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Husks Vs. Feathers

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A visitor is a ii tile curieus lo know what llioso woinen and girls iu short frocks aüd pants are going to do, wbo aro this momeut seen crossiug tho lawn in p:ngle, doublc, and treblelilo, in q:ui"e o militar}' order, towards the Nuw Barn,. with cleíin white pillow-cases in Bahd ? Wetlj friend, I will teil you all about t ; for wc aro disposed to enligl.tea you a well as wc can, respect ing the mysteries of (Jomniunity life - wiiich are no mysteries to right rcason and good cominon ssnse. Thnsc womcn, thcn, are buuud i ir the barn to husk corh - not for the orn's-sake, but for the sake of obta'ming the clean inside husks on the ears of corn to put into beds - that is all. Reader, did you ever sleep on a husk bed ? No ! Then let me say lo you confidentially, that a husk bed is accordiug to na y txperience and judgmcnt for many years, just the nicest and elennest thing iu the world to sleep upon. Fo" my own use, I put the husks in two ticks, tho upper one not quite so full as the under oue, making it mucli casier to adjust or even up when the bed is made. The uuder lick can be filied quite full luaking it elastic, requiring no daily adjustment, but will remain lor months as even as a hair matress. Once, and sometimos twioo a year I have them taken out and emptiod from the tieks upon a green gfaetf plot, wiiero thoy are raked open and up, shaking tho fine dust from thein, whieh naturally accumulatcs from tho fric'.ion they undergo in daily use. A sprinkling of water upon them while thus spread, will cause thein to curl, making them alrnost as light as feathers. ïhey should be shaken up severa! times a day, that the aotion of the sun and air inay thoroughly penétrate them. When thoroughly dried and aired, return them to the tick - which you have probably wa-iied - and you have a bed as good as new once ín six months or a year, as sweet as uew niown grass, as eomfortable as cny ftathex bed, and decidedly more agreeaèle to t'hose who appreciatcgood air iu a sleeping room. In making up the bed, a thick comfortabie, or soinething equivalent should be plaeed over the bed be i're the sheats are pui on, for the benefit oí those whose skin is -tender from ill-health or other cauaea. The husks fihould be et.tirely free from iiard substances.. Husk beds, thus maneged, will Jast for years, by occasionsally addiug a Lew ?pounds to keep the quantity good. I have used nearly all kiuds of materials that have been proposed as substttu'cs for feather.Sj and must render my favor of husks. The cst oí goad clean husks is about one-eigbth of the cost of feaihers; and, as to swcetness and healthiness, there is no comparisou. The animal odor attached to feathes ie very offeusive indeed, to many. "The raising of geese, too, is very iroublesocac h&s&aea. to say nothing of the oxfiense aüd vnc(leauiy liabits of the he Updiipu ÈW$


Old News
Michigan Argus