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LYSPEPSïA, AXI) IJIEAS S l E g U ! TI N i! I' KtM WS 3F.DEES OF THE IJVFS AND DIGESTIVEORGANS, ARK ctRID BY HOOFLANL'S 6ERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STBENGIHENIKQ 4 tifo t . these Bitlffs have períoniml more ('nn HAVE AND DO GIVEBBTTRR SATISFACTIüK llave more Tcíímoly! HAVE MOKK RE8ESirBIiE PEOn E TO VüUCll FOli 'I 1JKM ! Tljan arty btnér a'rtüíTe in tjdc n:iJ tí. We dei'y uny one to cuutradict tliis Aisertiuii, AND WIU; PAV SIOCO 1'oajiy une W'i" W'I! prodttce a (Vil j,,,hl -; , d bj U8# tlijit iri not uijuím:. HOOFIAKD'S MAN BiTTEHS WILL CUBE ÍN EVLttY CASK OF Chronic oí Nerveus Debiilty, Dteease of the Kidnoys, and .„, arisiug ñom disordeied Stomach. Obêtrve tht folhttiv# sijmpiums TttuHvnp from Dttordtr of the Digestiré Organe CousMpatiün, liiwaiiM'iles, Ftillness uf Blnod to tto beud, Aci.lity, ui tliöötonuwrh, Haiúea. IJ-aiUuiu, DiíuHt for oud, Fulinewaor tteíght ir th Síam-. ■:!. Söiir Ei'uctiiüun.s, zinking or ihitti ring al Uu pi( of the ritonuich, wïniinmg oí theHífl Hurrit-'d hum üMicilt bruiithiiif. Fluiteríjg at tho HÁrt . Cliukii)í or SuffocatÍDg flynsatioiiH wben ín a, Ljlug Posture, SSmnesa uf Vision, Dots or Webs iré 6he HigM, Puver nd Dull Pain in tin; Heai, Dtfidiencj of Prespirtttion„YelluH'niit of the Skin and Eye, pain in the stdft, bnek, clieit,limbsj &c. Suelden f. ut - en of fieat, -Barnini? ín the Flesh, Consruni liuttftiuiugb of Kvil and Ürt-at Dcpressibu of Sp.nttr THAT THiS BITTERS IS L0NTA1NS NO RUM OR WOISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRÏÏKKAED6, BUT DS TOS QitTï TO3J3 ƒ ííí H'orW. 13" HEAD WHO 8AYS O : I:iüiitth.e Kpi-. I.oi ei. Beek, Ptor of th "►t Cburcb, l'caljciiü.i. X. J foruicrly of the Xui-iU 13a ntial Cliursk, Wiil.iiielphia. 1 havckouwn Hooflaml's GtntfSn üitler.; favuratly lora uumlitT ol .ytar.-. 1 li,( ui-d lhc-m iu o,j" wn amil.y.aini hae buen Bu pltaed i,ü], Uir'ir Hu-cu tliikt 1 Wiis indueod r, recc;mim-nil tlium to munv otbers and knjl ■ J-t:!i-j ; .■■, iM, i r.i:ei in n strikingly beDcioiul luanuvr. I uikogifat jilua un! in thns j.ubl clv proetálmFo ttiia fact, ftoö caiKognlic ailentloñ oí tho ulUioUJ witli lbt: üistnstKl'fir Licii lljey are recommendt-ü, to these bit Iers . uowing fEOm xiisiienj. a,,, t my rec"iumend;ilioii ]] Oesusliiined. I tl o tlj maro cheeifullj au Hoolluid's Bitters is latendtd to bcatui thti aiUicte-d . aad is -'not a tuin driuk." Vuur;, truly, LEV1 O. BLCK. Krom Uev . J. Nüwton Urown, I). D. Tiditor of tb Ene volpeöf t Religiooe Knowludga and tlintiD ÖLrcnicif, l'hiladeiphia. ltbougÜ not dis]ioecd tofavor or recommend PaUat .Medicines in renend, thruugh divtrust ot their iuirrdients anilettecta, I y%t knu of no sulrioitnt reonoa ■y to the benïflu Ie bi,l!Te Uimaelftu have r!eiyed from any simple prepamtion in th". kopetliat he may tkus contribuir to tke ben.lit of other. I do this more rcadily in regard to . ÏJuotUnd'i. Lorman Hitiers, prepared I)r. C'. M. Jaclmin, oí th city, because I was prejudiced Kgainsl tlitrn fiir ruanT year, uuderthe impresniun tjjin tüey were eliWUv ai alcholiolic mixture. I aui imiebted to my friend 'l:,b ort Süoemaker, Esq., for the remora] of "this prejudie by proper tests, ,u.d for encouiagcm. .it to trr thern when sulïering from graai and long continued dêbilitv i'he U8C of three liottl.'f ol tlietc bilt(i,s at tlie beifin nmg of the present year, TO lollowed bv v virlent reli.f and rostoration H. a degree and mental iitr which I had not for six months befoye, aml liad aíniost desïMÜrt'd of rejaining. I therefore tlmnk God oud m j friend for dirtctiög c:e to tte of them J. NICWTON' BKüWN,}'hila. Froiü the Rtí. Jos. II. Kcnuard, l'astorof tfat lOtb Ba tist Churcb.. ■ Dr. Jacksou :- Dear Sir:- I liaiobeenfreqaentlr roijuested to connect iny naine