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British Aid To The South

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Washington, December 8. The President today pent a mewag to tho Senate iu reply to Mr. Sumner'e res'luiion, call:ng upon bim, if uot incompa'iblo witli the publ.c interest, to furnish to tho Seuate my Information il) hirf posessioii relativo to a propositioa of LSritish subjeots to givo aid to the rebelliou. Lord Whurncliffe iDlbrms Mr. Adams tbut the Liverpoul Bazaar produced about L ! 7,000, and isks permitsioa ior au acciedited agent to vibit the military prisons with'm the iS'orlhcrn State ai:d distribu e aid to tlitir inmutes. H deüies that any politica! aid is aimed at, or any iiuputatiun that confedérate prií0I1UM aro dcprived oí fuch atteiitious at ie ovdinary rules enjoiu. He saye : " The issue of the great contest wi!l uot bc deti niiiued by iudividual surTeiiug, ba it groa!er or less ; aud you, whose hiollj name is nterwoveu with American history, cainiot view with incüffcrciiee tha üüffoiing of American citizens, wlmtevur their eta'.e or opiniouv." Mr. Adaim replied that it has uever been the dcir of tbe governruciit to trcat with uunecessary or viudictive severity auy of tha niï'guided individual partiea in' this aipiorable rebcllion, who have fallea iuto us hands in tho regular couisa, and that he should grently rejoieé if the effocls of cuch syapathy could be extonded to ministering to tb'eir mental ailmeut as well as their bodily sufiering, thus coutributii:g to put an end to a struggle which otherwise is too likely to be procrastiuated by their Englibh aympathizers. Mr. èeward replies as follows to tbs ipplication i'L-ceived through Mr, Adam : Depaktmkxt oï Statb, } WaíiUííoton, Dcc. 5. j Sir : - I have reeeived your dispatch of thu 18iu of November, Nj. SU7, togelher with the papers thema meutkmed, viz, a copy ufa ietter which was addreased to you sn the 12ih .f November last, by Lord W harp cl Ufe, aud a copy of your auswer to that letter. You wiil now infonn Lord Whariicliffe that peruiission for an ageüt of tha comaiitiee üoscribed by hiiu to visit the iubiirgents detained in th6 rnilitiiry prisons ui the Uuited States, and to dietribute arnong tliem seventeen thousand pouuds of British gold, is disf.llowcd. Horo t ii eipected your conespoudence vrith Lord Wharucliffe will end. Thai correspoadauce will p,écQpaanÍy b'scome public. On realiug it the American psople will ba well awara ' tbat while tho United Lt:ites liara ampie means for tho support of prisoneri as well as for every other exigeney of tl.e war in which thpy aro cugaged, tho iasurgents who ha'yct blindly ruehed into that coüditiou, aro suflFering no privntious that uppeal for relief to charitj either at homo or abroad. The American people will be likely to reflect tliat tho sura thu insidiously tendered in the natas of humanity, coubtitutes no largo portion of the profits which tg contributors may bo just!y supposed to havo . rived froui the iusuigentg, bj exchangiug with théni arma and niuuiáoRi of war for tho eovoted productious of iinmoral aud enervating slave labor, nor will any porliou of the Áiiierc;in people b disposed to regard tlie sum tlius ostentatiously offerod for the relief of captured i.isurgiïiits as a tffogoiieroua equivalent tor the devasUttion aud dissölutién which a civil war promoted and protrauted by Brítiab sulijocts, has spread throughout the stites, whicli beforo wero eminently protperouH and hippy. Fiually, in view of tlits last offioiou3 iuterveutiou in onr doraestic afl'.iirs, the American peopls om hardly fail to reeull tho warning of the Father of our Country directid against two great and intimntoly eonuected public dangrs, namely, seetional laotion aud foreign intrigue. I do uot thitik the insuigeuts have become debased, although they have sadly wandered froui tho wnys of loyally and patriotistn. I think thdt, iu commou vrith all our couutrymon, they will rejoice ia being saved by their conaiderate and lnyal govenimeot from tho grave insult whieh L ird Wlnrncütle and his a8ociatef, in their zeal for the overthrow of thu United States, havo prepared for the viijtims of ihis unnatural and hopeless rebeltiou. I aiu, eir, Your qif.dieDt serrant,


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