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Estáte oí Miehnel Dillon. nTATK Og MICHIGAN'-County uf WaSht._ C Atswinoiof the l'robato Oourtlor thc tvT' !f W8htenw, holden at th l'robate office „ ,1 :itjr ol Ana Arbor, un Wcilm scJ:i y ,thc i-ixteenth díovember, in Ule JWar onetliuusaud ei-. íit li'JinireTInI l'rtM'nt. Thomas Ninde, JuAgti of Prubain Ín I he matter of l he cítate o! Micuael DlUm a íeased QeKnm Cuilt'.l,;, J.-., Añmiuiftratnr (.f n est.,, mies into Cour I and representa thathe i aow ' aredto render bis tinal account a sutil Acimin' Thereipon it ia Ordered That Friday t!ie n1 ay oí l)icembernext,at teno'ciock in the }on. !,' je assigned for cxainining anrl allowing such omit, aod tliat tbe hoira at law of Baid 5' nnd, and al! otUiw persona lerested n said eht i re required toappttr at a scstion of said Conti tl' o be holden at the Probate Olüee, in the City „f rbor, in said County, and shuw cause, f any thert h vhy the naid account ehould not be i„! t is further ordered. that said Adiuiuiktrator Í ■lotiieto the persona nferested !n said estáis ofU lencency of said account, and the hiarinif tbfct'eof h ausini? a copv of this order to be published „'.ï' Michigan Argus, o. ne-íSpaper printed and circulat „ d said tiounty of Washtemnv, three successrrè vwi reviouji to said day of hearing. (A true co),j .) tHOMAS NINI K aS3td Judgeot 1-róbate. FÜRNITURE BOOMS One door North of Risdon and Hendérücn'a UariJwar Store, The umiersigned haviijg purchaped the entire sttx nf W. n.imith Co.,an(Uddédlargt'ly toihesattt H prepared to hirnish his fnends and pa trun a fooá' issurtmentof well made furniture, of SOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASESÍ TABLES and CHAIES, ofallkiirds, andin fact of everj-thing pertainintoUi usiaess. MATRACES, ko-, ic.made to order by gnod and expcrieMd worknen, and warran ei to give satisfaetioti. He al&Ó ieejs a good assqrtiueot of Cberrj and WalaatlLuaw or fuif at reaonahle prict-s. And wlll altu pn th lighest m;irket price íor Cheriy. WíiIluI, and YLitr Wood Lumber. P. S. He lias also purcliased the new and ELEGANT HEARSü! of Snyith &. Co., and s prepa-red to furaish all kinduf iVood Coffins, Mefalic Cases, A3STD CASKETS, O the shnrtest noüc. Also attenrïa to laving ont decoasíd perscn.s lav au-1 nifrlit, Witliont charge. ] 'urnit urt' dülivei lü iutLe;ity free ol charge. W. U. BEKHAM. Ann Arbor, January 18lh, 1863. 9J0tf 1864. 2854. FALL GOODS AT REDUCEO PRICES. C. H. MILLEN I no-w opening a NEW STOCK of Domentil and F0R1GN DRY GIDS! AND FAMILY GROCERB, bought since the rpcnt de-cliba in GOLD, a n d maní kind-s ut cuuÁÍderübíe Deduction from FormerPrices! Pleae all enrly uni maKe yonr purchasesffhili the -síück iá complete . il. MITTEN. Aïiti Arbor, SeptviWÏ. 978 i _-■■ CARPETS.OilCloths and Houie FuruisliingG; a goed stock at 976 C H. MH.I.KN''TO THE IATTtES - A stock oí e!L'int Or; G lodii tbawls and ('loaks, fwr tire fa!l Irme. n ' I ing at SM C.H. MIIXES TO THE OENTI.FMEN - K fin stock nfCMH C;i-imereft, aad Oeut' í uruishing ó( ■ .- ' received at 970 C. H. Mil.I.KX'E. O E MOV AL! IST. B. COLE, has removed his STOCK of BOOTS fc SHOES, to the store of A. P. Mills & Co. T on Main Street, he wil] be glnd to wait ou his old customers a"1 public genera II}'. GIVR IIIM A CA Iifi ! JDJR. SMITH'S PRESCBIPTION & DRL'G STORE ï Is the place to bu,y jour MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "Writina Paper, by the Renm 01 less, ENVELÓOS' and all nther articles in our linp. ..-- JT Fsecialattenti(m to Compnundini aiKi P""!1. up Presciiptions, ut Ihe sifrn ol (01 1) J10KU"." clüinse Blnek. Ann Arbor, Michigan Jgff ...jj} L■L„ Profesional calis promptly nttc-iideilto. ll 100 City Lcts for Sale. A large lot of LllSTElsr COAT9 AND SÜMMER GOOPS, alw:iys on Land at M, Guiterman & Co'% CLOTHING STOKE. Gira ns tí t&n nl w eau and wit! se!! r". c'."rP n? 1 a(1 T rondt than in t)lCT hntis te th' 9691 i


Old News
Michigan Argus