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1WD3AÍ KKEDECINs!' ROOTS, BAFKS AÏÏD LEA VES An cilfaUlpa ouj-e ftr j-rntittwr!iu-at frmtnal ]r. ,;.... Witr.tvrnil ffroíjwfon. nud all .f,.,. - l'.iir.-rs.'f Etlí 7y', Vn l We # , hhmt'ss íl Vinimi, i:-iftttrr li A'e, Wmk rr-'-.-, th''hr,,y', ■ Sto"nnj. i . ín '■■..':, WatyfttfnK ■ , J$rujiUpn$ "i 'fié rtl , Ti' '' ' :''!■'■!', Ifriaitít I. rtwsuinptum, and an tlfai tH fitl ctmtplaliiti causf-d by Ufl' ■ . : , ;.u' -f tj:-.U::-c. 53 Til! Tivit iripisfl Glmpl Vegetable extract, ll OUr'pfUt ■■ í ■' 'i v '■:■■■■ i, ::íi-' .■ ' ' !i NtiUd&nilti troU''!, ft rni" not fíiHed ín h p-njrlt inst'inc'. fté vj -j.tis. lio vnd luivo been BUfEcicnt Lo güín ■ ov r the -u'ist Fí'ildiori) c'aV. jtjK 't''j w!i) 'ritl-l ''■'! Vtñit eo}--(tnl "... o útil i'x-'.v ti i-ik Iíh'iuílíVi.'.í ï'i oud Un roücli cf njefl!ÍAl a!, wfmliï PÍly, ikíp tí Müt ! Un CIIKKOlíHi'. OUttK ffill r-'stuVu yirtí t-.iMuttli nú-I vljíi-r, n:nl a,ft'fr all quielí doctors linvu failctí ! ■ 'í- IViruTiui Dollars per botlK-, nr t!n---e li'ittle lur I' i ve Dollars, auü furwíirdcil hy Kxpieas tü Ktl pfirts uf the worUl. fgT'Pariiplik-t. sent by mfiil free of poHtat;e, liy Dñ. W. R. MERW1N & CÜ., ti3 Libity tt,, New York, SuIj Procrlctor. GLAfl NEWS FI)R TJIE ÜNFORTUMTK. T'in T rmnr onnn'if "di1 TU(inftrppH nf Toet uü milis, h'Mgál lUl Juüuliüiüa dl Líihl Cures infrom oiie to iJiree days. CHEROKEE REMEDY öömpouudedfromEoots, Barks and Leaves CllKKOKKE REMEDY, the great Indi;m Di-ir tlo curt-fi all dUeases uï the Urhiary Oiani., 6bch 3 Ihcomhienc.e f tlie Crine, frijtiimmaVon fbe HUtd'i'ir, ihjlimmation of Ihe Kiritirvs, Sfone Mi th? HKidlcr, $lrictttrey Gravel, J'-norrI-eat Ule'd. siud u s9pefclaíly reeomniended In those casen of Flur ,4Vjfií, (ov Wliïtt. s In fonialta,} whwre all the uld nausenua hay e fallen. lt is prepaivd In u. highly concenlratccl forni, tilt; (ioBe only iein_; froiii unc to two teafci'uuiifuls Ukree timés per lay. EB1"" It is ditirdir. and uUmilive in 1U uotlon : puify ing anl ui ruumijr the ijloo.l, caüslng t to öow in all nf its 'trigina! ]urity aml Vigor; tRus removing fi'um tJic HydtL'tn all pemlcious cauits wldch liavp inducr-'l dlseasé. CMLtjUJS.ILlS irVJKOTION bintmded a8an,alij or assiataiü to tln íIttrScce BSrisedy, anl nboíríá he usei iii cuiiunctimi #Hh that lut'Uicijie in ;il crises of (Heet, Goaorrhc;!, Flutr alona, or wtiitês. ïts effect ar? heallrtg sothlng. and dfiriulcf;nt ;' ninoving all schI'Ühií, íieut ana pain, insttad oHbe burniug and alnaost unenduiftbli puin that is eXperiènCèU witii aariy all tjie chcap quack iujectioïïa, ÍS li.v tiu' uso of the CHEUOKEE nEMEDY, añil CHKKOKKK 1 NJ ICCTlON-the two kAktbl "at the dapu t'mi.; all I inproper ti i'-ehor-iw :Uc removed, and the weak iu- orga'ñaare h-ic.'tiiüy resÉored to (uit viixor and stférigth. ÖVi-iw;, 'Cbmi(('e tiosned;', $2 yr boitle, or tlirce bbitleS fnr $5. -- Price, CUeroliiG Injectioiï. i pyr iiottl , or tliM-o hottU-afor 5. Sint by lixpress to any auérésa oa rectipt of price. ZT TUo Olierokeo RnqtodV; í ho oki; fiiijccÜUJl aiul tílJtC'i-ííívetí i ur, are duld liy h!1 tuterprKijlg Drugálíftii in the üi'.iÜZL-d worl'l. Soine uiipHiicipliMl fleSlers, hówt vur, try to atli vxurtiiküs cuuipouiid.s in plac of tliese : iliusu which tney cun purchtiae at b (dièajj prtcï, and make moi-f uionoy Ijy ielHAg, t han tlnv can on tin-ne tn-dicint-s. Ad y uu vulue yoiir hi-alth, ae, the lealüt of filtm-r otF-pririL', 'ïo not ltcrU-celvi il by su--h unpruiiipKd Ul'MgifJAtl, (lik j'or ïht fiUxiittiiïit and Ut . noptfyerfr ïf the Dnirgists will nut tmy thtrui fnr yon. er&tösé money in a l-.-ítci, and w will si.d tin m to y da hy lixpresa, iteuryly acuk-d and pneked Ci-pefrom onservátTori. EaOictj ur O'iitk'mt'n can address us ïn purfect L'uiiliiliiücc, st&tinif fuliy and, ]linly thcir dlseasei ;ind sym)i'iHiH, is we treat all flTBeases fa cluonic natui-j iij-niiil-j pr reiiiaU;. Paiionts need not liositate becmis" nf thrir inabllity to viit us. as we have tr-nteil pHrÍMi]ts?!icct'ssfully In all portions of the clv Iliaed lobe, hy uorrespondeuce. Patieota ttffdrestüg as will picase state plalnly all tïiy -yniptoms f thclrconiplainta, and write Postoffice, Couuty, State andnanie of wríter, plain, and tncluse pnatage stamp for rt-ply. W$ sbu(l '■ur'-i-i paffe Pmphletfrc?, to any address. AiMfesa all letters for l'ainphlctsoradvice to t!ie propcietoru, Dr. W. R. MERWI & CO., No. 63 Liberty ötrtyt, Nl-w York. SnHI bv Wholesnle Drusrgists in Detroit, also by STKBB1NS& WILSiiN, Ann Arbor. 952yl Mr. Mathews fit-st prepared the "]iN'HlI.N Iliil; DYK ; since thut . timi'it las hocu nsed bv thousaiwl-. and in no iuátiiuce has it iaüed to ive tid'Jro -satisfac lion. ïhc VEXKTIAN DYE is tlie cheapost in tlie world.- 1(8 price is only Fifty Centaj an-: eh bifitti contair doublé the quantity ui dye h. thusij UMially s.jldlu] The DYE is waïranted not to injure tlio hair or the scalj in the HÜctlfeel (icree. The VKN'KTIAN DYF wortel witl, r -ii.j.ütj and eertainty-, tlie hair requn ing no preuaralion AitatoieThe VE'P:tUN DYK prrtluco an, slinde'tl,.} „,'a.v be (ie.sired - onethatwill not f'adp. nrock or out - one that is as perminentas liie hair ittel. For sak' by alt druggists. - l'ri'-c ;'o -(.i ,. A. 1. M V.TfIRWS,'(i;i)ra'l Agent, 12 Gold Si'reel. Ne York. Also, of Mathkws' Ahxica IIaih GI-0S8, the bust hair ilruising in ,i„o. In larg.s bottles price 50 cents. lvUtiO ' CLOTHES WRINGER! The ON'I.Y rpliable self-Adjusti: Wrhigor. NO YUOI) WOI'.K TO 5WÏI.I. Oii ;-i"J.IT. NO THUMB-SCREWS TO ÜET (IUÏ OF ORDKR. WARRaNTKD WITH OR Wil Hol T C(K,.VVijKUI.s. It took tlie MUST l'Hl.JUl'M at K:ltv ieven state anil CountyFiiirsin lSiiö, an.l is, wlüuiut .u exception, tlie best wringer ever made. WIIAT KYEUY ISOHY KXOW, viz; Thatiron vv-ellgairanizod uil] hol ruM; Tiiata Kimplt machiuu is betler n,,,u ii oomoliciteu one: liiala U'iiuershouldbcelf a.lj u.slio, Had eilicienf : That vs and Faijtènings pause delay and ilonble tí) a ml keep in oiüer; Tbat wood soated in lioi attr uai siv, 1]? fhftí noj That rood hearings for Ïhc .halt to run in will -m out; That tlie I'utnnin Wringer, with or witli'püfc'oi whöeij, will not lear Uu) eiuthfs; ' Thai cog-wlifi-1 renlfuqra are nol OHsfntia.1 Tlial the I'utnam Wrillgtr hils aÜ tbc ndv'antar-s and not one of Uie ilisitdvan! ..-!■:,.,! „v naoid That all who have tèstBd t promnince it the htt wringer ever m;nii': That it will wring a thrr.ul or a bed quilt vitbuut il teration. We rninht lili the paiuT nrtti ttimnr.i:], bul ni..-rt only a few to tho kitlyl ir llc]i tt.oro Ua' and we siiy toall, t..i Puumihb' Vriuq-r Testit TlUi;tiH-(i.ll.Y ,tli ANV iJi.l'.U.L others. and if not rntirtily saListactoiy rturu it% l'CTNAM M.lMTA(inJ.l, t'cl., (ientlemen- I know from f.-acticnl f icpiriètiéé tliat Iron well galvanizeil wTtli zina will nut otídize or rust one pirtiilB. Tlrj l'utiiam 'riiwr ias rip;ir perfect as ponsible, and I ;aa cheerfullj recomnend t to bc tiie bost in use. Respeèifuliy yr.nrs JX"'. W. WilüIiER. eland, Oliip, Manjye.irs experii'i -i' i'i the tulvaníins; busilis. enableine lo i-ndoiHttle aboyo statemer.t in all varticulars. JXO. C. MíFFCHT.í. No. 1-0 Heokiniiii Street. New ork-, January, 1SC4 We h:ye tcsted Pütn'auVs Clothes Wnn-r bv iraotic-al 'orKiiu;, ,,n. kn,l tbn ( it irlll l.n Ii ft ouca]v, it I simple; t require no nmmi wiirr'h, r at work or at re.-t ; a child can ppentte it: 11 l"es ü i du 1 1 thomuglily: it sj'm, r,;,,,. .,nd 1 ,,,,., „,., r .. ,,., ,,..,,. W.M-amr n ■ld'.:-,, all who h:,vo M r ■ ( 1 1 WutkÍD'i Iodo witb al) ill1elÜL-Mit i.i„.„, „)„', have .YJ lu buy tliis wringt It nili piiy iorilM'If in a vv.'.va' ma 11. .x. 1IOJÍA! K (,M:i:,i;y. Piitcnted in tlie Uni'ei .-tntoshFnt land, Canada and Austral nn-n ran mal. e (l-om S tq [0 dollar- nerday Aarcnts wautetl in en rv town. and in al] p; i t of iv.n ! !. Sample Wringer seiit, ki'prês paiï, on rt:ce'i?( r,f piice . 2. i"..5C; .No. l, t:.,'".; No, F. 1S.6Q, No A $!) 50. ManiifaclipcO nndsedd. whol'-ile i id nQtfil by TIHÏPrrWM MAVÍFATTl CINC CO.' No.lS rjl!tttdtref,t NB Voik. au.. CierVUnJT, O'm.j Otiïtf r y, n-o-ï ,■[-)! .-ni. ] Ayers Cathartic Pill '


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