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rjMHE RÜOTS AND THE LEAVES ■jL W1LL bc lor th.e He&liug oí the Nationa. Sible. THE GREAT ANtD CELÉBRATE!) 1'IIValOl N of the ' TÜK0AT,LAJNG6, HKAUT, LIVR AND Tilt; BLOOD, ■ J Known all over tli e country as tb ClilEBKATKD Of 28:2 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ühio. WUlvtsit the folio wmg place, vii APPOINTMENT&ÏOIÏ 1862, 1863aud 184. Prof. R. J. Lyon can be cwcüuitüd at the folio ing placen every month, viz: Detroit, KutíselHousí', each month, 18 th and 19th. Anu Arbor, Monitor House' , each mouth, 20th. Jackson, Hibbard Hoase, eaeh month, 21. 4 Adrián, lírackbt Houtse, each month 2á and23d. Tuledo, Ohio, Colima House, ach moatb. 2-itli 26 th íí and Sfith. ' ' " Hilltdale, Mieh. , HHUdale IIoíibc, cach mooth,27t]. Coldwater, Mich-, Soutnern Micliigau üourc, ea-h mensh, 28th. KH;h:irt, Klkhart Housp, each month . 29tii. South Beod, Iiid-, St. Jo, liuel, each mooth, 30. La porte, Intl., 'iY-e O arden Ut ase, each month 3l8t. Vv'ooater , Ohio, Craudell i'xch.uge, each uioutk 7th andSth. H Manalitld, Ohio, Wiler Houm each monih, 9th and - lOth. Mt. Veruon, Keayon House-, ech month, llth and 12th. N'ewark, Ohio, líolton House, each ruorrth, 13th and I4lh, FaineBviUe.Ohio, C6irlR Hmé pftffh 4th CLKVLLAND, OHIO, RESIDENCK AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERÍÜR STEEKT, r Eat oï the piíblic square, opposite the Pofitofflw. Office. ilay each moiHh, lst. arf. 4th, 5tb, 6th, lóth.- k OÜictí lioursfi'um 9 A. t. to 1 M, ad froni a 1'. M. to 4 1'. M. Outfuoday trom 9 to 10 A U.,and 1 to 2 P. M. fff MKxi m ú ift rieti y adherecí to-. I ífivo muc'í balmaa hav no strife, VVith utuie or the law of Ufe, With hlooii my hands I liever 8tainr Norpoison laeu toeaso theirpaia. Ileit a pkysician indeed , who Cures. Tlie Iiliao Hoyw Ductor, R. J. l,YtNTS, cures the Iowíds; conapiftiutK in,:the most obstinate stages of their J existt'Bce , vi.: DiüönsvM of tho Tliroat , Lunt-a, Heart, Iiver, Stomach, Dropsy in the Oh est , Hheum;itUm , Neuralgia, Kits. or Falliiifi Sickn('sH,and all ut her a t;rvr us'lera noemen ts, AUo iilliliseasesol' tlie blood such a Scrofula, Krysipelas, Cancers , Fever doren, Leprosy, and all other complicattrd cliruic complaíBl. AU'form of female dit&irulti-es attedd to with ths happiest resulta. It is hoped that no one wiïl den-pair of & cure untiï 1 they have given the Iiiüian Herb Doctor '■ Medicines a faii and faithftil trial. ((QDuring the DoctoTitraTelti in Kurope, West Indies, South America, and the Uoited State, he has been the instrument in God'a hand. to rewtorc to hciilth and vigor thousands who were givenup and pronmuiced incurable by ihe most eininentold school physicians; nay, more, thoiïHnds whowerenn the Terge of the grave, are now living a nioi.umiitH to theludian Ilerb's Hoctor's Bkill and s .successful treatment,audare daily exclairaing; "Biessedbetheday when first e saw and partook of the ludían Herb l)octt)r's medicine." Hatisfactory rpferencesof c.ires wiïl be gl&dly and cheexfuU.v given henever requircd. The Doctor piedles his word and honor, that he wil! in no wise,directly or indirectly, induce or cause any iuvalirt to takt liis medicine without Ihe strongist -■ ability of a cure. Mode of examination, which is entirelyiifFerent j from the faculty. Dr. Lyon professen to discern i iaase by tlie oye. He tuerefore askn noqueütiouH, nor (ioeshe require'patientPto explain lymptomR. Cal] one