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DYSPEPSIA," AN"I ül .- Ii.t S -,S I E s U t, T I K 3 F O5f DISORDERS OF THE IITEB AND DIGESTIVrf ORGANS, ARK CORKD 117 HODFLAND'S 6EAMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENIHQ f $ se i g . . Tiifse lilltm 'hixï jfi loiiücti morr l'urci HAVE AU ütHilVHBÜTTERSATISFACTIO Sïhttc lunrt 'I'cslljïioiiy ! Üi-Vd MOK E IiESPECTAHLE TEOriB TO V UCÜ FOK IIJEU ! l fl n} In r artlcfo In tin' ju ui 1 cl. We deiy a:iy une to coutradigt itiis Asserll&B, A.D WU.L, PAÏ ,!X:O ru anjr QB ■ wijl produce a (.Yrtif!, ate ubl.íi' by U, timViK uut ttjtm, HODFIAKD'S GEH1IA1V BITTERS WILI. (Xith i.v evi:i:v casi; of Chronlc 01 Nervous Debiiity, Dlsciuo of the Kidueys, aiil Dieeasea nriaiug iiom öitoi uoied Stojppch. Oittrer iki fuli-tchui tmpiom, nsnliiitg (rum IMstrim of thr Digestid OrgaiiK i ConstlpfcUoH , iriM ui WïïeA, rullnwfi of Blond t Ui hnil, Ani'ütr, of !l, itoipjpu, Kni-.sna. ;ie: rtkuri). DUguit fwllxid. l-'ulliit-n.s ur i-ljlii inr.lieïtwiack Sour KrucM'lops, si:ti:tr ,.r )UIt. Tni„ .,, ,)t f]t uf the s-'lii-u.'li, Sniu.iuiag ui ti.e liud, Jlurri-d Hfïd ■IJfiiculf brc:ithiu;, Flurterirp t thd Ill'iirl . t'Jjijktog ..i üili.'u, Ktiiig iu, atiüiid wti,-r: ju a L Dg I' '-'uro-, ui Viawn, Doita örWelMtMTor :-t-!,t, fevi.r ai'J ij:ill F':iiü in tli(j Ilt-a 1. Dtflaienef ol Irsplralion, VplluK no of Ujb Skin anll Eye. pln In thasido, biKlehcllliq6a", Ac.. Sgdden flunh eB Of Hoat, Binninï in the Plesb, Coohum liuugiuinss ufEvIl nt(J Gr&t Dei)resiün of Sp.;itt, THAT THIS BITTERSIS MOT ALOHOLIO, COXTALVS HO RUM OR WHISKEY. A.KD OAN'T MAKE CRVNARDft. BUT REAÜ WJIO SA VS SO FrouitU lier. Il O. Beek, Pator of Ui B.i.tUi Ubucclt, l'ealln-rion,. J '.orjieüy of th Nortk BebtiatCliurch, l'lilladolpul. ' ' ♦♦ 1 hite kaoim Hooiao J' üermin Bittert faroraMr fornumberol yr.-. 1 have asej thom Io my ,wi fomily , umi have liscn so pleaswi wit), th-jr ff;t ht I ivaa induwdt recciumond them to uianj otherj an4 kuuur xiuLlÜmy liaïdojrtrateil ia a trikingly banefiaUl manner. I iaku great pleasuro ín thus publclr rcluiming thia fact,and calling the ntteution of thon afflicted with the diesfsfor which thej ar rtcommended, to the bittera knewing from eiperlenc. tht rooommendation wil] Ijf ustíined. Ido thi mor cl.epifullj as Houüand's Bitters lt intnded tu bMtl tho aíliicted, aaIiii -'not a ruui drúik." Yourstrulj, LEV1 O. BKCK. From Kcr. 3. Newton Broirii, I). D. Editor of theKnorcloj.eiüa of Eollgiou Know)eJKo nd Chrútuin Chro clc.l'hilïdolphia. -mvmtílthough iiotdipo?d tofaror orreomraend PaUat Medioinds in general, tUrough distrust of their iuri dients and effect, I yut know of nu aufficient riuou why a man mnj not teatify to tbe benefit he beller. hliuSülftoharèreceiTcrtfrümauy imple preparation in tin Hope that hu maj thua coatribut to th balt I dothlsmoraroadijj In reaM to Hoolland1 Gttman Bitler, p.f ] ared by I'r. C. M. Jackson of tbl city.becausel w prajuHiwd igsmat tlic.n for in.., years,unJortlieimiirJslon tha-, tuty n-ere cliiOy .. alchoholic mixture. I ani indebtrd to mv (Viend Rek r-rt Shocmakf r, Eq., fur the reraova] of "thia prj'udi Ijv proper i(í, nuil for cncouijjempit to try 'hiipm ben sutrcrinK frumgreat an.! lünp eontmu.d debilltf The utv of three bottlcial ll.eso bilter at the berls' nsng .jfthe present vear, M, Inllowed by eridout rílieí and restoratkm u a dagree of bodily and mental Tlr which I had not for aix aintb bofore, nd had ltuo.t despaired of regalnlng. therefore tbank God mi af frietid for dirocting ce to tle use of th-m J. NEWTON BROWN, PhiU. From theRer. Joa. U. Kcnnard, I'astor of th lOthBs tist Church. . Dr. Jaokaon :- Dear Sr:- I hare been iroquently raque-rtted to connect mr name with cummertdatioog f different kinds of mojlcim-s, but rfgarding th piaotie as out of my appr.