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THE WOELDFOR1865, I'KCSP-ICCTXTS. politieel dwttBin of tb, pcop!. pf the l:n,t!fl duririganotbiT t.rm o: yt-nri, te tlia contr,,) , f '' dcut JUsculn l Iho K, rtb, ucï Jt&mai ,, . f South. ' 's The Deinnrrktio party, Way icentified wiii. , projtppnty, fcrowth. end glory f tho rPub)i pointwitli htnwt pride toit record in tuii irruí ï 7 tont. B gre1 . Aainst itn aeuiiniatretion wïoIdTag iü8 mout aoui powar nf paironago and tint mn,t u-ijl0OomafcnO of treftsure ever r-oshessad byanyff mut, and reiaforcea aliico by h unfonnOei f ' xu ny patrioti aarï fc& yi vp&thieii of sil ttaitorí'!? Democratie party fnafUt ho battie of 1864 flrm! U ltftrUwtiy to tli nd. ' l'ufeated in the loctornl collage, tba mail maklti ! of popular voto (y wliieh it" ha bot. no dttfrw y deranntruly Ie tbfto ths number of pernos íhüíf and otticially dtpendwl npou th. tóiini.tratfo?'' flicehoJlírñ or oontracorJ in th tariuu deDartm ' ot tho public wirice. PIBti But theresultis ngkfárft as. The Jaw erntim.. . bexdministereil by men who hot cdIt TalUÍU .Tprovisionx, )ut Invade iUo tboH fifertbtauï civil righta so high aml sjicred tliat conbtiutji '„ uut c.Dfor, bilt ütilj srurntt tt-em, nd which 1 aromado tü viad:cfe and gnarO. The pcbb tTJ5 iiimebymiawhu, ia rnr rra, havt hpfa uw' i8, and tho anborn ReaftrMbnatf ehildrün u t alniostan Uugo sa 6h,nt ei' Lntfla"dt acquirod tl r V oeuUrier, aud wfcoaa policv of I loated DatPr(. reucr doublet upoo ui ite prHat biu:n cJbfcS" [au. te indebttdnesa, The hwoiu is till irieldufj th'ie wbo eo treaton in an olive branch aluí' ■ makeTictorittswon by our aliant armíes andfllï!. fruiiïMfiiucthcy epn nu path to th. triumibT píacft. Ulül Democratd toast awaft renti. Tin-y eau now only wntch for tb public ft . J exen all the pnwer of a jrj,t minority to riMui lu Lincotn's adminibtration froci driftiag, for ÜHMhT abolition, í uto a diiunion pac. "liiey al'ó srrB who oaly tand and wait " The prluciplu of lbo Democratie partj are juut willyetprTAil,fürth.yare Vq Uvi of tl:, proi? or the humsu race. Thoy ar th prinelpj hJJ iftve emerge! frotn reroiution uf tb ,,f íaxon race, with innreíiBefí ffuraTit-fcnd itrwffih By tbese it muit itand steH.dfAt, iiamLra] cnmnT iarmoniou, oraniiíd. The coming frur yn „ be yoars of calaouty. Bat now. they -nhn i(Wt.(j u" wind are to be the raperi of the whlrlwjni ■ tj' iemocratic party is sbnrn of powr ; but tt ia ditflétS j) all reponeibiïity. When the hour of on? fluim comes, the people, insted Of cumio Bjp ïmoeiX pnrty, w!U turn f it for reUöi", and clin to it lor U liTerance. ' So far, thtn, from twingr relifred of duty for th mmediatefutur. by our late .lefeat, a b peratiTe devolres upon thft Dtmücratie Paws ?' neis upon tUe watcb twert. now more thau ert-rmuit they be leeples aod vigi ant. " Ü.'ten.durir.g the pit year. Trï Wouw htn btê mad to feel the hi-ay haud of arbjtnrrpowr -Z Üeudenng all Uw ful auprort to the c. nhtUut-d a tbontiefl - to Cfca&i Cflmrr'a du - aFoKtaa vu t renací of partínan boitility, ami guiIUesBoí ayj criae navo untiincbmg advocacy of a freo prtsti, frvt 'pewV free ballot, or an ardent dvTotiou to th Uniou mi support of the war for the Union 'a fiak, it h QèY thöles, been ropeatediy ttcluded from militarj dtpin mectH by partisan genfrAls, and for afcreral diriiu issues were suependsii by the order, of President Ui coln himtlf, and ii t.fficei cJcsod aert occupipbf armed soldieri at his comrusnd. The üdolirj kuú tli fearlesnets inlhe past, whici. thee blovi struckitui &TOueh,oiu ea-der5 are juBiiiiou in eiptctiug frojn m for the futuro. Thb Woüld for 1865 wül be a better tuvtpaptr thu it bas ever ben. Iu colmn, freed Irnm tkc fcxietinf üomndaoí a political caavaa, wül afr'ord mrtrooo' for tb ntws of th.e day, of It kinöi, fvou all pru of the world. We ahali not be contented io give to our readers thi fcri-Ki't