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From Mexico

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San Francisco, Nov. 80. Moxioan advices per the Sacramento ! say that on the 13th of November the French landed troops at Mazatlan and ! took formal pnssepsion f tho towc The Governor of Mazatlan and h8 íriondg abandoned the place the night previous, so tbat no resistance was made to the landing of the French troopa. It is aleo reported that Alvarez had defeated au imperial forcé marching on Acapulco. Heavy and constant ruina prevail tbroughoutCa]ifornia,interrupting trade and travel. i -4 i tm i - i"1 The official returns ?how Mr. Lincolu's raajority in Minnesota to be 7,700, The Supreme Conrt of California hns decided that taxes in that State may be paid in greenbaoks. Specie has been used exclusively. The great Bank of Gommeree, with $10,000,000 capital, is going inlo the national systerrr, and some of the other large bank of the city will soon follow suit, The whole numbor of national Banks now organized is 587. The amount of currenoy issucd during the week ending i.n tho"26th uit was 82 032 830, which, added to that previousiy ssued, makes an aggregate of $05,562,300 of the national curroncy now in circulation. Governor Bramlette, of Kentncky, snggests thnt all money paid by the Federal government for slavea takin uway, be given to the fa miles of soldiers in the TJnion srmy. A notice oí a reeent steamboat explosión iu'a Western paper, ends as follows, "The captain ewnm ashore. 8o did the cliamöeiraaid : sho was insured for $15,500, and louded with iron." The appnrfitns of the Philadelphia Fire Department consists of forty steitm fire enginoö, with' tho ntcessnry appurtyiiinces. The fnpport of the Dopartmunt has costtlie city during tho last year' about $l'00,000


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