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DYSPEPSIA, DÍKASiíS BE UIT1KO FKOSf 3I8ÖEDEBS OF THE I.IYEH ANO DIGESTIVE ORGAKB. ARE CURF.D BY HCOFLAKD'S ÊERMAN BITTERS, ÏÜS GREAT STK2JÍGTHE1ÍIBG Tiicsu Biltm have peijfcfratrf mare Cur IAVE AND DU CIVEBETTKft SATISFACTHUT II vu more T.l(luonyt IA7 MORE RESPECTANTE PEOPIB ÏO VOUÜÍ1 FOR TIIEM 1 Tk&n oy jtííf article c the nnukfrt. fo defy any one to eortírsdict ihis Ae tioo, AND WÏLL PAY SIOOO y ftnj üdo who will pruOuce a Certifica t mbltatb4 hy us, tiifttib uut üSNUvi;. IQöFLAND'S GEMÍAN P1TTERS WILL OCRfi M EVERY Qftfg OF ïhjQülc 01 Nervous Debiüty, DIsoaq of the Kidney.4, iuï LHsease4 arising fiomdisojdeied S te mach, #r iA fvlhmiuf strmptoms rwhiiig frv. SHm4tm vf tht Úttfcstive Orgn i anstlpctioa, InwarJ HÏm, FulIpftM of Iïl wï to Ui uead, Acirlity, of the Sturoneh, Nusta, iípuftkurc. Disgust f or rood. FuUnttahor weijfht intlieik#cU Sour Eructations, yinkiug ur flutti-ring ut Ue p gf the StomncJj, üï tbc Hf-ad, Rufriixi ii ud lifticull brcHthiij?. Klu [trhi 4 thtt iieart ,Chol;ïng or SatTocatiog #aaation.s wbe in a Lj-irg Puture, Diinooee of Viaion, Hot ot Webs befure th Siht, FcTer nd Da 11 Pain In the Heal, Uefidiency of Pre. piration, YfllüWtiess of the fckia and Eyea, pW Ín the -lide, back, chest,liaibs, &c, udden fimitea ot Heat, Buraing ín the Flesh, Cuuitiat Ira&giaings of EviJ und Gmat Deprossiün of Sf]UU, THAT THIS BITTERS1S MOT ALOHOLIO, CONTAINS Nü RUM OR WHISA'EY. Í.ND CAN'Ï MASE DRTTNKARDB, DüT RE AD WHO SAYs SO romtU Eet. 1 o, Bek, Pastor of th Buptift hurch, Pcmbcrton, N. J. Jorcri uf tho .Vurtfa títiIstCüuroli, Phllidelphift. I haveknownHooBaua'ii liBrii:D Bitten fït)rbli jranumbMol yeïi. 1 lm,o mul tlivm iu ar ■ iniily.and have been so pleasej iïiih tlnir elTt-ou tht wasinduíoUtorecommenO tlum tomnuyother an4 nnr that t'.iey bare optruteil in n strikingly beueüclil ïanuer. I take great pleasure In tlinu publ cly proIvinirig thid tact, and calür1(! tbe Bttentiun of thoM Illicted with Uie diseaaislor whicli tbe ar recoutadcd, to these Uttus knuwing frum e.tpïiieucf tbt iï' rtioonmieuiltitioo wil! besustained. I du tiii mr hoeifullyas HuuöandN Cittorsl intendd tü bmeüt Uo aifiicted, and ia -' not a rum drink." Youri truly, LLV1 Q. BECJC io Rt. J. Newton Brnwn, U. D. Editorof theEaeylopaia af Rolijjious Kuuwlle and (.lniatmn duaalIe, Pbiladtilpbia. .i lthougb nut dispoaed tofTot ar recomraend Patent lUieiaesiojrenr!!l,tb.rouili3ii.-trttt of tblr inrlentnandefTi-ct,! yei knoiv of uu uffcieut reaTt, !ƒ anunnmynottostifyto tbu btntlltï L bellaro ímsulftulísvGreceivedfromiiny pie preparatlu thi hopo thi lie ma tUas CMUibut. to th. bvc.ut fother. IdothliioorereaiiilJfln resfarj to Hoolland'. C n BittcM.vrepateOby Dr. C. V. Jck.,,.n, of thl ity.becauïeliYksprcjudioodogHu.s. tliem lormur ari una,r1liimyreSiiuu tl.a-, Uicy e cliielit aa ichohohe oiitare. I ani ''ndcbtcci to m frionj R„t, riSUuoiaakiT, Gq., tor tin remora] of 'ilji príj'udic T Píoper als, and for te trj theot bjti mtfaring fioni great ml long cuutinuel debilitr Ii uit of three bottics ot tbetc bitters t tho btriuïng of tbe iresaut yoar, vt,i nnv,ó b.j evident reito nd rentoralion K a deree ot budjly &nd mental -,rOt 'hich I had not for six moaiki bcfoif , nd ha.: aimoit ipairad of rogalpiag. 1 theretore thauk God tud int riend for directiiig tce to tï-c use oi' thf-ni 1. NKWTON üliOWN, PhU 'loto the Rot. Jos. n. Kónna! J , l'ator of tU 10th8 ist Churoh. Dr. Jackion :- Dear $T:- have beon frequcotlr r. uesUd to cunnect mj name with (oiinacu.Jatiun ef iffreiit kinds of medicines, but rf mrdinif the p. ctl s out of myuppropriate sphere, ( have ia all au ocline.