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npurc koüts and thk'lkavjés .L. WÜ.I ba tot toe IIea]ii.g of the Nations. HM{, SVot X. .T. -ÏTOICS, THE OBfiAT AND CKLEBEATEn l'HY! [Cl VU of the TÜKOAT.I.rxCIrt, I!KAHT,LlVi!.R ANO ÏHE B1.OOD, ivuu'.vii all over theoountry as tlie I3STIDIA.lsr KCELlB BQCTDEI Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the following plftoes, viz APPOlNTMENTir0R 1862, !8e3and 1884. Prof. H. J. Lyo n I ;■ öpiö njftfli i L the Oillowing places Bvry lu-urli, riai Detroit, SubpoI i lun ;;, dftohmontb,18thand lL)th. Aun Arbor, '■' niti r ï i . - ' : e. '.- ' rh moBfc, SfftJi. Jac'.isoit, Uïbtartl II i'inth; ïlX-f Adrián, Qraokbt Qouue, each tiv;;.f ii 22dand33d. Toledo, Ohio, Cullma Houaoeoci moatb. 94th,L6tb and 96th. Hillsdale, Miuh. , Hill lUleUoi ■, cach mont!i,27th. CoU water, ::ic'.'.,Sotiié'in'4Hitiigau Jluuao, eacli mor.üi, 38111. : 14 : . ■! . '.:: -ii-'.vt i;ousr,each moDth,29tti. Soutit UifUÜ, Mvi-, Sr. .) i. F'o'yl, y:lch mont'i, 30, IjapnrlOj ín'l-, ÍTce Gai'fienïtv Jflf, eacli mnnth 31st.' Voos(or,Ohio, C'r:ïmlcll ijèhjniie, e.irh laontÉ', Tih anil Sth. llrtnstield, Ohio, Wilür ilousi 6lc1i montb, 9th and lOth. SU. VeiQon,Kettvon Hourfe. tch moiUh. lth auil ïath. Newark, Ohio, Iloltou House, each tnonth, 13th and 14 th, l'ainesvillivObio, Cowleflllouiio.cach month,4th UU.VELAND, OHIO. liESlDiCli AND OFFICE, 282 SÜPEKIOR STREET, Eaist of the p'ublic-fiquai-e, 'rppnHp the PoKtofllee. Ofilce (iftja eacU moutli, lat, 83, 4th, 5th, 6th, 15 tb. - Oilice hours fro;n 9 A. M, to V M, wad fi-om 2 P. M.'to 4 l'. M. UiiSumlav from 9 to 10 A. iJ.,nud 1 to Ü P. M. ,fcÊ-;.Lixim.s.Htnutiy lbei:ci1 :■'-, 1 :; ive suc1! biihn as Lave no -ti rife, WitU aAturfl op the la of Üfe, Witli blood in y tt&nda I aoYör stnin, Noviioispn men toenf l!u:iraij, He is a phúst tart i&èjtl, cht 'arr,s. The Inan'Hfiv It.ictor, !ï. .f. I-YO-XS; cures the folLewiflg compiaints iatbe most üb,tinate .-itagenof their exiatence, via: Diflttasenof tlieïhroat, Ltmgs, Heart, I-ivcr, Stomiicli, Di-ojj.svinLliu'JUcstj Iliii'tiuuiti tn, S'euriiïgia, Kit, ur FaUinxiclíiioa!í.:nnl:inotherñí;rv(nKleranffcment3. Alao ftirdiaeafleeof the blood, such u.h Sorofala , Eryaip. elas,Cancrs, Fuver Sores, Leprusy, aud all otlicr coiuplicatöcl obronlc complainl s. All i'orms of fonfïÉyynculties atctndoü iv ïtHéj lbo Imppirst roiullB." ï X it is HuiiÍítft;ilÉi)o4t?ij-il] ik :iaii of.-i epre untll they hftvgiven tlic [ndian Herö boctor'3 Hedlciires a fair and fait hf ui trial. tDartng the poctori travels itt Europe. West Indies, South America, and the Onited otates, ht bas been the instrument In Qod'a liainl. torestore 1o hraltii -and vigor tbousands wiio were givenup nil irononnccd incurable by ilie most eminuntold school phyaicians; nay, more, thounanda wiiu were on the verge of the gvave. are now living mobuments to tbt Indisu Ilerb'a Doctnr's skill and .succe8sfultratmt'ni,alidare daily lïxclaiming: "Ulesscd be the'l;iv when first fle saw iid"rarïooli of the ïndianHorbOoct.or'H nierticine." ' FJ IUm öatisfactory refereuces of carel will bo gladly aad cheerfully given whenever requiredi The Doctor pledges his wora and honor, that he will in no wisclirectly r indirectly, iiniuce or cause any inralid tn tafee hé medicine without ihe strongest probability of a cure. itg" llodeof examiaatïon, wbiehia entiroly different from thefaoalWj Dr. Lyon pïofesass to dlaoern diseases by the cfp. He thereforo asks noquestions, nor doeshe vequire pa-tientfro explain symptoma. CaU ono hwI all, inH have thesymptom and locatioa of your dUeaseexplainedfree of charge. fThu póóf slüill 5p libérally onsidoroj. ita-PostotUceuaureí '2(!