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""jTcTwATTS & URO. rAEALERS ia Cloeks, Watches, Jowelry and Silver 17 Ware No. 22, Ner Bloek, Anu Arbor. ■ ' C. BLISS. l-.EAI.ER in Cloeks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver [) VreKo.22,Ne' Block, Anu Arbor. "cThTmillen. piMLKRio Dry Gouds, (Jroceries, Crockery, &c. &c. ) Mail Street, Anu Albor. PHÏLÏP BACH. TvEALEKS in Dry (ïoods, Groceries . BootB & Shoes, J 'kt-, Main st.,"Ann Arbnr. "gêorge v. snover, DEUFRin Misct-llaneous and Schooi Books, Station ('rj,WH Paper, cc. Duron Street, Aun Arbor. "ÜÏSDON & HÉNDEllrfON. DEAU'ÜS ia H.irdware, StOTe, house furnisliing goo.iii, Tin Ware, &c , te., New Bluek, Mamst. ÜEO FRAY, M. D. PBYSICUMiBd Surgean. Residenoe and office on Ptitrrtit street, near the i'epot. s. g. taylörT" DEALER ia Hats, Caps, Ful, Roben, Gents' Furnishag GuoJs, etc. East kíiUj .aio Street, Ann Arbor, ■aligan. A. J. 8UÏ1IËRLAND, AflKNf Tor the NTt;w York Life lusurance Company, A O;'nce ca Huroa street Also bas on hand a stock tí ;Ut? ui t pprove I stfjring machines. 885tf ""gkorgh fisohek. MEAT MARKET- ÍTuron ' Stcact- General dealer in t'roih and Salt Mpitts, Iief, Mutton, Pork, Harns, fouilr, l.ard, Tallow, ;c, S:c. 1 HIRAM J. BEAKES ATTOKNEY and Conusello-r at I-aw, Knd Sohcitorin Cbaucery. Offlce iu City Huil Biock, over Wobster's Boük Store. _ LEWÍTT & BREAKEY. PnYSICUXS AN'n SURaEONS. Office at theresideacc "f Dr. Lowitt, oorth side of Huron, two doors west of División street. M. GUIÏERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manafacturers oRedy-Mdd Clothiug, Iinporters of Cloths, C&siimeres, Itoeskins, &c, No. 5, Phcenix Block, Main st. WM. WAGNT3R. DEALER in Roady Mide Clothing, Cloths, Cassiroeres, and Vesting, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpel Bags, &c, Phisnix Block, Main street. slaTwson & son. pROCERS, Provisión and Commission Merchants, ind U ll?a!ersin Water Lime, Land Plaste.r, and Piaster of Paris, nne door eastof Cook's Hotel. J. M. SCOÏT. IMUROTYPEand Photograph Artist , in the rooms A over C'ainpion's Clotbing store, Phoenix Block. Perfect satisfaetion given. 0. B. FORTER. SDRSEON OENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Huron streets, over Bach & Pierson'a Store. All calla promptly attended to Aprl859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Foroign and Ooineatie Dry üood, Oruceries.Hats and Caps, Bootí and Shoes, Croekery, te, Corner of Main & Liberty sta. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY. y AN'b'FACTURERS of all kinds of Coooper Work, l'l City Cooper Shop. Custom work done on short tice. Cor. Detroit and North Streets, and cor. North ñ(l Fifth Streeta Ann Altor. ANDREW BELL. HKALER in Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Produces, Uto., Jtc, corner Main and Washington Streets, Ana Arbor. The highest market price-s paid lor country produce. 6 I. O. O. F. WASHTENAW Loage. No. 9, of the Independen! Order of Odd Fellows meet at their Lodge Room. rery Friday Evening, at 7 o'clock. 8. Sotohiik, N. O. 1'. B. Rose, Secy M. C. STANLEY, Pliotograpltic .A-i-tiist. Cornr Main and Huron Streets, Ann Arbor, Mieh, 1 PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, &c. . &c. , ' tbe latest styles and every effort made to give satisfictkiu. ■ 956tf D. DeFOREST. FHOLESALE and retail dealer in Lumber, Latn, Slungles.Sash, Doors. Blind, Water Lime, Uraud River Planter, Plaater París, and Nails ofallsizes A 'lllimi perfect a mort inent oí' the above, ;ind all other ïiils nf buildiujr inaterials constantly on hand at the '"it (MUsible ratea, on Detroit at., a few rodsfrom the illraxl Depot. Also nucrating extensively in the ?eot Cement Roofing. GRANGER & FINLEY, mORNBYS & COCKSBLIÖRS AT Collecting and Land Agents. OFFtOK OVER DOXELLY'S STORÏ, HUBON 9TRF.ET, B. F. Granger, ) Ann Arbor, Mich. H. II. FlNy.By) l Jan. '28, 1864. 941tf FOR 8ALE! AN'EW GROVER k BAKER SEW1NG MACHINE, lo a NEW SINGER MACHINE, either Family nufacturinïnattern. Apiily ut THE ARGU3 -OFFICE. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


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Michigan Argus