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Foreign News: England

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y the last adviccs, itappeara tliat the Oregon nnd Teaa queations remained aa Ihey were proviously, and ftirther news froin this country was lnoked for with interest. Tlie price of cotion was rising a linie; np pnrcntly on nccount of the apprehcnsions of wnr with the United State. A new British line of packets is establiahed from Liverpool to Boaton. The Moynooth bil) woulrj probnbly bc carned, and ihe church of Rome bo ondowed notwithstanding the great excitement against it. The number of pciitioners la Parliament ogainst it was 800,000. Although the new HoiiPes of Parljament are in Uie ninth year of Iheir building, they havo only advanced one third towarda completion- and the Moming Chromcle estímate they wil] bc at least twenty years more in hand. The Province of New Brunswick has been conslituted a new Sec, to bo called the Bishopric of Predericton and the„Rev. Juhn Medley, D. D. has been conaecrated its first Bishop. JVaval Foree of Great Britain.-Accordmg to the official return of the lords of the admirahy, the naval force of Great Bri'aiii consista of 680 ships of war, carrying from one to one htmdred and twenty guns each. Of this number there are 125 anned steam jesels constructed on the most approved principies. This immense fleet employs in the lime of peace 23,000 able bodied seamen, 2000 stout lods, and 94 companies of royal marines. Glas Tubes. - Experimenta have beef? made, at the glass works at Bisbopwearmouth, lo test the practicability of making pipes of glass for the conveyance of gas, water, izc.and the experimenta have confirraed the statement of the premier, that pipes etrongcr thau those now made of metal for such pur poses can be formed of glas3. FKANCE. M. Guizot was taken serionsly ril on the 19th ultimo, wilh e spa?modic attack, so violent, that he waa for sorae time deprived of speech. Medical aid was immediately called in, ond he was soon relieved by the prompt application of the warm bath. M. Guizot had obtnined leave of absence for one month, to enable to take the repose necessary for the establishment of his health. Count Duchatel would replace him ad interim in the direction of the department.SWITZERLAND. Affaire are ii statu quo. The terms of the nmnesiy have been arranged, and Lucerne has promised to discharge her prisonera. Romors prevail that the federation is about to bc divided into the Catholic and Protestant Cnntone. The amnesty referred to wiH cost tbu otber Cantons aboat SOO.OOOf. SYRIA. The Smyrntt J&rnals of the 9th uit. con tnin accounts froiri Beyrout of the 2d. Syria was then comparativeJy caltn, and it was expected the concessions made to the Maronites by the Porte, woald have the effect of pacifying Mount Lebanoiï. Advices from Damast cus of the 26ih uit., etated thatthe JMecca caravan had been this year more numerous thnn ever; and that nol less than S,000 persons accompanied it. The Araba who had assembled, to the number of 20,000, to attack Aden, qtfarrclled, as ueual, among themselvep, had a fight, end the whole furce may be said to have been broken up.


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