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To The Liberty Party Of The County Of Wayne

To The Liberty Party Of The County Of Wayne image
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The Central Coinnnttee has cilleJ a Siate meeting to ba held at Marshall on the üth July, wi;h recommendatiou of couniy meeting ilirouyhout the Siaie on the 4th of July. Tüe rcto.ninendatioii secms highly appropr ata. The anmversary of our independence under present circumsiances, will otlêr eerioua consideraiions to every Jovcr of country and liberfy. - SLxty-eight years previous beheld the promulgation of the noblest principies of civil govcrinu'jiu. To vindícate them their eigners pledged Uonor and person, and property. The pledge vvas eacredly redecmed. .Noactof dishoDOrtarnished the purity of revolutionary achicr.ement. bui the act and the actor, worthy the Onc of the other, reflected on each a mutual credit, ludependeucc was digmtied, when ailjieved by a Washington and kindred copatriois: and on the plutlomi ol American independeace even a Vashiugion wae exalted to higher moral eleration. BiXtjr-oight yeare wiU lmvc iiiingled with eicruity, and assembled Americans will ugain couimeinora e the reat onc idea ol" '7b Undfi it they i ave careereü into greatness. It haa been to thern, the haudmaitl of happines8, weailh ond natiomil pnde. - To look around, is bui to behold ns ovidunce. What spell, tben, more worthy to convoco Americana, ihan thal of the genius of '7(5 - iie inmortal one idea - LibertyT Lel us ol VVayne yicld toits influence. Let us meet; Iet us enter the temple of our liberty, and at the abrine oi revolutionary martyrdom, do homage to the God given righui diere consecrated. Let ua commune with the depaned Great; catch a spnrk 01 their pure onthusiasm. and trom üieir asbes re kindie the expiring u'res of liberiy. Let us meet na Americans, ond while conlemplaling ihcglories ot me revoiuttotiary elruciure, let usseck. to remove carefully and With wisdom, die incoiigruitics, now marring the nuble aimpliciiy of iis o. iginal design. Let usalso contémplate in our midsi thuse, for whoni no "burth of' July" is: on whom no Sabbaih sun arises, to whoin libeny gives no hope. - country no joy. Let us iliink. of i he heart senred: of right violaied: ol' AmcricanB enslaved: God's spiriis cbotteiized; our na tional principies spurued: our nationul honor beiouled, and gay wns it for this ihe biniu ol independence penlled their all. ;iiul Walungton fought? Let us contémplale thc domains oTotitrage con tin nal ly wideuing, and point to tlio overwaving íiag. revealing the puron; power of the syatu.n, and proclaiming slavery has i..-.'. cjwcring from the reprobntion oí' iho {'obe tu ünd place and honor, beneath our tepuolican eg8. Let na do this, and then wy, nre úiesc thc Iruits of a Bniikcr Hill, - a Saraloja, -and a Yorktowní Wc iny to tho people of Waynr, to meetot jome fitting placo on iho 4th of Jtily. Lot.ill wme, who will yinpathïze wiih one froling. - Let party epirit fcc baniehed, and discord flee Int iway. Lei us meet as Amoricjim - r,s breütn n -and cíasp the hand of fcllowship. Speaker ui ibundnnce wilf be in atendance. A future publicación will unnounce the place t( meeting and the nrrangemente for the miss iiceting of Wayne on the 4th of Julv.


Signal of Liberty
Old News