and all, init have tliesymptnms and location of your diseawpfixplained free of charge. -ThP poor sliall be liberally considered. Aif"Postofllceaddresí, box 2663. R. J. LYOXS, t: Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. C5.18G2 lyPBO O. BliISS Would take thi raethod ofinforming hjs old friend and patrons and all others who may favor him with their patronage, tb at he has greatly enlarged his 8tock and Assortment ! ; and fcavtng adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTU IN BUYING & PELLIXG is prepared to peil Goode at "ï=l OAAOXLCI X3X0 FrlOOSf IIia stock conslsU d par 01 the l'ollowiug: - AMERICAN AND OTHER ipfpg lTatchcs ! lífl 4 TbeCelebrated - SETHTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CITAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CÜTLËRY I FazürSjPhears, Scissors mul lïruphcf, RDGKRS P LATEI) WAKE, the best in marset, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, ■ PAPER and ENVELOPES, Musical Instruments, Strivg S; Bnoks for Instruments, of Qold, Süvcr, Steel, and Platrd, wilh PERISCOPIO GLASS, ' a superior article. Persons liavïng diflicnlt watchea to fit with gUsset nnbe accoiuodated, as niy stock is largeaaii comlete. P. S. Particular attention to the o'all kindn of fine Watches, such au Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinimiê. Siaffs, and Gylindem. Aha clocks, sc r:ErwE:Li:Rr5r tieatly repaired and war-anted, at his old atandi-st side of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann trbor.NoT. 25,1862. 826tl GREAÏ.GSEATER GREATEST BAEGAIN8 EVER OFFERED In thisOity.areuow being offered at thO CHEAP.CLOCK.WATUU, & jowelry Stoi-oTHF.Sbscriber wouldsny to thecitizen of Ann Arbór i particular, nH Lhe reet ot Wnhtenaw CnuntT inaonernl, thnt hohaajUBt 1MPOKTED DlRECTLY from EÜROPK. Tremendous Stock of Watchcs! Ali of which hft binde himaelfto aell CHK APKRthao can be boughi west of New York City. I havo aUo tne CELEBRATED AMEIVCAN WATCHES, which I wlll ei' "■ R"ery Vvatch warranted to Derform well.orthe munüy retnnded. K Clocki, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fanc Good, Gold Pen, Muilcallnatrument and .String, Cutlery, te., and fnfactayariet.y of everytbin)! u.unlly kept jyJowelorcan be boughtforthe next ninety dajrs at viur OWN V RICES! Periom bi!yin(!nythlng at thia wel' known establietnnn ut con rcy upnn gttting goodv exact'y as representRd, orthemoney refunded. OaJleurly and iecure the bett bargaine ever ofï'ered in thii City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : Weare prepared to raake any reDalrsonfine or com' mon WHtches.even to mdkiníío er the entire watch if neccflBnry. RepHirlnfr of Clocke and Jewelry ai usual. Alad the mniifacturlnir ot ItINGS, BROOCHS or auything defred,frotn California ÍJold on ghortno tice. Eneravtptï in alliubranchusexeented wlthneat nusanddispatch. J C. WATTS JJissolutfon Notice. rpHRFIRM OK CHAPÍN. WoOrV & CO., ws dtüRiilTed A Jnnnrtry 16, 18ft:l, by mutual consent. C. A. Chapín and A. B. Wood will settle thcaccountfi of the firm. C. A. Chavix, A. B. Woon, V. Ciiapix, E. Wïixs. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1H68. Coparínersliip, rpTE UJJDERSIONED entered into partnership Jan 1 1T), W3, by tht ünn name of Chapín & Co., and vilt continue the bufiine&ft of lOHntiftet uring priDting auu wrapping paper. C. A. (uriii, X. ClUPll, V. CRMn. Am iivi ;■. r.-';4,)ou mnw


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