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] CHEROKEE PILÍS heülth" pheserver CERTAIN AND SAFE. íVr íi Femoral of Ütíttntctíáni anü the TnsuranM tjf RyuUrity in thé Ifccvivmce o thê iïunihly FeriGds. pg They cure or obvíate theae nuraerous dlteii-ici, that spring from ii -regular, ty, by reraoving the iriegularity itaclf. They cure Buppreftsed, Kxces&We and Painful Menaimation. f3@r They cure (i roen Slckiiegi (Chlorosls). t32y They cure Nervous aad Splnal AffecÜonj, Ïnma iii the baclf, anti lower parta of th"& body. Icfiviiiysfl, Puiljíue on iljght oxevtion, Palpitation of the Htart, Loxvness of Spirits, Hystéria, Hek Ifvii'UicJu!, G idd inesa% etc, etc. In a word, by re movinji the Trrrffiularitjf, they remove the cau3e, and with It ali. tlie tlTeota that spring from It. 3f Composed of simple vegetable extracta, they contain nothing deleU-rioua to any constitutlon, howcvci' delicate, their fuactluo belng to substituto strengthfoi1 wcakness, whlch, when properly used, they never fail to do. féff They raay be safely used at any age, and ai any peiiod, exckpt iichinu the first tiïrek month, during wtiieh the unTaÜing nature of thtir actloa would infalltbly prevent nrognnncy. X3& AH ltttera setkinp Information or adrlco wlll Ue promptly, freely and discreetly annwered. gty Kuil directïona accomi-;my each box. gtj Prieel 1 per box, or gix boxea for $ö. 8Í5" Sent by raa'J, iïee of postage, od reoelpt of price. Cy Pamphk'tg sent by maiPlYee of poitage, by DR, W. R. MERWIN Sc CO., 63 Liberty St.f New York, Proprietora, DR. WftKGHT'S REJUVBN1ÏING ELIXIR! Or, ESSENCE Oï1 LIFE, Prcpured from Pure Vegetable Extracta contaltais noLhiiiit iujurloui t t..t iuut dollCUt. "Ai the Phcenlz rlücs f rom the imhen oflU flre, nnlmatcd w!th ueiv Ufe'- so díte thU Ellitr i-ejnvenatti tlie ayutem autl overcoite dlottc - The Rejuvcnating Klixir Í3 the retult of modern dlscovevies Ín ttit; vegetable klngdom belng an entlrely new and abstract uiethod of cure, lrreipectlv of all the oíd aud worn out aystema. " Thls ra.'dic"ine ha3 been tested by the moat eminent medical monofthe day, and by them pronounoed to be ouuof the greateat medical dl9coverlei of the age. tr One bottle will cure general Deblüty. A ftw düses cures Hystei es in feraale. fST1 Onebottle cure Palpltatlon of the Heart. f" From ou'eto three bottles restores the manlluessandfuU vigor of youth. t A Few doses restores the appetite. Three bottles cure the worst caae of Imjwtency. E3S" A few doses cuves the low apirïted. %ÏW One bottle restores mental power. E $fA few doaet restorts Vte orgnm of gmtraUan, tW A few doses bring tlie rose to the cheek. 135 Thls medicine reatoivs to manly rigor and robust heatth the iuor debÜItated, wora-down and despali-ing. %W The Ustles3, euevvated youth, the over-taskcd man of business, tle vlctim of nervous depretsion, the Individual saforlng from general debílity, or from. wtafciléss of a singlt organ, will all find immedlate and parmanent relief by the use of tbia Elixir or Essence of Lifu. t3? Prlcé, $2 per bottle or three bottles for $5 and fonvüi-ded by Expreu, on vecelpt of money to auy addruss. tTThc CliArokce Pilis and Reja vonaliniï Elixir are old by all enterprUinr Drug'L-iU In the clvtUzed vrorld. Some unprinelplea dealers, however, try to aeil worthless compoundi in place of these ; those which tiiey can purenase at a cheap )rlce, and .make more money by telling, than Uiey ean on these medicines. As you valut your health, aye, the health of your future offspring, do not bo deceived by auch unprlnclpled l)ru;giits, aak for these medicines and tak no othtra. If the Drugglst will not buy thera for you, enelow; the money in a letter, and we will send them to you by Express, securely sealed and packed, fre from observatlon. Ladies or Gentlemen can address us In perfect conödence, stating fully and plainly their diseasea and syiuptoms, as wetreat all diseaaes of a chronie nature In male or female. Patients need not heal tate because of their inability to vlslt us, as we har treated patiënt successfully In all portions of the civillzed globe, by correspondence. Patients addressing U3 will please state plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, and wrlte Postoilice, County, State and name of wiiter, plain, aad Inclose postage stamp for reply. We send out 82 page Pampfdet fret to any address. Address all letters for Pamphletg or adrice to the proprittors, Dr. W. R. MERWIN & CO., No. 63 Liberty street, New York. CA. (OOK, Phicaoo, No. 26 Market Strett, General Agent Tor the States of Illinoia, Iowa, Wlconsin, Michigan aad Indiana, who wlll lupplf Drugglsls at our regular card prloea. Sold by Vhol?flilti Drugjists in Detroit, also by STfiÜBlNS & WiLsSÜJK, AnuArbor. S52yl Mr. Matbwü firat prepared tlio VKXETIAN H.V1IÏ DYE ; ince tïjat haS been used by thounands, ttnd in no inatance has it íailod to givo uutire satisfacVion. The VEN'ETIAN DYK l thft eheapöst in the world.- lts price is only Ftfty Couta , and each boitle contains doublé the quantity ol dve in thos'e u.tnaliy sold for 1. The VEN'KTIAN DYE Is wsrranted not to Ibjur ihe hflir or tlie ncalp in tho slirhlít degree. The VENETfAS DYF works with rapitiitr and ccrtaiuty, the h&ir requning no preparation whatever. The VEVETMN DYE produces any tihade that n:ay bo dsired - one that will not t'&de-, crock or wib out -on e that is as permanent a the huir itslf. For salo by all druggiüts. - Priee 60 etits. A. I. M ATHEWS, General Agent, 12 Gold Hrpet, New York. Also, MAuufactlffrer of Mthbws A unica Hair Gloss, the beat hair oresuicg in use. In Urge bottlea, price 50 cents. Iy966 CLOTHES WRINGER! Tlie ONI.Y reliabie lelfAdjusting Wringer. NO WORK TO 5WSLL OR SPLIT. NO THUMB.aCRF.W8T0 GET OUT OF ORDER. WAIUUNÏKD WITÜ OR WITHOLT COÚ-WHEEU. IttooktlittHRSTTREJlIUMat Fifty Seren Statd anö Cnunty Fairs in 18G3, and la, without ac xcttptiollj the be-t wringer evr made. WilAT EVtRY BODY KNOWS, rl: That iron wil galrantzed wilj Dot rust; That a simple nnvchme in betlor thau a oomplicated one ; Tht & Wrlnuforshouldboielf adjusting,du.-abli and effleien! ; That ThuTöb-Scrtws and l'&eteningg cause dolay and ti ouble to rfgulatfc ivnd kei-p in order; That ïvood souked iu hot water will gwell, ehrir-k aad plit; Tliat irood bearmgs for the shaft to run In will waar oot; That the Putnam Wringer, with or without ooftwhettln, will not tear the clurthPfi; That cog-wheel regulator uro not ential; That the I'utnaui Wriuger has all the advantagen, anfl uot oue of the disüti k iibove named; That all who have testftd It prouounce it the beat wringer over made; That it will wring a thread or a bed quilt without alteration We miffht fill the paper with testimoniáis, but insert only a few to convluee the skoptieal, if such thore be; anti we sfiy to hII, %t 'Lunarns' Wringer. Test itTHOROUGHLY with ANY and ALL othern. and if not entirely atisfactory return it. PCTNAM MANqFACTCSJ.VO CO., (rntlemen- 1 know from practical eïperlonce that Irou wqjlgalvajiiled with tinc wij! ootoxidiie or rust one partieiè. Tbs Putuam Wringrr Is as npar perfect as posBiule, and I caa chctjrfully rocomnend it to by the best in use. Respectfully your. JNC. W. WHEEI.ER. CloveIand,Ohio. Manjyearselper!neo In the galvaniiios buin enablc me to endorse the aborc statement in all particulara, JVO. C. LEFFERT5, No.KJO Beekman Street. Kew York, January, 1864. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by practical working, and touw that it will do. It is cheap; it is simple; itrequires no room wheiher at work or at rest; achild ñau opérate it; it does itsdutr thorouRhly; it avos time and it sa ves wear and tear We earnostlv advise all who havo Mica washing todo, with all ntelliïent persons who have Asy, to buy thU wringer It will pay for itpelf in a vear at most. Hox. HORACE GEEELEY. Patented in the IJulted States, Knflnnd, Canada and Australi. Enorgetic njon can jnake (rom 3tolO dollars per day Agentt wanted in evtry ttwn. and in all parts of the world. Sample Wringer ent, Express pald, on receipt of prlce. No.' 2, $6.50; Nï. 1, r.6O; No. F. Í8.60, No. A. f9 20. Manufacturen andsold. wholosal and rct&il -b Sjk THEPOTN-AMMAKCFACTCRLKGro, ' ! No.MPluftStroet Kw York, and Cleyobuid', Crtun' I Ttf r, S. TOHTHSïOF Aant.


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