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FUBNITURE ROOMS One doortforth ofRisdon ana Henderson's h„j Store. uarOwr The undemgned haring purcha.-cd the entire .1 L nf W. I). Smith Co., aa.d addeó htrzely to Ik! Wk is prepared to furnish liis :„.ni and iitronk . 'l issortmentof well made furoiture, couaisting of "' SOFAS, BUREAUS, BEBSTEAOSrBOOK-CASES TABLES and CHArRS, Suïlne8'"3'11 flC' ofeTethiDSPertim„8Uth L, O TJ ff G ES," MATRAJSSES, ftc, Ac, made to order by good and experieocfii men, and warranted to give satisfactie. i!„ , ' keeps agooci assorïment ef Cherry and H'a'r'i;" J for sale at reasonabie pricea. And wili also ni" y8SuLg.'"" Chc"y' " P.S. Beha alsopurchased the new and ELEGANT HEAESE! of Smith & Co., and is prepared to furnish 11 kW,,' Wood Coffins, MefaJic Cases, A3srr caskets, On the hortest notice. Also attends to la, „. deceasfd persons day and night, without chri-o 11 furnituro delivered in the free of charge W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, January I8íh, 18C3. 940tf 1864:. 1864, NEW FALL COODS! AT REDUCED PRICES. - o - C. H. MILLEN Ii now opening a NEW STOCK of Doneitii and FORlfiN DRY GOffll AND FAMILY 6R0CERB, boagbt since the recent dfclin in GOIP, andmicj kinds at coüaiderable Deduction from Former Pricesi Please cali early and mate our purchaswriüi the stock is complete. C.H.MIUHl nn Arbor,Sept.lS64. 971 CARPETS, OilCloths and House Fnrni.-hhigGooJi: a good Btock at 9T6 t'. n. .1I1I.1.E.VÍ. TO THE LADIES - A stock of elegant Drj Ml, Shawls and Cloaks, for the fall trane, nn np ngat 976 C. H. JULLEa'S, TO THE GENTLEMEN A fine tock orClolhi, Cassiraerï, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, jait rPt-eived at 976 C. H. MIÜSS'S. HEMOVAL! N". B. COILE, bu remored bis STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, to the store of A. P. MiJïa&Co.,on Miin Street, irbn lic wili beglail to wait on his old customers tndll' public generalljr. GIVE HIW A CA lili! PËESCMPTIÖÏ & DBC6 ST0IÍ! Is the place to buy yonr MEDICINES, PERFÜMERY, W ritins Paper, by the Ream orMss, ENVEliOPS. and all other articles in our line. y Especial attention to Componndineand puttpf up Prescriptions, at the aifro of GOI.D MORIAK,"' ■fl, Proíessonal calis promptlj attended to. l'5 100 Oity Lots for Sale. LAST CAXÍ "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.' All perfons indebted to the late firm of SCH W' MILLKR.eitherby note or book account, h'jj requested tocall and make an immediate P-'" the same, and tliose who fai! to cumply w't'1 ' ■■! quest attheendof SIXTY DAYi from ihisie" fiiïd tbeii accuunts in the haads oí ao oÉBcet frc lection, Aun Arbor, OctobcrïOtli, I86Í. JS A LECTURE YOüfG MEN. Just Publisbed in a Sealed EnvelopPrice Sii Cents. AI.F.CTITRE on the Nature, Treatmont, "' "' i! Cure of Spormatorrhoe (ir Seminal 1Veak,''í1,li Emiss ons. Sexual Dtbilily, aml J"1!'1 ,i(Pl to MarriüRe genorallv. Nervousness, ('"n:;lim,c]i( Epilepty, anil Kits Mental and phjsical '""?Ivrt. rmolting froro 8elf Abuse, &o. By uon'TJ (U WKI.L, M. II., Author of the "(reen Iiook ." '■ ((. TheworM renowncd author, in bis "cira ,J,t tW tnre, proved from lus ovn experience, , awful consi'ijui-nccu of Sell-Abuse muy be elfw'" ' moved without medicine, and mlhout liangfr"", , cal operatinns, bougies, instrumenta, ringsor cfí, pointini out a rr.ode of cure at once cert'iin n, . crtl3. tunl. by which everv euHtrcr, no matter wbat M dition inay be may cure himself cbeaplyi P'r and radically. This lecture wili prove boon ands and tbousands. . fiJ;t' Stntunder seal. to any address, in a P1i1í'mk(Í envelope.on the recipt of nix cents, fr tov stamps. by addressing. .r CHAS. J. C.KIJKEÍ-. 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Boxwt Mi TRIMÖNIA11 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN if yon wish to raarry, address the un!erslííL !' wlíl send you without monev and without pr i?fi oable information that wili cnabl? you lo i1 ;,- and peedily. trrespective of agej fe. ?r. pi, ■ét This inforrnation wili cost you nothP ■ ,-, ,ur' to marry, I wili cbeerfully assist you. '' ,jtM ttrictly confidentis.1. The dMired inform1'" rtofn mail, and no qneí'ion skêd,ndrei f tui B. Ia", Giipi.KÍJ (igí SnOTu Ki


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