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The Soldiers' Vote

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The 13 lard of State Cunvassers has CompIWdG tho canvaas of tipt Pul üors' vote, ar.d oertified the nggiciic result to tho County Clerk. This return gives lio intiwation of the reginients, cotnpanis's, etatlrroents, etc'., in whieli thc-c vol es w;ere poHed, and ís unuccompanied by any poll-list t euablo any sciutinv into its correctness, or any examiüatión into the question whether any but leg] yoférs ëkereiaed the right of fmnelmc The ipgrogate vote retorned ou eaeü framïidate is :it follows : Thomas Ninde 275 2l2 ff. .J . B'eakes 63 Beakos ma jurit y on h. me vote 2( !- 47 Jolm C Mead 280 214- 91 Philip Winegar 6i Wmegar on home vote 123 Everett B. Clark 282 210- 7 EHhu B. Pond f3 Pond on home vote 212 John W. Babbitt 27- 212-48 Peter Tuite 00 Tuit e on home vole 164 Robert McColl 27S 22U- 58 PhHip Bluin 58 Blom on hom vote 102 Daniel S. ïwitcholl .- 276 210-95 Araos C. Blodgft 66 Blodgft on home vote 115 Charles Holmes, Ji 279 G. orgo W. Auibrose 278 Robert E. Frazer - 65 John Carpenter 64 Frazer on home vote, 171 ; Caqienter, 183. Wm. Jay 134 100- 4 Wm. A ,í.)nes Si Jones on home vote 06 J. Webster Oliilds 135 108 21 John J. Robisou ; 27 Ri bison on horöe vote.r 87 Charles Snier Gl 5G-281 Chester Vost 14 Shier on home vote 225 James Clements 70 59 - 51 JohnF. Miller 17 Miller on bome iote S Thomas Gray 65 5ü Joshua Foibes 9 Forbes ou hoir.e vote 80 - 2 -i Rosweil B. Gates 47 37 Elias Haire 10 Haiïe on home vote 305-108 We oinit the vote on Cororiers and County Surveyor. The Gounty Canvafsors wero in fcssinn yestorday, but had not declared the rosuli at the time of writing this artiole. - Sineo the above was in typo the County Canvassers have rejeeted the return oi tho' vote, and declured on the hniae vote. The District Board have dono the same, and Mr. Shier, in tb e First Represeutativo District, ie the only Ropublioau who gets a certifícate of election. As the election would have been conteated in any event, this action Bimply changas tho position of tho contoetants. As ouv paper is ready for preas we reserve commeot on tbis action of the Board uutü another woek. J5S The New York Pont's Washington special, says that Mr. Kassox, of Iowa, preposes to introduce a bilí into the House taking off the dufy ou paper. Congress ought to do this thing iminedifttely. The duty combined wi'li the premium' on exehanges is so high as to prevent the iroportation of paper, and give the rtiakers entire control of lbo inarket. Paper is as cheap in England and Germany, or nearly fo, as before tho war, while hero it has advanced from 200 to 300 per cent. Take off the duty and importations would cotnpel the paper tnakevs of the country tobe satisfied with a libera' profit. II prices are advanced or kept at tbeir present figures newspnpers without numbers must stop, and t'he publicaticin of books be coütraeted beyond precedent. The governmont loses in the advance it alone pays more than it reaüziH fiom the duty, whicli certainly ought to induce Congress to act., even itf it bas no Hympatliy wilh the newepaper interest of the country. KTST ï'ie rebel puit of Okorgt! Opdykk agüinst Thuklow Wsup, ia now ia progresa "f tri 1 iü N-ew York uitv, before Jiiiljro MacoS. Tlie leferidant . tilies, and (iie evi'ienee on Iih behitlf ranke soiuo rii-li - if not Dreditubïe - disolosures. It verifies tho old aduge tluit " wht'ii rogueg fall out Louest men will get tLtir ducs," thongh wc Kupioion that there will be found no honegt men connected with tina transaction to be so rewarded. Plaintiff, defendnnt, and wirnesses, bid fair to be somewhat besmeared with emut. EP" The House, by a vote of 76 to 56, has pasaed a Bankrupt bil!. We havo never really been in favor of baükrupt laws, bnt are not sure that the titua is not near at hand when one will be needed. And if an International Congress conld be held, and nation giren thií privilege oí going into insolvency, it might prove the eftsiewt and most direct solution of the difficulty in which Unole Sam is becomiug daily more dei'ply involved. L3 The Adrián Watchtower snys thiifc (3i.l.. Üümpiikby, late of the Seoond Mifhigiiii' Infuntry, bas been appointed Brigadier funeral, but lias not jet de; lenninod to1 fieccpt. 