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i 'MIE ROOTS AND'PHE LEÁYEfi I X WLLL be for tli ikalh.g of the Na ti on B. liitde. . Frof. R. O XJTTO3XTSI, I THE GREAT AND CÉLÍESRATBD PHYSIOUH ai th raaüATjLUNGS, hkakt,livkr axd the bloob Known all over the country as tlie 1 ('KLEBRATKI) IIIXnDIAIDT ÜE.1} DOCTOR] I Of 282 Superior 3treet, CLevektwi, Ohio. Will visit tbe following places, viz A?POINTMIi:XTt--FOKl8ü'2, 18C3and 1864. Prof K. J. Lvons can be cuuuulted at the fnllowiuc i placea every niinuh, viz: Detroit, Kassei, each month, 18th and líHh. Ano Arbor, .Monitor House, each month, 20ih. Jacksoa, llibbartl House, each nmuMi, ül. Adrián, Braeket House, each month '22á and23d. Toledo, ühio.ColIins riousK.oach moutlí. 24th 25th andjöth. ' ÍIiUsd;Ue, Mch. , Hi Hádale House, each month, 27tlt. Colihvator, Mich. , Soutiiurn Michigan lloare, ea'-h month j 28th. Elkhari , Hllkhart House, each tuonth . -Din. Soath Bend, Ind., Sf. ffo. Ho'ei, oach month, 30. ruportet Ind., Tl-ü Garden Hl ige, each muntli 31st. Wooster, Ohio, Craudell líxchatige, each moníh, 7th and Sth . Manslú-ld, Ohio. Wiler IIousi each month, 9th and i(hh. Mt. Venion,K.enyon Ilouse, tach montli, llth and lattf. Xewark, Ohio, Holton Ilouse, e;uh month, 13th and Hth, PaineviHeOhm, Cowleslloufip,oach month, 4th ÜLLVELAM0, OEU0, RKSIUEN3K AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, East of Lhe public square, oppnsite the Pofttofflee. Olücediiys each mouth, ist: 'M, 4111,5111, (ith, Idth.- Ollice hour-s from 9 A. ftl. to 12 M, and trom 3 ]'. M. to 4P. M. OnSundüy from 0 to.íOA M.rand 1 to üt M. 4Maximsátriefly adherecí to- I give such balm as havi; no strife, With nature or tho lawiB of Ufe, With blood tiiy liandfil iioverstain. Nur jioison men toeafte tbeirpaln. Bus í j a physician indeed, icho Cures. , The ludían Herí) Doctor, li. J. LYüXS, cures thofttllowiug com[iaiuts inthe most ob.stiuate stages of their e.istence, viz: DiseaseH df tho Throat , Lnngs, lïeart, I.iver, Stomn(][, I iropW In the Chest Rheumatlsm , Neujalgía, Kits. or Fallí DgSícknegs, aud allotlíer íiervousderangements, Also alldiseasesof the btood, such u.s Scrófula , Eryaiprlas,Cancers , Fever Sores, Leprosy, and all otlier coraplica ted chrotiic complaiuts. All fonns of female diiliculties attended to with the hippiest results. It ia hoped that no one wijl despair of a cure until t hoy have gïVen the Iudian Herb Uoctor'a Medicines a fairand failhful trial. éeDuring: the Doctor'f travels iu Kurope, West Indies, South Araerica, and the Uuited States, lie lias been the instrument in God's hand. to rentore to health and vigor thousands who were givenup aal pronounced incurable by the most emíneniold school physicians; nay, more, thousands who were on the verge of the grave, are now living ni(n,!im?iiis tn the Indi:;n Herb's Doctor 'a skiH and suceessfu 1 1 rea. t ment ,and are daily exclaiming: " Blessed betheday when iirst we saw. and partook of the Indtan Hí'rb Uoctor'K medicine." Patisfactory reforonces of c ares will be gladly and cht crfiilly ivi'ii i henever roquired . Tbc ]nctor piedles his word and honor, that he will n no wise.direetly or indirectly, iiíduce or cause any invalid tn talce his raedicine without the strongestprobability of a cure. ,63" Mode of examinatíon, which is entirelydilïerent from the faaulty. Dr. Lyon professes to discern disea-wR by the eyé. He therefure asks noquestions, nor doeshe roquire pntientto explaín