-] ; but with.a clearpioof n varioua iuütanct nd parf.oulaiiy in taf familj.of tht usofullnes of Dr lootland's ücrintn Bitters, 1 for once from oír ualeonrae, to eipress my full cenvictiou tbat, "or eneralüebility of tbe syateni aur! cspei;iully fir Lít# :ouplainc, it i a safe and vahmble prvparatioa Ia ome caaes H mar laili but uauallv, I dou t not it wUJ rory benefleial to thos wlio auifar from tht'tber auBe. yoari.rorj rtipectfully, J. I. JfEXNARn, Kihtli belo Coaten Street, PkUa. 'ron Rn. Warrnta Rondolph, fastor of tl Blstli 'hurch, Germantotn, Peiin. Dr. C M. Jckoc :- Üar iiir :- Punvnalexprlent nablasm? to eay that I regard tho Germán Bitlira repared by jon as a mout uxcel ent medicino. In ih I severe cold and general dobilily t have been (reatlr leneflted by the aso cf the Bitter, snd doubt not thti rill produce siip-Jar ftt on othera. Yourj,truly, WARREN' BANDOLPH. Germaatown, i"a rrom Rct. j. H Turaer, Paetor of lltdiinir M I ;hureh,l'hi!s. Dr. Jackson :- Ioar Sir .- Haring nscd yonr Qerniaa Httersin my fa-mily freqnntlr, I ,m prpard to n f hat itbasbstu of great servico. 1 büliere thatiua :asescf general dobiliu of tliearcteu it ii lh iala .nd most taluable rem dr of wa"ich I hare anr knowtidf. Tonri,rip;tfuIIy, .1, H. TURNER, Ng. TM K. Niunteenth ièintV. rrom tneRer.J. Sï. I.ynns, formcrlv Pastor of th O urnbuu, (N. J.) and Millatoiru, (Pa.) Baptist CbnrchM. KewKocUalle, N.T. Dr. C. 51. Jacknon :- Iar Fir :_I feit it a nleaiar hus,..f my own abntd 10 teetinmny to the txeel ence of the iermau BitttM, Soaie years siuce, bein nuoh alllicted itl, Drfpoi.f.ia,! used theu, Kilh T.rï leneficial rfsiilt. I buavftad rscnmmfDdid thm )ersons f-nfeeblod hy thnt fornnntiag cuente, and bat leard from theo; the mOMt nattering testimoniáis m t heir ftfet valuc In c.-.scs uf ftaón] debiütr 1 bTO Itt bea tenic Llaatoau uol bosurp.tssed ' i M LYOIO. 'rom the Rot. Tíos. Wiattr, Pattor of Roiboroart 3apfisi Churcl. Jaclif(in-_Df.a.ri:ir: -T feel it duo to yoisr KTtalent prpraii, JfoüiftncTi (w man liitton.. toadd ■timoiiy. tothedesrrri'ii reputatirn it l.n obtainr. have tircM.beon troubled witb (treat ti. rdor in my headaixl orvona y1.m. I vitf adfiicil )y a fnind fotiy a !,t,tt!er:f jour Germán Bitt.n. I Iidso and l:ay xjwjitnct'd (rrcat and uneipectei r ief ; tot hoüll'i ha boon rcr.v niaterially beueStted. I onBdenlIyricommcnd thsarticle w ere I moet wita " imilar to my own. and have been astnrta' bT nauyof theircicd rfiects. RfspertMivyours, T. WINTER, Roibofongh Pa. !''J '"■ Herman, of the Oerman R.hrmefl hurch. EufMown, Berks Co Pa. Hr. C. M. Jaokson :- RespecUd Sir .- I har ke .rottWíS Vito llyspepsia nearly twonty years. anfl haft lover nssd any modicinothat di mo us mneh good aa FIf;.Oand t Hltt.-rs. I am very muoh itoprovíHÍ In healtfc ter having taken five bottle Yonrs.with rispte, J. 3. HERSUM. PRIORS, Urg Sl, ftKildinRBsr5y rtouKU qnaatltr,) k 00 poe bottle- half do. S 0. Fmsll. Sire- T Mutt per Kotlie- half down t 00, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Se (!iat thf niirnaturo vt " C.M. JACKBOV" U O tiifc WRAPPKR of each hottle fhonlrlyour neareat Pruggist not hare tharticle, èe not bo put off by ii'ioxuiatfnp preparations tbat mar b ntferofl in it pKce, but .-nii to ns,snd we will forwari , securí-ly expreoB. Principal Office n.nd Maanfictory, NO 6 31 ARCH STRF.ET PHItADELPHFA. Jones fe IBvans. Swowtsort to C. M Jaekton if O PR0PEIET0R8. . Tor e brfiirrflsi DlM 1 vtorj H aXs X}5üi fA fjr 4


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