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On The Mississippi--hospital Life

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U. S. Navy Hospital Pincfc.ney, ) Mwnphfe, Hen. llth, 1864. J Wrt Editor: - Since our trip up the IVnnessse Rivcr, we have buen m tho I :nove nearly all the time, BÍeaming up iud Juwu the Ohio as far as Paducah, miU breasting the ourreut of t 'ie Miséissippi up as far as St. Lmi.s. At thig placo we took on board A 'mira! Lek and Davis, and Captaiu, al o EiigiiH'er Blosïj while the Curlew, anothcr gunboat. took the Eiigineers. Those notables convence! at St. Louis for tho purpose of deciding upou somo suitable point for a Navy Yard, and the Fairy and Cui-luw were commissioncd fs the beats to tote thom arouud. Whuther they have decidid which place shall be the lucky spot on the rivcr, I um not, able to teil, but the citizens of tuis pltice have been niaking strenuous efforfs to havo it hore, anü from the iudi.ceiuetus ollered, aud the desirableness of the location, I ain ii:clined to think this will be the point selccted. Iu coming from Cairo to thia plaoe, the travelor passes many point? pf iuter ost. The screamiüg ''dogs of war" lmve let loóse their ron háil at ahuost every bend iu the river, and many a hero whose record wül never be written, sleeps the last sleep underneath the od long ita shore. Colmnbus, Island No. 10, and Fort Pillow, each have a hisíory of its own, and in after years, when this generation shall have passod away, future ones will visit these battle-scarred places as the traveler of to-day visits the fields of Waterloo and Bunker HUI, Tbere is nothing particularly attractive in the town of Columbus. [ts buildings are all trame, with the chimneys built upon the outside, generalij at the gable end. Situated upon a high bil!, about a half mile frota town, is the for!, and from its ooramfinding olevation, can sweep the oountry for miles around. Island No. 10, is a barren, desolate looking place, a few trees are left standing, but they look as though they had seceded from the graud old forest, and set up a kiugdom of their own. Their broken branohes and shattered trunks teil a tale of whut they have passed through. A row of wooden shauties, used as quarters for troops somo timo or another, are yet left, Fort Pillow we did uot see, a wc passed it ia the night. The Fairy and Curlew arrivod here on the 5tb, and bere we tonk leave of' the boat, and bid the crew "jiood by. We were going to the hospital to bo meiicined up, as we thought, with quiniue and huge pills. An ambulance, or gome thiiig of that desoription, conveyed us to this place, where we have been evetsiace, and where we are likely to be for some time to come, unless health comes to oür relief. Inatead of stuffiug us with medicine, they give us but very little, but depend prineipally upon diet. In tho moruing we get soft bresd, butter, soup; in the evening. tea, bresd, and butter. Tho Doctor comes around every rnorning at 9 o'olock, gives us good advice, wbich g taken by the patients with better grace than any medical ingre dients that could be compouuded in the Disponsary. We are allowed the freedom of the city from 9 -until 5 o'clock, providod we have passes whioh can be procured at aoy time of the surgeou, though many go out without passes, and are fortúnate enough to escapo tbe guard, yet if they are caught minus that necessary document, they are liable to go to the prison, or Irving's Block, a place already made noted. Since we have been here we have been shown every attention. The surgeons are kind and geutlemanly, and do everythiug poesiblo to make those placed in thoir charge as comfortable as possible. But what wball we say of the Sisters of Charity ? What language can be used to expres tho gratitude of many a poor ick sailor boy towards these noble-hoarted woinen ? how they come and watch by the couch of the sufferer and bring him those deiicacicsso much needed to strengthon and elévate the system, the oufe-ide world will uevcr ki,ow. Eoch and every one ia a Florence NiaiiTiNOALU, and though their praises muy never ffll whole ooluiuus of print, yet they are tuütlud to the same laudations as tliat uublo-henrted woman. MeuiplitH in a mueh larger place thau we (jxpeetod to fiud. We had heard considerable of Memphis beforc the war, but tiupposed that, Hke most southeru oities, it had goue to decay since the present rupturo, but judge of our surprise to íiud it a healthy ttourishing city, with but very few " (o let" sigü3 hangiiig from business blocks All of the rooms seem to be occupied and filleJ with the "latest styles" of goods. But prices are exhorbitant, apples ono dime upieoe; lemous fifteeu cents ; and to go out and get a good meal at an eating saloon, will take the best part of a two dollar greenback. It's money that makes the horso trot here, as well aa elsewhere. All places of business have to be closed on Monday afternoon for the purposo of allowing the militia the privilege of "drill ing, which they are eager to embrace (?) Last Monday, while tho lst regiment of militia were drilling, the Colonel, in turning his horse feil, and tho horse rolled over him, which resulted in hia death, aud yonterday, the militia, as well as many of tii e reguláis, tunied out to las funeral. 