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From Egypt

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The Central Ctristian Adrízale, pubUhed :it St. Loui, i:ont:tins a ries of ettere from tbe Rcv, Bishop Thompson, vrho in on üli (.fficial visit to India and Ohma. That paper, of the 7th, contains the ninth lettiT, and is from on board tho stearher Tigre, in the Arabiun Sea, October G. We subjo.n ;v few br'u-t extracta : " In bidding farewell to Egypt, I must say something { its popuia tioü, and that of its bnpifaJ Tho populntion of Cairo is usually set down at 260,000, but it is probably uot Ïbps than 360,000, of whieh ahout 500,000 are Moslems 60,000 Copts, and tho rest Jews Franks, Greeks, Armeuian. Fivo or fix thousand of the Copts, Greeks and Ameüiaiis are Roman Catholics. The populiitiop of Egypt iaenpposêd to be rather deereasiug than iucreasing, and may he Kit down al 2,000,000, of which, perhaps, 250,000 ure Copts, though it must be rcoollected that Nubiu and Kordofan are depeudeneies of Egypt, of which the f rmer has a population of 600,000. THE RED SKA. The roeks are numerous hereaboufc-, and the navigation dangerous, and our approach to the Tigre is luw and serpentine, guided by flouting lights sent out ior the purpose. The extreme heat renders it diffioult to make paaeeDgers easy. Flies and cookroaehes, and other insects of immerous kinds and varieties, ewann in our etaterooras; they are in the lied, nu the floor, in the drawers, in our hai Iox, our carpetsack, everywhere. Thoy gnaw onr books, our porte inonnttio, r'..or strap, etc, anl lnf st ev rythiug " The tablu has more of " the form than the power" f cating; the bread is sour, the rice is gritty, iho butfer superannaated, the milk aalt, the fi'uits dried up, espe ■ i ; 1 ! v tho pomegi'aiKites, and, worst of 11, tne water is nmdily, and however long it rnay stand, never gets clear. Smii'! peculiuritias of tha vessel aro noticuable ; a thiok doublj ar.-ning n alw;iy trotched over tho to protoot us silike irotn the {i;imii!g sun hy (!ay, and the heavy dVL by tiiiïlit. Puncalis are ubove tli'i. tabief, un ved by eight Chínese boys, i'uir on cicJi side, so as to fan the co:i;p:iny while at nieals, ciiess or cards. 1Í iths are provided, though no: warm, for it isjndtied that water of tho lied Sea is warm enough without borling. " I endured the heat tolerably well fora day or two; the third night, wben wo were fairly within (he trnpics, I puffered dreadfuily. Take a roum eight ieet square, wuh a door at ene eod, and a prnall holü at the o'.her ; place four coffins in it, put a man in or.e, with snother just above him, and two at bis side ;' wrap hitr in a dozen of Dover's powders every h&ur. and a cup of sao tea every ten minutes, rpuduet a steam pipa over him, and anothtf under him, alU forbid him to stir uil oight, and you may imatrina how 1 feit. As 1 begun to doze, I juruped up ahnost tufioeated, oponed iny door, and, to prevent ii. from olosiug, tied it to nay berth with rny handkerehief, and lay down a,_ain, not to sleep, but to perspire. " [ had takeu "sweats" in America, but, owing to sanio interna) ïrritation,' the pulías ut my hands remamed dr'. Now piilms oí' the hands, aoles of the feet, every square inch of surface poura i(irth its generoua flood. If I ain uot cured of all iuüimities betore I reach the [jadiau Ocean, the " Thompsoniau" pteam nystym must be a humbug. Most of the passengors sleep on deck, wooieu, children, and all. 1 did not, at first, because I had no suituble garluonts to appear iu ; one tieeds hi iiitiht-Jress iu tho form oí jacket and trowsers to sleep ia such a large cotnpaüy. " Tbo third night after we entered tho tropics, I was compelled to try the deck. Early iu tbe mornmg I put a . thermometer to my pillow, and found it 93 deg. Fahr. About noon it runs up to 102. But then you must remember the intlueiice of tho engine and the heat and odor of the cooking. There is Bomething peculiar about the air of this rainless rugiou, which comes írom the deserts ; Nubian, Sahara, and Libyau m the oue side, and the Arabian desert on the other; and, moreover, there ia but little motion of the air, what little wiuds we hava is aft, aud this merely couuttracts the disturbance made by the ships progress, and keops a dead calm. Never go down the Red Sea in September, or even early October.


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