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J C. WATTSH&BRO. DEALERS in Clocks, Witehe, Jjwelry and Silver Ware No. 22, Ne' Block, Ann Arbor. ' C. BLISS. tvEAI.ER n Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver ) W:ireNo,2"2, New Biock, Ann Arbor. c7h. milt-Ten. DEU.F.R in Dry Ooods, (ïroceries, Crockery, Sc. c. Hfiiin Street. Ann Albor. PHILIP BACH. T-vEAI.F.KS in Dry Ooods, Oroceries . Boots & Shoes, J Kc Main t., Ann Arbor. "-"GËOliGE W. SNOVER, DEALER in Miscellaneous and School Books, Station crJ, Walt Paper, Ace. Huron Street, Ann Arbor. "1ÏÏSDON & HENDERriON. TEU,ER3 in Hardware, Stoves, house furnishing L good, Tin Ware, Sc , &0., New Block, Main st. ÜEO PRAY, M. D. PHVSICI iNr and Surgeon. Residence and office on Detroit street, uear the nepot. S. . TÁYLOR, DEALER in Hits, Caps, Fats, Robes, Gents' Furnishing lloods.etc. Kast side Main Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. A. J. SUTIIEilLAND, AiKNTfor the N6W Vork Life Insurance Company, Oiiice 0:1 Hurón atrest Also has oü hand a stock cl the ... st qjprovel -ieing machines. S65tf 6EÖRÖÈ HSCHEü. MEAT MARKET- Iluron Street- General dealer in f'rwh uid S:!i Idea 18, Heef, Mutton, Pork, Uams, Paultry, ltrj, Tallo vr, 5:c., &c. HIEAJl J. BEAKES lTTORNEY 1111J Counsi:!UratLiw. ..nd Solicitorin A Cfiancery . Office in Cily Hall Biock, over Wtbster's -Byok Su're. LEWITT & BREAKEY. PHYSICIAN'S AN'D SURGEONS. Office at the residence of Dr. Lswttt, north side of HuroD, two doors west of División slrt-et. M. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOI.ES.ILK mil Retail Dosiers and Mannfacturers ofRe4y-JIadb Cluthiug. Imponer if Cloths.Castimercs.DocAios, Sc, No. 5, Phcenix Block, Main at. VVM. WAQNER. DEALER ia Reaily Made Clnthing, Uloths. Cassimeres, and VVstings, Hatf, Caps, Tranks, Carpel öags, &c, Phceaix Block, Maïn street. slaWson & son pROCERS, Provisión aad Coinrais.siozi Merchants, And U Dealers in Water Lime, Land Plait.rf and Piaster of Paris, one door east of Oook's Hotel. j7m. scott. AMBROTYPE and Photograph Artisi , in the rooms orer Campion's Clotliing store, Fhaenix Block. PerTflct satisfacción gi ven. C. B. PORTER. SURGEON DENTIST. OfficeCorner of Main and Hurón streets, over Baca & Pierson'e Stüre. All calis promptlyattendi'd to Aprl859 MACK & SCHMID. DKALERS ia Forin and iomestic Dry Good.Croceries. Hals and Caps, Boots R.nd Öhoes, Crokery, te, Corner of Main & Liberty stK. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY. jlfAN'UFACTURERS of all kinds of Coooper Work, l'l City Cooper Shop. Custom work done on ahort notice. Cor. Detroit and North Streets, and eer. North Hdfiftli Streets Ann Ailor. AÑDREW BELL. DEALER ín Groceries, Provisions, Flour, ProducesSe., hc,} comer Main and Washington Stieets, Ann Arhor. Tlie highestmarket pricespaid ior country $rodcce. 866 . I. o. O. P. WASIITENAW Lodge, Nu. 9, of the Independent OrJer of O.M Fellnivs meet at their Lodge Room. ry Friday Kvening, at Ti o'clock. S. SixniiiiM, N. G. B. Rose, Secy M, C. STANLEY, Plxotograpliic ArtistCorner Main and H-jron Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich, FH0T0GRAPHS,AítSñOTYPES, ice. &., "Qthe latest styles.and every efíbrt made to give Ratisfaction. 956tf D. DeFOREST. WHOLESALT-: and retail dealer in Lumber, Lath, Samples, S.ish , Diors, Blinds, Water IJtfie, Gr-a.nd war PU.stftr, Piaster P;irU. and fcails ofallsizes A '4l umi perfect iRrfRri nnt of the above, i-nd al! other IP1 Is -,{ hjiHin'i naatariaTé constantly on har t at the MlpuiMibt rtfs1, on Detroit st .. a few rndsfrom the Rdïroil i)epot. Also opeutting extensivelj in the Qt Cement lïoofin. GRANGBR & FINLEY, ATTORÏEYS & COLXSELLORS AT Collecting and Land Agents. WFItE OVEB DOJíEI.LY'8 STOKK, HUEON STKEET, B. F. Ghanöer, Ann Arbor, Mteh. H. H. Fixr.EY, S Jan. 28, 1864. 941tf FOE SALE! A N'EIV GROVER b BAK1UÏ SKW1.VC KACHINE, Jl Uo a NEW 31NGF.R MAOflIIf E. either Family or loufacturing pattern . Apply at THE ARGl'S OFFICE. jkyër's Sarsaparilla.


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Michigan Argus