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The Board Of State Canvassers

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met ut Lansiug on Wedi)silay, und, as do adjoummont ia autborizaJ, we presume that suldjera' voting ceafsed iroin and alter thatday, aud that the returns wil! be recöived by onr Coiioty Clerk in time fcr the adjourned session of the Couuty Oanvaseers, to be held on Thursdny nest. We shu'l therefore be atle Ui give our readers tho exact result in our next isue. Iu the meauti.Tie we ■nould remind our Dumocratic j friends, and eftpecially our ' dates, of that Imost Scriptural injiinotion, ' Blossed be they who expect nothing, ior they shall not be disappointed." tW Th Anu Arbor Aryus announces tlie national debt at $1,74I.OU,69O,489.49. Bro. Pond bav'nt you made a niitake of a fow bundrcd tbousand biUiona 1 lt is of UtUe consequence. botvever, as our " resource are inexhaustable." SliU, as Mr. Liu. oln once sagaciously remar keii , "itiseasier to iay a. larga debt tlian. a larger oae ! " - Jackton Eagle. We expected soma one would criticisu our figuren, and yet not ourê, for we only translated tho etatement of thu debt aa made by the President. Look at tbe message as published by the New York World, Fret Prest, Advsrtiter and Tribune, and numorous other jonrnals, Mr. Eagh. If we did' not state in figures what tho message - as published in tbo journals named - stated io wordii, theu ! we studiod " Dabol " to little purpose. Wo aro aware of tha discrepanoy between the message aud the Report of the Secretary of Treasury, but then it is eo ''slight" that it is not worlh mnkug a fuss about, and, besides, we are inolined to think tho President uearer right than the Seoretary. ty Mr. L. Q. BfiRKr, Tniernal RoveDue Collector for the First Congresiona! District, is in tronble He is chiirged with bcing s defaulter to a large amount, and tho Tribune confesses that ho has been ipecufstföjg with the government bonds, purchasingf hichwines, loaning to party friend, etc, but claims that his private fortune and his bondsmen are good, and that the goverciment will be no loser. Though differing with Mr. Bbbet politically, we had considered birn to be an upright and oareful business man, and take hia fa!l as an evidence of tho corruptnesa of the times, which eeems to mak it impossible for a man to hold government ofiBoo and preserva his integrity. Mr. Dünoan Stewaet has been "poking sharp sticks" at Mr. Bbbry in the Board cf Trade, calling him all ortaof hard nnmes. He says he has boen urged to cover up Mr. Berry's crimes for the god of tho party, but will not do it. ty A resolution ha been adopted in the Öou8,' instruoting the Judiciary Cotrtmittee to inquire into 6be expediency of amending tho naturalization faw, so ae to provide that at! citizons who hafe gon, or may hereafter go, abroad to avoid fniíi'aíy service, shall forfeit all rigtus of citizenship, and shall be trauted as alienw. Let such a law W enacted, and followorf by a universal conscriptioD, and the " loVal leaguers " and "tbcm other fellowa" wül bctight, euro. jféí" Holders of governir.ent bonda are non exempt from taxation, and tbeir lesa fortúnate neighbors hare to pny the war taxes, support the State governnient, pay the bountiea, run the cbools, etc, etc. But thi is not enough, and Congross being like-minded tritk the President, these govornment bond holders are hereafter to be exempted from pnying their debía. A great financier is Abraham. E3P We invite tho attention of all who wieh ter subscribe for a New Yoik paper, to the prospectus, in another column, of The World. We gave The World a favorable nolioe luat week, but thaï iï may be brought moro prominently beforè our readers, insert its prospectui i this issua. It is important tfeat so a ble an organ of the Dornocracy be sustained at tho great commercial metropolis of the cotmLry, and we, therefore, again commuüd The World to our democratie friends. JC2E The President und Secretary Fj58Sxnden both recommend, the Jutter rather "gingeily," but the former point edly, that a certain araount of United States Bonds be exempted frora seizure and sale for debt. Tuis might be considered an inducemeut for debtors to so convert their means - ander tho guise of patriotism, of couree - aa to eheat their crediters, if the faot was not becoming patent - as the war -fhat tbc government bonds may become so uumerous as not to be the most desirablo proparty to store up for a rainy day. It is a question with us, therefore, whether the Pfesidodt ha designa upon the eredi tor' of the government or of individuáis jfójgT &lx 'iaB issuoJ an order dirootiftg Ganadian-rcbel raiders to be pnrsued uto Canard; and whe eapturedj brougtit baek. ! ! - y i3T Th3 Marshall Rlatesmtrn declares íor GoverucH" Blair fui' Senator, and given him " a pnff as is u puff." It compares hiin wiih IIkniíy Clay, and tliiuks that ho receivecJ tho mantle of that départed o.hiottain, Tho Slates7tian i backed by severul '■ country jouroaln," aud the "combat deopens."


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