symptoms. Calí one ;md all, inT have thesymptoms and location of your dls&mw oriplninefl f' roe of charge. LThe poo shftll be libcrally cojisiderod. sPontofTlceaddress,box 2663. r. j. iroNS, m r. Cleveland, Ohio, Nor. 25,1862 , ly880 O. BIiISS Wouldtake'thb method ofinfortning hifi old friends and patrons and all others who may Eavotf him with their patronage, that hehaa greatly enïarged his JStock and Assortraeiit I and havingadopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTfl IN BÜYÏNG & SELUS& is prepared to sell Goods at IdoASOZia1" Tolo IrÍOCS, His síocb couíilst.s in par oí the foUowing: g. AMERIOAN AND OTIIER 5v Waíches Ï teilfc Jfe TLeCelebratea aiMBrli SETHTHOMASULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setís GOLD CriAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY ! 'ttZQrs,SUíí.irs, Scissors and Brushes, ROGERS PLATED WAKE, tho best in marki-t, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAl'ER and EXVELOI'JiS, Musical Instruments, Strings if Boolcs for Instrumente, SPECTACIiB -3V of Gald, Silver, Steel, and Plated,with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons having difficult watclies tofltwitll glasse atibe accoinodated, as my stock la largeaatt comjlete. P. S. Particular attentinn to the 3Ft 33 TE A. I 3=1 I l0r 3í'all feinds nf fine W'atuhcs, Kuch as Making and Setting new Jewels, Piuiíms, Staffs, and Cylmders. Also CliOCKS, cSc TBWT'EXiIS.'ir íeatly repnired and war-anted, at his old stands st ideof Main Street. C. BLISS. Aira 4rbor,NTov.25,1862. 826U GREAT.GREATER GREATEST BAIiGáiNS EVER OFFEÏiED [a thi3 City, are uow being, offeredat tbe 0KEAP,CL00K,WATCH, & j &tjs7 elry S-fcoiOTHESnbscrlbr wouldeay to thocitizaneol Ann Arbor. Ín particular, and the refit of Wah1cnRw Coxinty inpeneral, thnt hehasjuat 1M-F0KTED ÍIRKCTLY from KUROPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watciies! AH of which hn binds himselftc sell CHKAPEKthan can be boughtwest of New York City. I have alao the CELEÜKATKD AMEUCAN W ATCHES, wblchl wlll sel ttr 435. Evnry Vvatch warrantbd to orlurm well.ortho money reiunded. Clccke, Jevvelry, Piatcd Ware, Fancy Goodsr Gold Pens, Musleallnstruraciíts and dtrlng, Cutlery, &c, od ?nfact avariety of everythinjz usually kcpl yJewe I er sean be bouyntfortho noxt ninety days at your OWN PRIOES! erson buying anything nt this wel! known eatabshrae nt ofin rnly upongetting goods exnftly as repesaijbted, ortheioonoy reíundd. Oftllenrl; and seure the best bargHins ever ollt'red in thií Ctty. One word in regard to Rej.airing : We are prepared to mnke any reuniré onfir-e or conr mon Watches, oven to makineo er the estire watch, " nocessary. Rrpnirinc of Clocks and Jewelry as sual. Alsn the manuíacturinir ot RINGS, HROOCHS, r a'jything dosíred, from California fíold onehortnoce. Engravinc i 11 allitauranchosexeented wltbneatedsanddjspatcb. 3 C. WATTS. Dissoliiíio Wotice. mHEFIRMOTTIIAI'IÏI, WuOI) fc TQ , was .lissolved iJnnuary 16,166St by mutual oonaent. C. A. Chapín and A. IÏ. Wood will settle theaccoimts of the (irm. C. A. Chapín, , A. B. Waotí, V.Cmri.v, E. Wkli.!. íMH Artur,June 24, 18b'3. Coparinersliip. TTí: [TN'IiHRPICNKn entsrea lato pnrtiiersiiip Jan! 10,1863, by the flrm name of Chapín & Co., and víll e.nntiuAip the business of maufacturiri priiiting and T-rappin paper. C. A: 1'H.llls, N. Ciiai'In, V. CitAï'JM. Ann Ar'jcr..T:ne24,13S3 810tf


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Michigan Argus