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iJIISï opening! Th largest Stook and best aioortment c CABINET FÜRNITURE ? ever brought t& thia city, ineluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TÉTES, _. , LOUNGES BED ROOM 8ET8 CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS IiOolsJLug Glassos Gilt Frames and Mouldings COFFINS METALIC CASES, &c, e.,and all other goodrkept n the bent and lar i house in the country. Weiteepno seeond hand u ituie o Anctiongoods. Coffins kept constantlj a and ani made to order, Mj goods are offered at THE LOWEST CAS PRICES N". B. I ïnust haTe meney , and renpectfuKjr requesi thpie indebted,to cali and flx up thoir old matten without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 6, 1863. 9'J5tf RISDON & HEN DERSOK Ila-co Ilio BTJOKEYB CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufacturad at Springfield, Ohio. ■ THE VERY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, and bitter tha. all others; adapted to sowing Wbeat, Rje, Oati liarle and Grass Seed , lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wïll sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. UTever bunches the Grain 4th. Never breaks the Grain. hih. Sows Ch'ass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. Qth. Has high wheels and long Hoes. 7th. Has long and wide steel jpoints. 8th. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tÁ. Jt has doublé and single rank drills. 10A, It has a sel adjusting shut of slide. 't is neatly and substantially made, There in hardlj a Drill ofFered in the market but cao oast of more or lesi " FIRST PREMIUMS.'" 'hey ar a bout as ÍndÍHcrimBtly beatoired . tbe title f " Prof ester," which in oraetitnev ppiiM to the 'jiddler" or ' bofftblaek." Thoy caftue to convej th dtiofmtrit. The Buckeyt Drill has been on Eihibition at quite a umber of State and Countj Kaïri, anti without steking avor at tbe hands of anj Committoe, haf receiTtd iti nll bare of Premiums TESTIMONIALS : WegWethe followmg Dames of a few Farmrt in thiï ioiuity wno have bought and used the Buckeje DiiU ; Godfrey Miller, Scio. Jacob Holhemu ' Jacob Tremper, l Thomas White, NortbfleJd, John Brokaw, Chrísti&D Kapp, Edward Boyden, Webiter. James Trcadwell, AnaArbo] Daniel O'Hara, (k JohnG.Cook Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Edmonds, Saline. George Cropsey, Grn Oak, Lir. Co. We arealso Agentn for the Ohio Beaper & Miwer, cknowledged tobe the verj best in ase. We are just in receipt oi 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Chenp. Alrto alarge&asortment c Grrass And the largest and bent seleoted stock of [BEISTT STUT F OR CARRIAGESeTer befoVe offered in this mark. We also keep Urge and f uil AILS, GLASS, PU1TY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. A complete asaortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, NDEAVETROUGHSalwajrsonhanaandputitp S he lortest notice. RISDON & HENDERSON AnnArbor,June29th,1882. 859tf CIT7 COOPER SHOF. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY, successorn to O. 0. SPAFFORD & D.HENNING, rould renpectfully annonnce to the citizens oí Ann rbor a.nd fioinity, they are uow aanufacturing nd keep coustantly on hnd a Large Assortment of" COOPER WORK! Such as 'ork and Cider Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, Churus, Well Bnckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, cfce. JlerchMltfl and Brewera are invited to examine tbeir utter Firkins and Beer Keg. CXTSTOM "W7"OIÏ,K:, one to ORDER on SHORT NOTICE and warranted. ty Cash paid for Staves, Heading nd Hoops. Shops corntr of Detroit k N'orth Strcets, and corner f North t Fifth Slreets. &PAFFORD Jk DOILET. Ann ArVo, Feh. th,18í!4. MSÍ4


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Michigan Argus