norh. Men reduccd to living ske'otons ; men almost naked ; shoe'css men, shirtless men, hatless men ; meu with no othr garment than an overcoat ; men tvIiosc skins are blackencd by dirt, and hang on their pro'ruding bones loosely as bark on n troc ; men wbase very presence is simply disgusting, exhaling an odor so fetid tbat it almost stops the breath of those uuaccustomed to it, and causes an involuutary bmshiiig of the garments, if with them thore is accidental contact. Imagine 25,000 of such wretched creatures penned together in a space scarce'y lai-ge enough to liold them, and compare their cpnditióc with the most miserable condition tbat can be imagined. The Buffet' ing of the Eevolutionary ciares on the prison -sbipg at Vval'about Bay will not stand the coinparison, and the horrible sight in the Bkekboie of Calcutta soareely excel iu atrocity. FRiaiITrüL JIORTALITY. Before the change from Andersonville was made eeren thoumnd vidims had been buried, uncoffined, in the ahallow trenchea ncar the prison. From the official record I transcribe the number of deaths da'ily, from July 23d, to Sopt. öth, inclusive : ■ July 23, 46. Aug. 15, 120 Ju'y +, 59 Aug. 16, 107 July 25, 68 Aug. 17, u July 26, 65 Al. 18. 8S July 27, 77 Aug. 19, 101 July 28, ?0 Aug. 20, 107 July 29, 83 Aug. 21, 86 July 30, 71 Aug 22, 122 July 31, 96 Aug. 23, 127 Aug. 1, 74 Au . 24, 102 Aug. 2, 78 Aug. 25, S3 Aug. 3, 75 Aug. 26, 103 Aug. 4, 74 Aug. 27, 98 Aug. 5, 90 Aug. 28, 90 Aug. 6, 103 Aug. 29, 115 Aug. 7, 7 1 Aug. 30, 05 Aug. 8, 95 Aug. 31, -92 Aug. 9, 95 Sept. 1, 105 Aug. 10, 85 Sept. 2, 164 Aug 11, 103 Sept 3, 113 Aug. 12, 81 Sept. 4, 94 Aug. 13, 109 Sept. 5, 98 Aug. 14, 114 Of fhe crueltj of Capt. Wertz, the rebel offiocr haviug charge of the prison at Andersoavillo, all the prisonera gpeal in unmeasurcd terras. His viudiotiveQCSBisattributed to tho faot that during 3ue of tbc Union raids in Alabaiaa hia property was destroycd.


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Michigan Argus