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sïïciiïnFSSSlmoAD, Traius n&w leave the station in this city a; follows ; WKST. Mail, 9 40 a. M. Day Express, 12.20 p. i. Dexter Accoiumodaliou, 6.50 " Express, 7.10 " Night Express, 1.15 a. m. ïat. Evening Express, 4.80 a m. Dexter Aceommodatlon, 6.40 " Night Express, 8.15 " Day Espías, 4 05 p. m. Mail, 8.10 " pHEKOKEB MEDICINES! THR AFLICTED aro requtd to eurefully perme he a'U'ertisütnünt of Dr. W. II. Mehwi.v & Co.'jJ Cel bratcd Clurtktc }!idicines. in ariother column of this paer, and cali innnydiatt;y upon IbO Trupgiát narueii at h foot of tbo . dvertisenieot and (jet our 32 pa;f PamphUt, givftig much int'iresting and rnluable iufor mation to bolh ui: xe.i, mitle or (emale. If tlie pamphets are not to be obfitined at your Orug Store, end at lince tu US, and una wiil bo sent to you in a ttaléi n vehpe, free of postage. '':driss. W. R. üEIiWIN Jï CO., lmi'1 63 Liberty St., N. Y. 'yo coxsTj"mpt"ivesí Consumptiye iuïTerer wiil receive t. valuable proscriftliiiD för 'hö cure of Consumjtion, Asttima. Brunelutis. and all tbroat and l.ung atlectiuüi, (free of charge,) bjiemlini; their addre t'j Rmr. LDWARD A WILS.1N, 3u:975 W lliamsljurg King Counly, Kew Yurk. PROF. R. J. I.YO.VS' Patic-nts nod U otbr mlcrrcated u i!l picase tato cotice thal he will eontiu ue hia visita at the Monitor House. Aun Arbor, during 1801 and 'S.ïanl at '.he expiratiun of which he willdis continue hii Tisits and op'ju an Innriuary at Clevelaud, Ohio, for the trealment ol Lung aDd Chest diseases. DO V'OU WIH Tl RK CUREIJt DR. BUGIIAN'S ENCI.ISH SPECIFIC I'II.L5 cure, in les tban 30 day. the wor-4 caie of fíERVOÜSMESS, Impotency, Prima ture DecHV, Seminal Weakiiess, Insanity, añil al] Uní aary, Sexual and Nervous AllVctions. no matter from wíiat cause produced. Price, Uno Dollar per box Srt, post paid by iKaíl, ffn receipt order. One 3ox irill perfecttuecurein m .t cases. AdñTess JAMES S. BUTI.1ÏH, 3mD36 General Agent, 427 Broadway, N'ew York. A GOOD TREE IS KNOWN BV XI ITS FRUIT. So t gooit Plivician by hia Succesafu] Worlt. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREATAND CKI.KBRATED PHYSICIAN OF. THE" THUOAÏ, CCKG3 AND CHKST, Known all ovr the eountr; as tlie Olsbrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOEl From South America, wil] "be at nis rooms, RUbSELl. HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8tb and 19: h iost.,on the sama dale ofan-J ever subsequent moDth uring 18C2 and 1863 A XK.lT PAMHHLET Of th life,3tufl aud entenslve travels 6f Dr. byort oan be procured by all whodesireone, free of cbarG. Dr. L wil! visit Aan Arbur, Juckaon,nd Adrián, Mtcb. , aa follows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 20th. Jackson. Hibfeard Hons, Sist Adrián, Brackett use,2Jd and 23J. Mode of Eiamjnatiok.- T)ji D'x:tor discerní dijeases bytkeeyes. He, thcrefore. asks o quetions nor req irespaKeuts to explain symjitoms. Afllicted, come and have your symptoms and the location of your dieaveexplained frfce of charge Editor op ABGra: Dbau Pm:- With your permÍBsion I wish to Ray to the readers of your paper that I will send. by return mail, to all who wisli it (free), a Rcceipe, vrith full di rectioQs for m:ikinjr and using a simple Vegetable H.ihn. that will eifectuallv remove, in len days. PimP"'s, ñlulohes.i.m, í'reckles, and all Impuritie of the Skin. leaving tut; sumo soft, clear, snijgth and beauti ful. I will also mail (roe to thosehaving Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, sirni,!o directions and information that will enable theia to start a fuil growth oí Luxuriant Hiir, Whikr, or a Moustache, in loss than thirty days. All applicatluns answeied by return mail without charge. ' Re5pectfu!lv yours. TH JM AS F. CII P5UX, Chmist, 3m"66 831 Broadway, New York. A Gard to llie Kufferiiig. SWALI.OW two or three hogsheads of " Buchu," " Tonic Bitters," ' Sarsaparilia," '-Neivous Antidotes," &c-, 5ic, kc.f and after you are fiatislied witli the result, tlicu trv ohe box of OLI) DOCTOR Bb'CHA.N'S ENGLKH Sl'EdFlC PILI.S- aud be rewtored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. - Xhey anj purely vegetaole. pleasant totake, prompt and salutary in thoir ettect.s on the broken-down and sh.iïte'rèH onstitution. Oíd and young can take them witii advantagc. IinporLed and sold in tho Uniter. States only by JAMES 8. BUTLER, No. 427 ISroadw .y, .New York. ty Agent for the United State P.S. - A Box of the l'iils, secuvelj pac]ced_ will he mailed to any address on ri'ccipt of pece, wnich tt OXE DOLI AR, post paid- monej refunded by the Agent if otire satisfaction if not (jiveu. 3m966 R E A Ti Excitement in Piano Fortes ! WM. B. BRADBÜRY'S ' New Scale Pianos In the Ascendnnt ! ! ! Seven first premiums awardcd in foor weeksoTer overy competitor. GOTTSCHALK, the Renowned Pianist, says: They are the btst tinC most perfect piano dow maf, for thorongh wfirkninnship. power, purity, richnesn, ind fqnality, of tone they excrl. J. BENRY WHJTTEMOtlE, Ocd. Agent fur the titate, 179 JciTersoa Avenue, DetroitM'-s V. O. Fosirr ? irv BÜthOrif M A-ent for Ann Lrfeur. Room ín Rxehftoge BIn-k. I


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