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VVill bopublished overy Monday moriiing, in Arm Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY, POSTER, & Co. For the Michigan State Anti-Slaviuiv SoClüTY. TEKMS. Ons Dollar a year, in ndvrincer if not pnid, in ndvancc, Twj Dollars Will be knvaiuably rcqiiired. (D Old sub'tfcribers cao havo their paper nt One Dollar a year, by fjrwarding that aniüuiu, and payinj arreaingcp. All aubscribers will bo expedted to poy wiihin tho ycor. TERMS OF ADVERTÍS ING. iFor ench line of brevier, (the smallcst type,) or the first inseriion, 3 cents. For cach subseqncnt insortion, I ceiu. For ihrec montha, 7 cents. For six montli9, IÖ cents. For one year, 15 centts. Orders by mnil vill be ptompily atieitded lo. Lcgiil Adveriisint; by the lulio. (JU Manufaciurers, Cookscllcts, Macliinists. Wholesale Merchants, nnd nll othere doing au cjcUjisioe business, who vvibh to advertise, Will fmd the Signal the best possible medium of comniunication in the Stnte. Qj" All Remitt-inces and Communications should be addressed. Post paid, ( of Li'bkrty: Ann Arbor, Mich.j


Signal of Liberty
Old News