9 li'SS On Tlmridij evtüiing .f last weck a oo'lision occurrtd on the Grand Truuk Rallway, noar tlie Mihvaukee crosiutr, bi)tweer the passenger train ooinirg West and a. frieght going East, tiie conspqiuices of wluub wero moro i dreiidful and heart-renJing ihan U s-ouf dinay datj to record. Tbe OoHieioa complctcly d( mnüshed the two cngincs, Tbe engineer and fireman of the frcight juinped befuro the engines struck, and those of the passenger train were thrown to the roatlsidc and miraoulously esoaped scrious iujury. Thetrains wora rnuning ucarly at, i'ull speed, and the baggage car weut orasliiug iuto the forward passengor cai', which wna cicwded with passengera, mu'iilatiiig a largo nuniber. Geouoe W. MttLiBN, of Port Iluron, foimerly of this city. ard brother of U. FI. Mft'fkií, Eslj., Mail Agent on the train, stae"ed fi om hts car when the I whta'le sounded tho alarm, for a safer jilüue ia tluB var. He waa eaughtatthe mmnent of colusión betweeu tbe pktforma of the baggage and passenger cars, and could not bo extricated by the most herculean effort, uijtil ie was burned to death iu the iiames which, taking from tbe overtui'Ded stove, rapidly spread. - The rceital ef kis suiferings ia too horrid to ppread bcfore our readers. Mi5 Millkn liad a large number of i friends iu our city. who Ceeply sympathize with liis relativos. It is supposcd that a woman and child were aleo burned to ashes, as fragnients of dresses ?ud human bones were found in the debris. A ooroiiers inqueuf ia in progresa which wil! determine where the Llame lies, we hope. Certain it is there is criminal uegligence somewhere 1 i M l li 2rjL '-The Presidout having disapproved so muoh of the recent order of Gen. Dix fis directed offioers of ihe goveiTtncnt to pui?i;o Canndiiin rebel raiders aeróos the line and capture, hold, snd briog tü hi headquartors, the Genera] bas revoked it, and instead dirot'.tcd that before raiders are pursued into Canada, officers shall report to hirn fnr special orders. We beüeve that Gen. Uix'# ürst order waa rightin principie, but difficulty might have ari?en from conirling iU executioB to too msny hands.. - Cf-nadian fiiends, while hunting for preeedents, fhould remember the oiise of (he stosracr Cnroline, which, during the " Patriot war," wrs captured at her doek at Schlosser - in American walers - towed into the middle of the stream, fet on fire, anl left to navigato the rii[)ids and go over the Falla of N'ütiïc.rn. If we recollect arigbt,tbe Briiiah government approved the "raid" of i tf Bubenünates. %W The New York Tribune ie caliing lustilv upon Congres to dimini.h the currenoy, and taz ! tax ! ! TAX ! ! ! Wo have some doubt about Oongress heeding more thau hali oi the Tribune's demnud. It may not e"ntract, we might safely say will not, the shinplaster ciroylation of the conrtry, but it m.W til f tax ! 1 TAX ! 1 I untii an expanded currenoy will bo neoe?sary to f.t rnisth !be wherowith to pay the laxes. TaxHtion is likely to bo a liixnry that the poor aud the rjoh rnsy botb indulge iutot'hoir hearts' content, Jfczg" The Treaaury Departmeat is printing, and will soon flood the country with an " odition " of Ihree-cent shin phislers. The currency tinkera think that these new notes will sj meet the demand f t r smjll chnnge tbat niokels and coppera will no louger coramand a premium. If not, Mr. Fessenden will have to set hia mili at work and grind out a griet of paper " one cent tokens." No one would think of hoarding his fractional issues, but al! would read and circuíate. r mm m jL3L Hoft. WlLLfAM L. ÜAYTON, United States Minister to Franee, died at Paris on the 2d ast,, of apoplexy, aged 57 years. Mr. Dayton before jroing to Franee had served Dine years in the United States Senate, and had held other respousible official stations, the dutieH of which had always been honorably discharged. In 1857 he was a candidato for Vice President on the Fremont ticket. He has made an able Miuister, and an iuexperienced diploraatist will find it difBcult to fill the posiliou vacated by his death. ZrL" ïhe President has issued his proclamatton calling out 300,000 men, to bc furnished by Fobruary 15tli, on which day the deh'cicney wili be drafted. Aud so in kept the promise made before election that anotkor dra ft would uot be made. Te look for a wi'ling and speedy response froni all the ' loyál leagues." They o'Jght to " go iu :' singing, ': We are coming Fathei' Abraham, 300,1)00 more." But for fear they wont, the authoritiesshould go uiinodiately at work to h'll the quota. ïhere is no timo to be lost. JKST" The Allegan Journal, scouts tbe idea that " locality " hus anything to do with clioosing a TTnited States Señs'or, and saya "Abraham Lincoln v.a been twioe ele.cted Prei-ident frm the same locality, Spriiifjöeld, Til.," and then triumphantly askí, " did any good patriot, in voting lor him, tliirk thi- was any objeotion to our wprlhj Cliief Mogistrate?" Lurninous, most áesuredly.


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Michigan Argus