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We Earnestly Invite Every One

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Indobted to the Aróos Office, rittier for BuD-, „cription, Advertisiiig, or Job Wovk, to make „.„diatb paymekt. The pnces of Paper, L.bor, Fuel, and all the uecessaries et life, bare advancedto such unpreeelente(J figures, that we can not continue the Aröss without premptness on the part of our patronü, comtinta uith a more liberal patronage, except by nsing up the little we have carefully saved ia the past, a thing we ave unwilliag to do. Let ,11 interested do their duty , and tbat gaickly. LL- Xhe Whitmore Lake Private Thestrícal Company, will play on Moaday evento?. Jan. 17th, fortbe benefit of the sick.ï anj wounded soldiers. Plays- The Lady óf : tyons, and tbe Rendezvous. _ tf Wo invite attention to the , „vtisement of W. P. Holmes. The "FloS j ence Swing Machino" is no hunibug, and „hoever buysoue will draw a pri.e. Go and see it. We invite attention to the advertisement in another column, of Ames' Kational Business College, Syracuse, N. Y.' ndespeciallv to the Phonographic and Telemphic Departmèots. ïho Institution ranks liigh gyThe Coinnion Council has callad a meeting of tbe electora of this city, tobe held at the Court House, on Wednesday eveniug nexl. Jaa. 4th, to considor tlie late cali for Sffl.ÓOU more, and vote a bounly to voluntetrs to fill our quota. C SomeboJy was guilty of a duapicablv mean act at tbe Baptist Fair last Wfek. Oyster Slipper tickets, to the amount of $25, were eitlier for-ed or stolen and passie! upon the lailies in charge of the refreshmenttable. The pevpetrator of sucli a crime would t.teel the boue from a blind puppy. He ouüht to ee himself as others see him. ö" VVe return our llianks to tliose ubscribers who have proinptly responded to our reoent invitatioD to square accounts. - Several hundred have forgotten it, however, but we hope tbat we shall hoav from every one 11 aiToiirs befove January is goue. Wb ÍEEH evebï noLLAH üuu vs, and anincreased pitronage to enable us to keep tbe machine Mnoing. nmootbly J The wB-athor ossayed a thaw the flrat two or three days of this week, and llio fcleighing, especially on our business streets show the damaging eiïecls. - tbough we understaml it was very üttle injuredin the country. The thaw was brought up witli a short turn on Tuesday night, siuce which it bas beeon comfortably cold, and a little snow ia &11 Uiat is wanted to make the sleigbing betlf r tiian new, L3T We learn that Lieut. S. E. Dat - better known to our citiiem as Ed. Dít- Adjut.cnt of the 33d Missouri Volunteers. was wonnded in the sliDiilder by a shell, jn tlie battle before Nashville. on the 16th iiut.. and died on the 21st. Lieut. Dat was formerly clerk in the Post office here, under H. D Bennkt. Eaq., in which position he von many friends. He was brother of Mrs. Johs 0. Mbad.


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Michigan Argus