wi.trj ooiniuendtiom of different kinds of laed rdne , but rfgr.linK the p.aeii as oatof my appr.'friatehpherc, i l,ave in all ca! declinen; bnt ith a oleajpcoof in varioua instaneei and particularly in my fuir.ilv.of tlie usefullnesB of Pr Hooriand's Gerinan Uittt rs, I depart lor ortce from mj usual conrse, topxpiesa my full cenviction that, 'ut general debilitjof the syatein and espeoially for l.iTer Complaiii.t, it ia a safe anl vaiua-ble preparatitiu In omecases itmayfail; but n-sually, I dou tnotjt will be very beneiicial to thoie wlio suffer from the abuv caubc. Youri,very respectfully, j,, ; kkxard, Kilith belon Coale. rtreet , l'hila. Fror= ReT. V,'arreB Rundolph, Pastor of thi Bjptist Churcli, (emmntowu, Pynn. Dr.C M.Jackson :- Dear Sir: - Purstmr.l xperitine enablesme to say that 1 regrd the limrai Hitltr piepiired by you au amustexcel om medicine. In eet, of severe cold añd general debility 1 have bï--u greatw benefited by th" uve of the Bitier? , and douM not tlioj Vfi'.l prO'lnee Nii.niar etfecLa on Otbers. Your, trulj, _ WAIÏKIi.N' RANDOU'Siiöiraantonni, Pfc Fiom Rév. .1. II. Tur'ier,. Pastor (i Iluddiöi; M fi Clmrch.i'hila. Dr. J.ifkuon :- Dear SLr .- Havinf; ued your Gthib Bitter in my laaii'.y fi oqiisiitly , 1 ini pu-;jareil to ay fliat it hax beei: .-f reat service. ] belitvt: tlnit in moBt cases cft'eneral .Ifbility of the KVRtc-m it is tlie alest and vahutblö remodv of which I have anv knowicdge. VourH,iespectfullj, J. H. TURNER, No. 7-6 N. Ninolcenth Stigo.. Krom thp P.ev.J. Sï. l.yons, fonneily Fasior of the ColumbuE. (N. J.)aiHl.lillslowi;, (Pa.) Baptist c:liurrli'nü. New Roclrollo, N. Y. Dr.C. M. Jncksnn :- 7!earSir :- I feit it a plesure tb na.. .f my owoaooord to bear tostimouy to the eicel, lence Of the 'etman Bitters. Snme yeara ince, bric much alllictel nuil ])y.-ui'],Bii.,I usc-d them with vrjfi.'iiilicial rcsult 1 Imve ..(ten recornmended thiTa t beraoup feebld by Ihat torinentinjí diseaRe. r nd have rteard from them the moai Uattering testimonial ai te tbeir great vJue. In oasem,f {erra-al debiüty, 1 be, lievo it to be a loiiíC ;ht can not be Mirpafcfd. J M I.YONS. . From tlui Rov Tl. o. Winter, PaBtor ol EoiWomrU .Bapf (8t Churoh. ! Ir. Joèknod ■ - Fwir ir : -1 feel it to your xel■ lenl prtparatfnn, rlcoflantTji 'lerinnn Rittrrn, to .iM aT tehtimotiy 'to the deserved rcputJitinii it hnn obtainetj. ! Iih vt fur yeai svat tiraos, been troubled with great rii. I order i in.v iH.iidruul nervoias gyxtem. 1 was ndvii;l :iy frinnd totrya bottle of your Germán BilW-i I li-1 so aivl hai e nxperiinced grral and unrxpc!fi rn l lief; :ny hi.ilüi lins bfrn very mateiially beiwfitied. I - ':'infident l lecummend the article w ere ] meet wita (■, siiuilar to my orn, and have been sikurtri by . manv of thcir iroo'f eüectfi Rcnpectfully your, T. W1XTF.1! , Roiborongh f. , FromRer.J. P. IfcrirJan. of the Oerroan Refermei . Church. Kuizlown. Lierks Co ï'a. . Dr. C M. lacl.Kon i-Respecled Pir .- I biTi tfH uoiibled nith l' vpepsia nearlv twenty vean, and have e 'lever used anv medicine that dil me usmuch good al Hon(ln i:, ]V BittiTü. lam verymucliimpl!i,Ysdnliealtk . aftftr haring tnin five boHien Yours.wilhrcsjxjet, v J &.HERMAK. T.arge Sire, íTioMing nearly doublé qnantltr,) l 00 per bottle- half dot. tim. Smnll Pize- ".■ cents per Bottle- half dozen $4 00, BEWARE OF C0ÜNTERFEIT8. Sef1h4tte Hii-n-iturn of " T. M. JACKSOK" i m the WiiAl'l'FR .f carh bottle SboiiliVyonr nearr-nf Druggist Het hare theartiele. Ar, . no uní off hj 1:1 n'carin pivparmion that muy he nlTeren in il" nlacf, hul 80'rl 'o nji.and w UUorwar, securly exprese, Priacipaj Oiïïce an j Manafaétory, 0 Ö3IAECH STR?ET PHILADELPHIA. Jones & Evans. Successors to O. M Jackson Sf öo. PROFRIETOFiS. iu " "■ State. 9? f


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