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We Earnestly Invite Every One

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indebtecl to the Ancua Ofliqe, either for Subicrlption. idVftïGsihg, o'r job Work, to raake miiBDUTK patmkxt. The pricés of Paper, Lbor, Fuel, and all Uie necessariea of 1 i fy , i,s?e advanced to such unprecedented figures, tht we can nut continue tbe Aroos without promptness on the part of our patrons, comiiiud iritk a more libtral patronage, except by nsing up tho little we have o.arefully saved in thepist. a thing we are unwillina to do. Let ,1 nterested do their duty. and that quieily. it hus sriowed sereral timos since oar last issue, and at this time- Thursdar noon- there %n fair prospects of getting 'enongh to make goorl sleighing, at least thers is n'iiccumulated capital of a foot to start : STii with more falllng. Friday last wu the coldest dy of th month, the mercury marking in our citT from 17 to 20 = below ero, awjcordjo to the loeation of the instrument. DutiDg the wefk it bas not been above 24 and tig rertged abont 15 . L3C" The anmial meeting of tfae TTubtenaw County Agricultural Society is to li held at the Court House in this City, on Tneady next, at 11 a. m. All niembera cf the Society ought to be present. Tbe Fair of tho ladies of St. Thomai Churoh opened on Wednetday erening, at H.agBtc-rfer'e Hall, with a good attendanc. till be opau ttiii and tomorrow afteriwniuid ereninga. jy Prof. P. C. Portbr propoaes toorgnúze a olas in focal music, at Rogers' Eill. on Mooday eveniug next. Prof. P. won i fine reputation in Detroit lat sumtner, and we eotnmeud hitn to tho3e mmically iSoÜDdd. y David Wéustek, on of Stephkn Wibheb. Eeq , of this oity, a tuembcr of the dl. Michigan Infantry, -capiured by the rebels at Gettyeburg, July 4, Ib63,and sinoe tcuficfd t Bei! lle. Pembertou Piison, Dunviüe, Macun, AiiderabiiTiUe, S-!Tanuah, d Milieu, has leen eichangsd, and has trited hume. We liare not seen him. bot Budcmand that bc is lookiiig hcarty, iiariug rei'iuitf.l inc bis renioral to Savanuah _ Htell umc tough etorie of prison b;o in. ribeidom. HÍ3 tnrm of irTioa ex pired iotoe Ten Uiooths agn. I 2T re have sent during the last mtk .i rge number of bilis to our subecritn, and we assure them tbat it is of the utmost importance tbat we receirs an immcdiate nd gemrous r?spoae frum all. Though the indebtedneaa of each subscriber is but little, tai aooslïüatb is laob. We hope tbose to whom we hav uot yet tent bilis will not ubject us to ie oeceesity of io doingj but wiil ar ut the labor, postagfl, etc., by (irompi pi) mon t , EST The anaouiicement tht Dr. Hollind would lecture on Tuesday evening i8t fllled the M E. Clmrcfc, despite the preTailiog sto'iu,, to ts full capacity, aa eridence hit Dr. II. i popular withour leeture-going public. His subject was "Cost and Compenution," aud without attfinpting a synopsis, Y6 may say that the kcturer was happy in his treatment of his Óietiie. The illustratiens were beautiful, and the instruction was above the average giren in ae hour lectnre.


Old News
Michigan Argus