-priate sphere, f liRro in all eaiM decliued ; but with a cU'arproof in vari.-ïu instan and particulatly lu my family of tbe usefullnei of I) HonBand's Serman Bitten, I depart lor nnco from ar usual courge, to PKpress my ïliII ccnvictlon that ' neneralrtebiüty of tbe syatem and espeniallr for Út C.miplaint, ït is a safe and TaJuaWe preparation Ia KomeeaeltmylKiI; but nsually, I dou t not it wlU bo vcry beneficial to thoso nho uffer from lh' abov cause. Your,Terv resnctfully, J. u KKNNARJ). Ki,;hth belon Coates Street, Pbil. From Ree. Warren Randolph, Pastor of tb Bsnluii Church, Oermantown. Penn. 'Ifttmm Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Oear Sir : - PerüoaalxprlBM enalileti rao to say that I rpgard the Oerman Bit1#B preparad by you as smosl uxcel ent medicin. In ai oí aavere cold and general dcïbility I have been gratl beneñted bv the use of tbe Ditter, and duubt not thu will produce similar effeets on others. Your, trulr, WAKKEN' RAfDOI.PH. Ueimantown, P Fiom ReT. J. II Turaer, Pastor of Ileddm tl M. Church, Phila. Dr. Jackson ;- Dear Sir .- Haring uned your Oimi Bitters in my family frequently, 1 am preparad t ar that ithaben of great service. I bslierc thatiii aut casescf gsnerai deb'ility of the ystem lt is th salMt and nioat Taluablo rdmedy of wiiich 1 hare anr knovldg. Youm.resunctfullj, J. H.TURKER. No. 726 N. N;ueteentb Ktreei From th R.J, M. l.yons, foimerly Pastor of ta Oolumbuo, (K, J.) andMilïstowu, (Pa.) Baptist Chureh New Rochell, N.T. Dr.O. M. Jackson :- Dar."ir:- Helt it a pl.r thua,.f my own accord to boar totimouy to the zei lonee of the 'lerman Bitters. Some years ino, btlnr much affiicteu wiïh Ityspiiiiia , I uïed them with Trr bensQcial renults. I hare often roeominended thesa Xm persons pn'wbled by tlmt )nrmentiii(f diseas. and har heard from them the must fiattering testiinonial as W their great ralue. In cases of general debflity 1 ■. liovo it to ba a tonio tltat can not bo iurpasuet] ' J M LYOXIl Finm the Her . Tho. Winter, Pattor ol Roxbrmk Baptist Churcli. Dr. Jackson - Pear Sir: -I fcel itiluoto your 4ent preparatinn, Hcoflaud'K (.ierman Bitters, to add ir testimony to the desprred reputation it ha obtaind. I have foryeara, at times, been trmtbled witb grat 4i ordor in my heaii and nermua yMtPm. I wat adrle4 tv a frietid io ti y a bottle of your Germán Blttr. I ilid o and have expori nced great and utiexpected r tiefi my bealth ha been rerv mn terially benfltt4. I confUentlj rccomnicnd theartiele w ere I mnt wltl case similar to my own, aud hare been asurd j many of the'r good f fiects Rcspectfully your, T. WINTER, Roxboroujh Ta. FromRev.J. 8. Herman of the Germán Rfra4 Clmrcb . Kutrtown, Iierks Co Pa. C M. Jackson : - Peüpecled Pir . - I baT e troubled with I'yspepsiñ neftrly twenty years, and aar never used any medicine that die me us much good aa Iïonflftnd's I am very mucli iraproved in heU4 aftür having taken flvo bottles Yours.with n-spect, J. 8.HKRMA. I,arge Size, ("holding uoarly doublé quantítr ,) $1 00 per bottle- half ioi. $5 t. PmaH Siie- "6 cents per Bottle- balf down H oa, BEWARE OP COÜNTERFEITS. Soa that the sii;naturo of " C. M. JACKSOK" la n the WRAPPER of each bottl. Hhonld your nearest Drupgiut net bare th artiel, i not be put off by iptox'ofttiïir preparalions that mar h iffered in its place, but f end to uh ,and w will forwarl, !ftcurly exprés. Prineipal Office nd Manufaotory, NO 63IARCH STREET PHILADELPHIA. Jones fe Evans. Successors to C. M Jachton tf (Je. PROPBIE.TOR-B. ' For sa-le by Drapgisth and Dealers in erery t thT7j!ti ftarsa. srar


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