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TIIlí ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL bo lor the Healing of the Nations. Biblc. Prof. H. O". LYONS, HIK UKEAT AND UKI.HBRATED PHYSIC1AN of the I THROAT.LÜNGS, HKART, LIVtR AND THE ULOOI), I - Known all ver thecouutry as the CKI.KBRATKD hntdi-A-KT herb dootob i Oí' -S2 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will vis it tlie following placo, viz AI'l'OINÏMKNTSFOK 18C2, lBliSand 1S04. rof. H. J. Lyons can be consult':! :a lüij tollowiug ice.s every month, viz: Detroit , Hussel House, eachüiom li, 18tli and 19tn. Aun Ai-bor, Monitor House, eucli inunHi. :() h, Jackson, Ilibbard House, each m.-uth, -I. i Adrián, Bracket House, each month --! aiulüod. Tuledo, Ohio, Collinsilouae, each month, SMth,25th, ? ld BBth, BlUadale, Mioh. ,IIillsdale House, each month, 27th. CoMwaier, Mich., Southern Michigan House, each ODth, ÜStll. Elkhart . Klkhart House, each month, 29th. South Bend,Ind.r St, Ja. Uo'el, e.ach month, 30. Importe, 1 ud., Tee Garden Hi.jse, each month 31st. WoO3ter,Ohio, CrandellExclwuge, each month, 7th id8th. Manslitld, Ohio, Wiler Houst each month, 9th and ■ Olh. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month,llth and itli. ev,ark, Ohio, Holton House, efteh month, lSth anti 4th,' i'iineaville.Ühio, Cowles House, each month ,4th CLEVELAND, OHIO. RE8IDENDE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, , K;tst of the public square, opposi-te the Poatoffiee. . lïicedays eaeh month, lst, 3d, 4th,5th, (Jth, 15lh.- } ,lice hours froui 9 A. M. to 12M,aud trom 2 F. M. to T. M. UnSunüay from 9 to 10 A . M.,and 1 to 2 I. il. jgtyMiixims.strictly a'-lhered to- I give iiuch balmaa have no strife, With nature oi the laws of üfo, With blood my liandn ï nuver staiiij Xor joiscrn men Loeawe theirpuin. He is a physiüian indeed who Cures. The Indian Herb Ioctor, li. J. LYONS, curet' the - o win.; coiïipiaintö iii the most obstiuíttc stages of tlieir J xistence, viz: DiseaseR of the Throat, Lungs, ïleart, Liver, 8tomch, Dropay iutheOhost, Rheuraatïsra, Neuralgia, Fits, FalliiiKSieknesfi,arnlallother nervouMilerungements. Uro iiUUiiieaaeaof the blood, sucli as Scrol'ula, Kry hipas. Cancera, Fever Soren, Leprosy, aml all othevewm)liüáLri' chroniccorapHiints. Allforms of female ilitticulties attended to witli the appieftt results. It ishoped that noone will despair of a cure nntil " hey liave given the ludían Jlerb Uoítor's Medicines a 'air aadfitithful trial. $3fc,Duriug the Doctor'i h in Europo, West ïnrties, South. America, and the nitod States, he bas been the instrument in God' and. to restore to health and vigor thousand who ere given up and pronounced incurable by the most nineWold school physiciana ; nay , more, thousands li,i weit1 on the verge of the grave, are now living a ÜLUmeiHS to the Indian Herb's Doctor1 skíil and a iccefiiltreatinentjiindaredailyexclaimiug: "Blescd betheday when first we saw and partook of the nduinHerbDuctor's medicine." íatisfactory riiferences of cares will be gladly and heerfully given ihetiover required, TheDoctor pledges his vord and honor, tliat Jie will d no vdse.directlyorindirectly, induce or cause any uvalid to take hiss inedicinewithout the , bility of a cure. Modeofoxamination.whichia enürelydifferent om thofiteulty. Pr. Lyon professes to diBcern dieaafffl by the eye. He therefore asks uoueations, uor ■ eshp reqnifö patientto xplain symptoms. Callone nd sU, indhavethe.symptoras and Iocation of your isenseoxplainedfrce of charge. fyThe poorshall beüberally considered. 2663 Cleveland, Ohio, Nor. S5, 1862 lyS8G O. BLIS Tould take this method ofinforming his old friends ud patronsandallothers who may favor him Yith heir patronage, tliat he has greatly enlarged his Stock anti Assortnaent ! and having adopted the )ASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING & SELLING . propared to sell Goods at HeAOOXlA t3X PrioeSf His stook conslsts in par il thefollowing: g_ AMEBIOAN Aüfí 0THER "Watches 1 ..Jfi9 JËS The Celebrated eá SEÏHÏHOMAS JLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts 10LD CriAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLËRY ! 'azors,Shear,Scissorsild Brushes, ROGKRS PLATEDWARE, tlie bestin markot, Grold Pen, Steel Pens, Penoik, PAPER and E.VVELOPES, Musical Instruments, Strings Sf Booki for lneruments, SPBOT4OÏJI1B, of Gold, Silver, SUd,and Plateé, uilk PERÍSCOPICGLASS, a superior article. Persons having diflicult watcbee to fit with glasses in be accomodated, ae my stock is largeiitid comlete, P. 6. Particular attention tothe ifall kindn of fine, such as vlaking and Setting new Jewele, Piniotii, Stajft and Cylindcn. Alto CLOCKS, Sc 5"0B"SWEXiïtSr iñatly repaired and Varanted, at hts old'standoast ide of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor,Nov. 25,1862. .826tf WIZARD OIL! THIS SPLEfDm REMEDY CÜRES ■ toothacht; 3 O neuralgia B ■ In Three Minutes. In Ten Minutes. tïïSmiCHE """ "'KAéXoHE T Ib Fine Mlautca. In Ten Minutes. l OBA-MP CO-LTO DIETHKBIA In ïen Minutes. ií ' In a Few Hours. 80RÏ THROAT ' RHKUMATISM. Ia a Few Houis. In a Few Days. L-AMK BAOK. 8PRAINS. CUTS AND BRUISES. BDRNS and SCALDS. CORNS. CHILBLAINS. E. fi Mg g This invaluable preparation only needs a trial to renommend itself to every household in tha land. üe one bottle and you will always kep It on liand agains.t tlie time of need. Prlce 86 cent and 76 cents per bottle. The large bottles contain nearly three times as much s i the small ones. tlanufactured. by J. A. HAMMN BRO., 102 Washington atreet, Chicago, nd tor sl by druggista generally. _.. , „ ( Pullev, FlnchiFuller 1 f., Wholeeale Ag'ts: -j Lord Smlth UMoagO. lissoliition Pfotice. rnlIEKIRM OF CHAPÍN, WlK)D h CO., jra dissolred L.Ianuary 1), 1Ö63, by mutual consent. C. A. Chapín and A. B. Wood will settlts thoaccounts of the rirm. C. A. Chapín, A. B. Wood, V CiiAi-is, E. Wklis. Ann Arbor, Juno 24, 1863. Copartnership. TTE rN"!)KI'.i(LN'F.I) entered into partnership Jan. