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!jH Probate Notico. O Allporsm, avingclaims t,r dVmaud a. ' ' Htet. oí Willl. Bunting, l,t. ofihe.'S"" Lodi, .n M,d cuunly.iiewased, ar htreb „„!: 'Pf requin.-dto prestut the name to the under.i„' i "J Rrubat. Uliico, m the city „f Aun Arbor ï„ 'eid'1 "■. t any of tfa. several 8N.ion of the Proba" c""""'' a,tl county on or before SaUrdny, the tentl "" June. 186. f„r esamination .ml i:líowncJ "' ' from the dat hereof . teing allowed for cti,'""' present thoir clainu agaiust said e.taU "tu"onti FURNITURE ROOMS One door North of Risdon and Henderon' H. .. Store. n"ti Í nf W. D. Smith k Co., and added lry töïi "' is prepared to lurninhlii friend. ar,(i p,tro[ ■'■ astortmentof well made furniture, conjisting „, tHi 3' LOPAS, BUREAUS, 3 BEDSTEADS, B00K-CASfS TABLES and CHAIRS, ;; LOUNGES. MATRASSEN ld ' ie, c., to order fy good and oxpprieocfé . men, and jarranled to gir, „tif?ti„B H. I? J keep. a good Mortment of Cherry aod W.lnut", for sale at reaaonable price. And niti a!.o „Tti „ öfiuSSS!:111"1" Chrr' W'kUt' tö P.S. He ba ato pcrched the nir aad ELEGANT HEARSE! " ofSmith tCo.,andi,pr„psr,dtoflIrnijhlll] Wood Coffins, Melalic Caser A.KTX) CASKET8, On the hortet notie. Also atteií! te i,t!.. . , decead persons ilay and night, Aaiï. ir furniture delirered in the city free ol charg W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, January 18:h, 1863. 94otf 1864. 1864. ÜSTEW FALL COODS! AT REDUCED PRICE8. -o C. H. MILLËN Ii ao-w opening NEW STOCK of Doneitit and ' FQRBIGN DRY GOOil , !■■ 1 ) ANB I FAMILY GROCERIES, bcught ainoe the reren t drelin in GOLD, icd nnj kind at couiderabl Deduction from FormerPricesi Please ca!! early and makt yoor furchun wilt the stock ig complete. C. H.MUJB. Ann Arbor, Sept. 1864. SU CARPET3, Oil Clotha and Houe F.rniihing GSi; a good stock at 976 U. II. JÍILLEfí'í. TO THK LADIES - A stock of elegant Dry Goodj, Shawls and Cloaka , for the fall tro, now opi lngM 9Ï6 C.H.MILLEN'S. TO THE GENTLEMEN- A Bne stock of Clothi, Casiimeres, and Gents' Furnnhing Goodl, jut received at S70 C. H. HII-I.KN'S. DEMOYALI 3ST. B. COLÉ, has reraored hi STOCK of BOOTS SHCES, tothe storof A. P. Mills & Co., on Min Street, wii he will bo glad to wait on his olI cuftiomen ndtt public generalij. CIYE HIM A CAIíIí! JDTl. SMITH'S PH1SCBIPT1Ö & DRLG STORE ï Ii the place to buj your MEDICINES, PERFUMERA "Writinc IPaper, bj the Ream orlesi, nd all other artïcles in our Hoe. f9 Especial attention to Compoundine: nd pnttinf upPrescriptions, at the sipn of GOLD MOBWB,B change Kloek , Ann Arbor, Michigan. jL& . O,. I'rofessonal calln promptly attended to. '' 100 City Lots for Sale. LAST CALL! "TOWHOM IT MAY CONCERN." AU perron indebttd to the late firm o( SCHOFT' MILI.KR.eitherby noteor book aceouut, " h" Í requested tocall and niake an mmediate p}me. the amo, and those wlm fail to comply with ''""„ quest at theendof SIXTY DAY3 from th!d' , find their accounts in the hands of an officer f' " ' Iection. Ann Arhor, OctobrlOth, 18M. 5'1' A LECTURA YOÜNG MEH. Just Published in a Sealcd EnTi'lop' Frice Six Cents. AI.ECTITRE on the Nature, Trmtment, ná B of Spermnturrha; or S--ominal 1Ve'kn."„(! Toluntary Emiss on , ."exual Dcbility . and Imp" to Marriage Renirally. NerTOusnes, ComP". ' Epilepi-y, nnd Fits ; Mental and physical '""i'-ffó! resulting from Solf Abufe, &o. By KOIVT J. CIM WKIL, M. II., Author of tho "Green Book ," . ,. The world renowned author, . lïi lln"rk,tb ture, clearly proved from his oW1 iperience, tns awful consujuences ofSelt.Abuse rnayb """t"l''i. inoredYithout medicine, and without 455"""rjj[i. cal operations, bougies, instruments, ringí c e0f. pointing out a rcotle ofïure at orce certain n. n. tual, liy whleb every aufferer, no matlcr wht I1 telíf dition muy be niay cure hiinself clieaply, P".,,!. and radically. Tlus leoture will prove a boon to U and and thouüands. S ent under seal, to any address, in a plain, ■ _ enrelope.on the recipt of six cent, or tP'"' atamps, braddressinff. CHAS. J. C. KI.TNEC"-' 1Í7 Pory,Vw Yorfc, Pot OfBc Boi,Wi.


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Michigan Argus