nows. We ha-U iaoor ko xo have it Uumott trustwortby Tbeíioc-at uso of t9 le]ef;rapb, wticb u the njbt arm oi the pnBs, nd tod peient with all ur aruxie and ilou. nuttbe uatiouai ani int capital, ftiid at all the coix-meroial secteri tf Eurofi and América, nd w)it07Êr elr-eptkili can GcTiforiiitorpriifc actompUob, will contriöute to makTnffoui the boet newpapsr uf th# iy. The SXMi-'ïKiciiLT Wold wül exjictly uit those tho want tb. uew oftaoer trifcu wtökiy, jet d cntfeeiib! to py $10 for the IAÜy. ït oatuoe all thertidicr matte] , noi cd edíloriaii oí the Jfeily, citiaj only its advBt:í:fcDs. Ta a WcíKtY Woaia (Ü) haa uom the ltlKn. tion of an'y weekly. jc-uiual pubhbtd , sa? qh, jti' extraoydinary ciícck íiní.e it anión with. ■& York Argii haft junniieö uu in rory litwrul expttaa M for the ywar to cuioi auch i& wiil iauo it utmv rival in interest ma rtiue to íhe fairutrs of ourcuun try. !♦■ Agricaltcrai Deartntfftnt viil béaigoodisj complete s any of the agricuaurs! psperi, auditor port of the tUe, Produce nd Mcuy Í4rketl rJ! eictil rhem all A page or more wil] b rer?edt - tert&ining fireside reading, and tha ivpo wiit btUrLi %vA clear c-nouh for uid yei. All tte edit:oD of Thí. Woau are dow prinWoa new typ. ?GTtsml nir rÜIfig matüaeb. juitètn in out vaults. wïü ecab U te woek offanduniUll eüitisnn wifch tr.e ut'monc pwd aqj ru!ariiy. ■Wiule the war öjctioiia, 63 tac cjnenc) i of sueh ■iiurt ae it ia. we cn Uope for Lftiïe or no profli Bn ttrwa havv ceen inor%, but uut ia pruportivo utói iccirt'Lfcd CLát (if ertfrytiiiag as.i in m.iking a nowsptper, Ïn4aed :o ?.y there ij o.h;u equallj vwluibli no cKijf U a no-.fpapr. T K K. H : Dïïy Wo;-ld. Ou copj, one yr( by maii $:t i Seaaï-Vi ti.l 1 Vrld. Oneeopy, one year „__ Thret eopiM, one year W Fivt copiws, or.o year ij One copy, oneyer ï Four Cópi#', oae ;er =. T COpie, fne jrear 17 Tvrenty copie, oao year 3 Ten caiUs tvtrm ckargëd in cÜ emtotfor ttpéttUtd' drtt. An oxtr copT furnishedto elubp of t6Q ormor. Forclaba.of flfty the i&mi Woeklj r xná fvi c ato ot one bu&virf-ij Um Rfcüy, wil! be w; to rtter up ofclab. ClifcDife from cmb lijt taa uoIt bt matiejTaii. of the person receïTing the elab psekagé. lttai rquests mast name the poatoffice and tuto to whitbit has preriouiy be n s?tt. ani iicio&e twDt7-STfw' to pay for changas to addreas. Orlcre far ay of ihe edittODSof Thí Wam) mybe sent bymdi!, ano xhould incioie roêtottzo MoOff, order or Rank dra t for amount (I t-b dfecount) Moneyi Mkx1 by mail wil] be at the rïk of the ntudw. Urdera aud letter ihould be addrweed to THE WORLD, 987 tf 3ft Farm Bow. KfcW-Yrk. FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A Mt Iïxqiiii, U-linlc nnil Fr' pi il nl Ferfuiue, itillcl from Rare' aa Rcunlifnl Flowcr f" Tthii'li it tnUrs itn nnmr. Mannfactured oulyby PIIAI,O' SO1' IS5" Beware of Counterfeits. Aak fbr Phalöntit-1Wt io otMA Sold by drnsyists generalijEEoliday Goods. A large stock. DjsFOIIESï & STEWAKT'S. To Whom it may Concern! ANY ONE WDEBTID to A:oP. MII.IÍí, or ïBj V'OSTKK, bü .ivo cos!' liy csüiug l Lftnl Stand ui A. I' . Mills anii seHünj the im "" f" vL(( Jru. lst, 16.'!'. jks notos &u j1 uot pid i.l bf pul m ih" )inüF. c: jr.itiito '■{ Ai i u ÁlBnr,Dc.7tli,I8i-4. __- --1 -JfOT-fÖE I THE ANNF.Vo MtHING f tlw STOCK W of THE PUIST MA%)NAL lïffi ■■' AX S fot the ELKCn:N ol KiN!' )u;:l rlOKr ' Vtf anrt twnnapwtorsof Kleétion, wil. be '"""i ' iíPS Banking Office, onTl'ESDAV, JOtli of jKnus'J1" Pull wül be oijim from 1 to 8 o'clock,!'. M. B,ord„ofBü.rd„fDir,ctoSLÓND ,, AnnArbor.Dc.-6th,1804. ______J---' Oysters ï Oysters ! F f-T HF. lPÍ íilAI.itV ÍJftect froci HaMimore, f Jt, 1 quantity ilpsirea, nuil wurrante.l fretH " Taktn Up. ft, ON THE 15th of Octotcr,aBr,)Wn aWi WM J ,„ut y-arn ld. Wa dry. The ' , y' qucíteii tu prove property , pj' hjgB, ",NIyBK. iit. JUHN ■- 4 XurthfUld . Not . 34,1864. "


Old News
Michigan Argus