'Tu as a very loug procession, nud mada aa imposjng spectacle; Wu havo nol lis yet visited tbe furtificationa, they are soné distance írom I the city limita, and aro very alrong. About a corps of soldiers are quarlered tliero, reudy to give "hail Columbi;i'' to anv of thu rebel oliieftains whi) should have the audacity to make an attack. Of the city oí Meinphis aud its surroundiugs, muro UDon. W. F. B. J5S" I' i9OUr paioful duty t record the denth of Benjamín Foli.ett, Et-q , of Ypáilnnti, whioh bcdtrrrtid at Elinira, N. Y., nt 3 o'olock, P. M , of the 26th iitst. Mr. Follktt was taken, while in nttencianoe iipnn the Ciucügo Convention. in August last, as a meniber uf ifce Domooratiu Nutional Oommiitee, with heniorrhíige of the lungs, tñnce whicli be tías continuhlly failud, and desfitu all thitt ii;odic:il skiil could do for hiin, tho sad end h;is coiné speedily. Mr. Follutt has beeu po long ideiitified with our sister city, vrith our couoty, and we might efly witli onr State, that it is hordly neceseary to speak of liirn as a businefs man. Active, energetio, prompt, enturprising, generous, public spirited, hb had won himself a tune, and, what is better, a repntation that bis iïimily will valuó moro than gold. In hls death, Ypsilanti anti Washtenaw County have sustained a Ioüs that can not bo easily repaired. With the former'a every intorest he was cloaely identified, and the latter regarded hiin with prido. Our oilizens sympathizo with bis fumily in theii bereavumont, BP" In aiiDther column wil] be found tho official dispalches of Gclh. Suerman and Foster, anuoDncing the capture of Savannah, with al! it guns, stores, cotton &c, The gallant Hakdee, after nforming Gen. Shbrman that be could and would mniutaio a eioge. took the sober second thought, and skedaddled before the last gap was closed, probably retroating to Charleston. The (jetarla rif Siiküman's march th'rough Georgia, shows the most perfect eucee8, aLd acoomplished with trifling loases. It ia now Bijpposed that Gen. SaERman will itumediiitely uuvance both by nver snd land imrnedintoly on Augusta, which can hardly be defended against hiru. That city in his possession, and Gharleuton in in his net, and must booq be cfiptured. Gen. Shekman's catnpaign bids fair to termínate brilliantly. ii im ii ty The Bnr.rd oí State Canvassers completad its labors en the 15th inst. The counties Ytere all returned hut Alpena and Marquette. The total home vote polled for Governor, was 153,063,- Chapo, 81,744; Fjcnton, 71,303; imperfect, 18. Majority for Crapo, 10,443, which would have been decreased below 10,000, bad Marquette been returned. The majority for Craio en the soldiers' vote, was 7,620, and would have been leen by several thousaud, hd net all sork of trickery been used to prevent the Democrats in the srmy voting, and aeveral accidoDts happened to the returns of regiments giving Democratie rrwjorities. The total army vote returned on Governor, was 12,604. EF The State News feela terribly orer the aetion of the County Cauvaesers rejecting tho soldiers' vote, but con oluding that it oouldn't do the subject justice, subsided, The News acts wisely. - In this connaction, we might say that the News shonld give the credit of the act to the right ones. Mr. Blüm was not a meniber of tbe Board. The other gentlemen named will not feel greatly injured by the attempt of the News at wit. EF" The returns of the 14lh Michigan Infantry did not reach Lansing in time to be canvassed. It is presumed thoy met the fate of the man who traveled from Jersusalem to Jericho- -feil among thieves, JC3T" The complaint against Prof. Lawton, for assault and battery of a pupil In the 5th Wai'd School, ha not yet been disposed of. Trial was commenced ou Monday, before Justioe Ambrose, but evidence in bebalf of tho proseoution was not all in, when an adjournment was taken until Monday next - Tlie two Coverts and Hkrz were arrested on Saturday last, on compiaint of Mr. Lawton, for assault and battery and assault, and battery with intent to kill. Examination was had on Wednesday, before Justice McCollum, and the parties bound over for appearanco at the next term of the Circuit Court . J53CT 1 making up their list of papers for the coming year, our agricultural friends should not forget the Western Rural. The Publishor has given evidence during tlie four months since the issue of the first number of the Rural, that he has the eiiprgy and abilily to ge! up a paper which will do credit to the Stato, and fuvnish a home advocate of our varied producing interests. Give him tho patronage he is cntitled to, and déferves, and Michigan will have an agricultural journal which will rauk wfth the oíd and popular ]apers of the class. ?2.5P a year; ten copies, 820 Ü0 JGZ3T Gen. Thomas is still successful in Tennossee, and IIo.od is about "played out." 3 Tl.e Now York Times] has deeliired ;it leugth m íavor oí' ignoring tho negro quest'ton, bo far as exchanges oí' prisoners are coneerued, and of exchanging man for man until the wbite soldicis aro uil ruturced to the Union arniy, or their frienda, when ve hall havo enough rebels left to bold as tvGHtnges í'or the treatrnent of negro gojejiers, "I'his has alvvays been tl.e Dcniücratic poliay, but its adoption has been preveuled by a claps oí' otBuiaie and advisers tr(.ub!cd willi negrophobia. S3F3 At, the latt'st advicee (rom the lloet whioh lecently íuiled írom P"ortresa Monroc, rebel ward, it was knocking a-.vay at the Kír'ti which giiürd the eiitrance to ihe Capo Fe;r liiver, on whieh Wilinington islo'cated. Admira' -PouTEii cfitnmiHicIs, aud will succeed if gallant Tvork '.vill du it.


Old News
Michigan Argus