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CHEROKEE PILLS HEALTH PRESERVER CERTAIN AND SAFE. JVr tó RemnKil of Obstructt'&t #nd the Inmrano of Jttaularitv in the Rêcurr&Cf qf th Monthly IKriods. ' S" They cure or obvíate these numeróos dleases, tuat spring f rom irregularlty, by reinoYÜig the irregularity itaelf. L&- Tli-'v cure Buppi-eised, Kxceialre and Palaful Mcnstruatiou. - They cure Groen SIcknrss (Chlorosla}. L5" Tliey cure Nervous and Spinal Affectiom, paliiá In tlie back, and lower parta of the body. " lleaviness, Fatigue on Blight exerMon, Palpüalitm of the &èartt Lownesa of Spirits, lïysterui. Slck lícadoche, QiddineAs, etc, etc. In a word, by rth moving the Imgularityy they reinovo tho cause, and witli It am, the effects that spring from H. !L#"" Compoaed of simple vegetable extracta, they ooiiiiiin nothln dek-terious to any constitutiun, howewr delicate, their functlon being to subatltut I stro n gilt for wealtnesa, whicli, wheo properly used, they never fail to do. 3y They may be safcly used at any age, and ai any pertod, kxcbi't durinu thb fikst thkek months, ' tluririi; wl.ii'h the unfaüinjf nature of thelr actloa would tnfalliljly pbevent pregoancy. T" All letterb Beuk intf Information or advlc wUl fe promptly, freely and diacroetly answered. fFull directiona nucompuny eoch box. Price $1 per box, or aix boxea for $5. Sent Ij y mail, free of postage, on roelpt Of t3SP Pamplilcta sent by mail free of postage, by DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., 63 Liberty St., New York, Proprietor, DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATINfi ELIXIR! Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE, Pnpared from Pure Vegetable Extract oaatata tujt iiothliiic Irijurloui to t-ie iaot dollcute. "As the Phcciitx rfHM frm the itnhcs of lt flrp, onlmated wlth new Hfc"- o thU Elli. Ir rJaveuate the 8yntem and orcraone dUe , $2?" The Ilejuvenating Elixir la the result of modrn diacoveries in the vegetable kingdom ; beinf kd entirely new and abstract method of cure, irretxct-ivtj of all the old and worn out aystems. f3TTUÍ8 medicine has been tested by the mot ' Cjq Ín ent medical men of the day, and by them pronounocd to b one of the greatest medical discorerlii qI the age. L$?- One bottle wUI cure general Dcblllty. %-& A few dose cures Hysterlca In females. t&T" OnebotÜe cüres Palpitation of the Iloart. S From one to Ihree boules roatoros the maall osa and full vigor of youth. Kff A Few dostisrestorea the appetite. L9r Thrue bottlea cure the worst cao of Xoip tency. t t#" A few dosea cure3 the low spirited. tg One bottle rest orea mental power. t"-4 few doses restores Du organs ofgentraUen tj? A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. J3y ïlils medicine reatores to manly vigor and robudt health the poor debilitated, worn-down od despiiiring. ' J3? The Ilstless, enervated youth, the over-taskcd man of business, tke victim of nervous depressloo, the Individua! suCferlng from general debillty, or f frvm iveakn&is of a single organ, will all flnd Imrne f díate and parmanent relief by the use of thU fiLlxlr I or Essence of Life. i W Piiee, $3 per bottle or three bottlei for $5, t and forwarded by Express, oa ireuelpt of monay c Ui any addi'u't. ( JTTUe Clierokoo Pilla and Iteja rouating Elixir, are sold by all enterprisinf DruggUta lu the clvllized world. Some unprinclplea dalers, however, try to sell worthless compound la phice of these ; thoae whlch they can purchasa at a cheap prlce, and make more money by j lag, than Uiey caa on these medicines. As you valut , your haltht aye, the health of yonr future offprlafr, do not be deoeived by auch unprincipled DrujfgUts, ask for these medicines and take no othr. If the Druggiat wHl not buy them for you, ' lose Uie money in a letter, and we wlll send them i Xa you by Kxpreaa, securely se&led and packed, fr - trom obervation. 