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THE JKAEKETS. The cold sa-p has frcz-m p tbe avenues of trarëe, aud bushiedB was not very driving tntho streets jester (lay. We quote :a iagi ticles ; Whïat- $15@2.05. Corn- $1.25. Oítk- '70o. Pokk - Ooraingia freeíy, íll@13.8i. Bl'tter - 40c. ♦ v Detroit quctations in y8tcrday morning's gi Press, we re ; WHkat - Ambr, $2.0 ,No. 1, White, $3.10. Corx- Xew, $1 T2 ■ old, $1.30. Oats- 75@78o. D resskd Hogs- $1 1 @13 . Bcttir - 40@45c , Egus - 36@40c. ÖcSÏFiÈmi RAH.ROAÏ. Trains now leave the station in this city as follows : WK8T. Mail, 9.40 a, m. Day Express, 12.20 p. m. Dexter Accommodaüon, 5.50 " Evening Express, 7.10 " Night Express, 1,15 a. m. KiKT. Evening Express, 4.30 a. m. Dester Accürnmodafciosn, -6.40 " Night Express, 8.15 " Day Expresa, 4 05 p. m. Mail, g.IO M iiHEROKEE REMEDÍ" & INJECJ TION . CHEROKEE REMEDY The captioD of Ihis para grnph ís the name of a vegetable medicine in the lorm of asyrup which is now admitt-d when usel wïiJi C.jerokee Injkction, to bethesaíest aud speediest cure for Gonorrluea, and Fluor Allnis, (W hites in fcmalen). If w consider the atnount of nufTerin and frcqueoey ol these d'8'ases, we can not butLdmït the Cherokeo Remedy and Injection to bo among the blessings of scipnce. Thy rejilaco sicknrss by )iealth,and loathRomeness by cleanlineas. It does not raerely arrest, butiiures these il!s ra'lica'.ly and ihoroughly, and, being pure'y veg ttble, siw?ot, pleasant syrup, not disa real ile to taste or touch, it lea vea no poison in the KysU'm. the er.uhcatiou 'of which is ofzen moic (liftte uit anl tiangerous than Vhe treatment of the orjiiïal disease. Sold by a!l DroLgïflt. 4i1!86 TNF0RMATI0N FREB1 TO NERVOÜS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMAN , curefl ofNerrons Pobilily, Inc mpetency, Premalure Decaj-, and Y.'nitlif-ul'Cr.-or, Jtctuated by a desire to beiiffït utnCTR, wltl B6 liappy to furnish toall who needit, (free vt charge.) the recipe nd directifBs for making ihesimple reindy useil in caso. SnfToiera wtebrog to profit by the adverliser1 bad expr.encetand pssess a sure and vaiuable reme dv. eau do 80 by adtlr ■.■saing hím at once at hia plac of biiatncis. The ïlecipo a'nd full informatïoii - of vital importance - will be cheevfully snt by return mail. Address JOHX R. 00 DEN t Na.W Nassau Sireet, New York. P. S NervouR SufFerers of beth Bexea will find this inlV.rniHtion invahmble. 3m986. '#L-' í'KOÍ fi. f. LYOVS' PiïiéntB nrfA 'W othorR Interreated wfll piense (ake r.oticc that he will contin ue hi.s visitu at the Monitor House. Ann Arbor, during; ! 18G4 and '65 and at the espiratinnof wjjich he willdir, f continue his visTts and opeu an lnfirmaiy at Clfvclam1. , Ohio, for the treatment ot Lung atid Chert 3ni%ttLM, Ayer5s Uiierr j iMoral


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