ñÜ. R. J. LÏONS.M. T'. ... Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. C j. 1802 Tyi80 I ■;. " -'■"■ '" ■'L 'V") o. :o Xji 3: m m Would tafee tbís method ofinformlng bis pld frfwda aml patvons aud all others wlio muy favor Iiíqi wiLh I lio ir [):tii'ouage,iliathehas gre:itíy enlarcecl hw StclL and Assoitiaent ! and having aaopted the CASH SYSTElf BOTÍI IN BUYINfl & SELLING is prepared to Bell Gooda at IFï OftBIOllí'1 lol-O jL?r2.OeIEJ, His Bloek cotulst iu pnr ol tbefoUowint;: - A3ÍERI0AN AND OTHER as' S);S% TbeCfllebrated -""iá&iÉíwiSE SETFI THOMAS UJLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setís GOLD OEIAINS, TABLS AND POCKET QüTLEKY! PazorP Rhers i : siirsand BruíiE.r'1'KOUKES PLATEO WARE, thC best !n markct, Gold Pens, Steel Pons, Pfcöcils, PAPES an-l KXVFI.OPES, Musical Instruments, Strings Sf Bochs 'fa f Instruments, ()■ OoW, Silvsr, Strcl,and Plaicd,v:ilh FERÍSCOPICGLASS, a superior article. Persons liaTÏn diCBcult watclies to fit with glasses an b' o'cüiabdteLl, as my stooU i largeand eom.. ■te . l' S. Particular attention to the " ■ ufline 'athes, suchas -ancl SettinS new Jewels' " Sloffe, and Cijlindert. Alto " '. i.uteil.;Vt hls olJ 6tudast ent! repairul red wai" ■ ■l';of Main Street. T? T T'! S IL Ann trbor.NoT. 25,1862. THIS "SPLENDID REMEDY CURES S" TOOTIIACrTE OSI NEURALGIA L5 In Tliree Minutes. In Ten Minutes. ÏEtxiftkCIIK "" KAliÁCIIB In ïlte Minutes. In-l'cn Minutes. CE.VMI? CO-HO DIPTHKHIA In Sen Minute. In a Few Ilours. SORH TWKOAT ' KIIEUMATISM. I-a a Füw Hours. in a Few Daya. LAME BACK. Sl'RAINS. Cl'TS AND B1U.ISES. BUIÏN'S -ïxn SCAtDS. COKNS. C111L11LAINS. Tliia invalnablc preparation only needs iWnI to renumnuml itsilf to i-very booaehold in tlie land. Vví one boltle anti ou wü'l alivaj'B ketp it on huml a{;aiiit the tune of nut!. Price 85centa anj 75 cents por l.otUe. The larp bottles contftin nearly tl.ree times as much as ; the sratUl one. Manuiiicturedt by J. A. UAMLIN BRO., 109 WMhlngton treet, CMcaso, aDd for sale by drafglstl gelierally. p aphs: ;;:::.;r yoMM j iMggtftution IVotice, mHFriPf OFCIIM'TN.'iVl'On k CO-, wss .liasolvi-S lj.MWÏ 16, I86i by mnluaW-oi.Biit. C. A. iiiayin aml II "WooclivillsotlletbcaccoimUof ilieflrm. C. A. Ciuns, A. B. Wood, Ana Arbor, June 24, 1863. CopariïSÊirsMp, TTE UN'DI'R?lfiNTKD ontereil ind partnrsWp Jf. 19,1813,' by the linn name of Chapin & Co., nnd will continue' the bunioess of mouufaoturing priniing and is-rappiiiíí paper. C. A. aei.v, N. Chapín, Ann Arior..T7n24.1Si6 9lK Taken UpCamp into the enclouro of the Kubscriïjer about tho firstof Rvptuinbcr.oni. ÜRIN'D' K TH'I.I,, npolteaillliind, about a yeár nnd a Lalf ildJTThe owner turé. qnfrtioil 1ö prove property, puy charges, aiul take Haid BULLaffoy. VUT ZKKB Sdo, Mot . 15tk , ISOi. lrtt(


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Michigan Argus