1 Ladiet or Gentlemen can addrew us !n perfect i onddence, etating fully anÖ plainly thelr diaeasei Had gymptoms, ag we treat alt dUeasea of a chronla nature in male or female. Patients need not t tate becauae of their Inabllity to visit ust as wo hare r treated patients succesdfully in all portions of Xh olvillzed globe, by correspondence. Patienta addressing ue will please state plainly aU the symptoms of their oomplaints, and wrlte Poitoffice, Oounty, State and name of writert plain, and inoloie postage stamp for reply. ' We stnd our S'' page Pamphlei free to any ad flresti. Address all letters for Painphletg or adrlo (# ' Ule propiietors, ! Dr. W. R. MERWIN A CO., No. C3 Liberty rtreet, New "Sfcrk, i O. A. COOKi Chicago. No. SÖ Market Streel fruaoral Agent for the States of IlllnoK iowa. wI5 onsln. Uiclúgan .nd Indiana, w'.ío wili kub1 1 prucgtiU ai otw regular card priet, ""' , 8old by Wholesale DruWats in Detroit, alio by rfiBBlNS h WILSON, An Arbor. 962yl ( Ir. Hathtwa I!rt prepnred tilo VENKIUJi HAIR i )YK íuío thaí time it has ben unt-d by thoupands, ,m in jío initRtiea Uhs it failed to gire eaiire aatisfaclos. Tho VEN'ETIAN DYE In thê chenpeêl in t]) world ! U price id onlv Fifty Cents, ana each boltle eontains I louble the {umUtj oí dye io those uituall aold fur il. Th VENETIAN D7E i WAriantca cot to Injur Iht lair or tbe scalp in tha sliehteat degree. The VEN'ETIAN' DYF works with rapiditj and eeraintj, the halr rquiring no prcp&ration whatsver. Th VEVETHN DYE produce any hade tliftt muy t dftiired- one that will not fade, crock or wiih out -one tha t in an perraanont as the hair itfiolf. For sale J ftil dmggiiU.- Príc 50 "ents. A. I. M ATHEWS. Gf neral ARf nt, Jï Gold Stret, New Vork. A1o, Munufaotnrer of Miiaütru' Abxica Hair Ilobb, the bent huir dreesinf iu u. la Urge bottlea. riee 0 centt. 1;96C CLOTHES WRTNGER! The ONLY reliabl elf-AdjuBticg Wrlngír. NO WOOD WOKK TO 3WEIX OR SPLIT. NOTHÜMB-SCREWSTO GETODTOF ORDER. WARRANTED WITH OR WIlUÜIjT COG-WHEEL. ittookthelIRST VREMIUM t Fifty Seven State tnd Countj Fairs in 1863, and is, without ao dxoep;ion, the best wringer ever made. WHAT EVERT BÓDY KNOWS, Tiet Thatlron wellgilTanizcd wil] not rust That a eimple machino ín botter thiu a complioited )ne; That & WrÍB5ershon!d be solf-adjustlngdurable and ifficienl; That Thumb-Screws and Fasteninya caniedelay anil sroubleto regulatf. and keep in or(er; ïhak wood soakediu hotwater will (iwell, shrink ond spilt; That wood bcanngs foriho Bhaft to run in will wev 5ut; That tlii Pntnsm Wringer, with or wlthont cogwhet:l, will not tear tho clothe.s; That ctg-whêel regulators are nnt essential; That the Patn&m Wringer bas ll the advantagos iad not oue of the disadvantageBabove aauiöd; Thatftll wb-o feavo testftd it prouounce it the best wringer ev(r madr; That it will wrín a throad or a bed quilt without al. ieration. We miïht tiU Ilie paper -wil h testimoniáis, but msort only a few to conviaec the skeptical, if such thero be; ind we BhJ to all, test. PiunamV Wringer. TestitTlIÜROUGHLY witli ANY aud ALL othorB. and if not entirely satisfaotory return it. Pttnaxï í!ancfacti:bi.g Co., Centiemen- I kn(,w frffln vraetieil eiperfinw ttat [ron n-eHglvaoirod with :'.iiic will notoxidiro or rust one partiële. The I'utnam Wringer Ir au near perfect a posiblo, and I can chvertuliy recomneod i't to be the best in us. Rosixretfuiir j-onrn, JN: W. WHÖCt.ER. Cleveland, Ohio. Manyyear erperienre in the ealrauizing busin? enablc me to enilors the aboVe statament in all particularB. . JXO. C. I.EFFERTS, No.lOÖ Beekman Streel. Xew York, January, 18M. We hare tisted Putmm's Clothe Wragtr br practical worktn'B, arïd know that it will do. It is cheap; itin simple; itreqnires no room whetber t work or at rest; a chiM nan oprnto it; it dnea is duty thoroughly; it aves tiroe nnd it naves wear ml tear Wearnstlv atlïise all who have Mücn washin to fio' with all intellit-cnt persons who have ant, to biiy thi wringer It will pay forïtself ín n yenr at mnt Hos. HOlUCE GRLELET, Pfttontei! in tho ünitcd States, Enjldnd, C.Tna.U and Ai!.trall. Eaerpttir men can mal.e' from 8 to 10 dol. ïr per day Agents wante!in OViry towu, anil In 11 pfcrts of the warld -i Sample Wringer ent. Eipresf paid, on recip of pric. N'o. 3, U; Ko. 1, ll.bQ; No. T. .Sf, No. A. $0 50. lÍÁDUfaetuv;; pndflnln, whoïes] anü rea;3 by ■.. iatrcrjfAiiiiAíWACTuws:6(t, O, 9. VÍRTflItariSr


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