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pop ivtúmmmK FAKM FOR SALE. TUE SÜBSCRIBER offtrs hl FARM FOP. SALK cnntaimng three hiindreds aeren. One mndr.l huí fifty acres of sai.l f?.rm la un -Ier a good state, of eulti vation. One hundred and twenWüvo bearln? apelle trees, graite.l fruit. S.M farm lien in the ti-wn hip ofSImron, Wanhtenaw countv, Michigan te Section Sotoq. Cali aai see thu subscriber cm the premise. R0U3E LEMM. Sharon, Dec. 26th, 1864. HANGSTERFEK'S HALL! GotUchaWs Poeitive Farewett ! ! QIGiVOK MI7ZIO HA THK HO1VOR TO kj int'orm citisem of Ann Arbor and vicinitv, thut be ba ncceeilid in makiug srrangement with the world renuwned Pianist and grtat Competer, L. M. GOTTSCHALK, to give a series of Graml Concerts in tlic principal c.tiea of the Cnit d States, prior tl hi doparture for Havana and Mexico Mr. Gottschalk'sFarewelI Concert In Aun Arbor -will tako place on Friday Evening, Deo. 30th, 1864. Signor Muzio also tke great pleasure to nnonnce that he ba s&curud the sorTioesof the folloiring mus. cul artiat to assist Mr. Gottscbalk at the Concert: MISS LUOY SIMONS, The jonng and talented Cantatrice, (Pupil of his,) wkose unpreceilenteii suecess durirg a teries of Concert in New York, bas been cheerfully acknowldged by the prees and entbusiaftlc public. SIGNOH MUREI,L[, celebrated Baritone. HERR DOBJE-IIER, tlio famou violi'nlt StGSOH MUZIO, MiiBical Director and Con'r. Tickets One Dollar. Xo extra charge Tor P.èservfd Scats. Ticket office open, ccuntnemiag WednesdaY Dec 28th, at A. M , at Wilsey' Music Store, Sast of Cook's Hotel. Order frora the country oocloBing the amount for the number of tenit reyiured wiil be pronip[!y attended to by A. Wilsfy Doore open at 7í- . Concert to commence at S. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES, THIIEAD, SILK, T"V7"I ST3 MACHINE O1L, êfc. The anderelgned now offer the public TUE BEST F .A. 2SC I Tu Y SEWINC MACHINE IIsT TJSE. FOB DURABILITY, BEAhTYoJ STYLE,and VARlETYof WORK, it "STANDS UP HEAD." It needs only to be setin to be appreeïiitcl . Runs the work bolh ways, tiikee fonr kiiidn of stimlios, hema, fells, gathers, braids, bind", qniltR, guthers and sews on a ruffle at the same t!me. Scw.s from the thinnpst to the tuickest fabric witliout cliangiug the btitch, tensión ür needk, or without breaking the thread. - Itis The Wonder of the World ! Also a variety of tho mot bfniutiful PHOTOCRAI'II ALBUMS, 1'lC'i'ÜRKS nnd FRAMf:s iu great variety. and pictures irained to order ut short notice. Also, BARNUM'S SKLF-SEWICR or ïü 'KER, which can be adjusted to any Sewing Machine. Cali at the sigo of the FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE, a few doorn East of Oouk's Hotel. Stiíching Neatl y Dcne to Order. AlBo,on Gxhibition,thecelcbratod " W'V.T.Ti SEWIN'G MACH1XE," ivhicb took the prtin'.iüuj at the Michigan State Fair. of 1864. W. D. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Dec. 2Sth, 1SB4. 08Jtf Holiday Q-oods. A Urgo stock. DeFOREST & STEWART'S. Oysters ! Oysters ! l THE BEST ylUI.ll'Y direct from Baltimore, in any qnantity desired, and warrnntel I rtsh and uice every time and at the luvresl JiurMS. Bv tw83) TlIÜMPdON SOW.


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Michigan Argus