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A VE11Y LARGE AND attractive Stock of Foreign and ; Dome stic DRY GOODS! iiuw oponed ut eonsisting of IBÏBH POPLÏNS, Freucb and Englmh Meriuos, EMPRESS CLOTHS, Black and Cohred Alpaccas, DELAINESJANCYPLAIDS, Cloths and Cassimtres, FLANELS, PRINTS, Bleaclied and Brown Sbeetings, DINIMS, TICKINGS, Blanket?, &.., &c. and a gboice stock of FAMILY GR0CER1ES ! all of which wera bought during The Great Panic! in NEW YORK, and consequentiy can be oíd much lowsr than thoa who made tlieir purohasos oarly in the eeti8on. All kinds of PE0DÜCE taken in EXCHANGE for GOODS as nsual. J. H. MAYNARD. A nn Árbor, Oct . 31 st , J 864. 3m981 UO TO TIJK CHEAP STORE! And see the New Goods. A SPLENDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! Gonta' FURNISHING GOODS, CASSIMERES, Oloths, Satinéis, &c, DOMESTICS, SHOES. HATS CAPS, Crockery, GROCERÏE3, &c, Are to be Rold without regard to present Eastern Prices. N. fí.- The larg:c=t Stock of Calicó amí Brnirn Cotton in the City at lesn than Mauufacturet 'tí prices. The hifrheit pricc pairt in Tr.ide or"cash fir all kinds of Produce. MACK & SCHMID. LUMBEYARD! C. KRAPF, ÍIíiR a I rLí and wol! ptocktJ Lutnlv.T Yftjá, -n .TrlíerRon Street, in UieSouib part of %Ut} ('itv. aml will keep constantly un liaiiú an p.Ncellfiit varit-jr of LUMBEK, 8HING[ K8, LATH, &e,. whioh will be oH ns luw a ch be .affordcd in this market. Qnalityant] pricc sueh that no one noeil (rato Detroit. COXRAD KR PF; Ann Arlier, Dec. 6th, 18R4. 9c8tt jFAIRÍ3ANKS' Jl! STANDARD P S OF ALL KIXDS. AI.SO, '■f-gPWaréhiusc Trucla, Letter Preua, :H. FAIRBAKKS, GREEKLEAF & CO,, 17a ri.lí.. Street, CHICAGO. Sold in Detroit by FARRAND, SHELET k CO. Jí líe carêfuljo bny onlr the Geuuiuc.íf 12j8


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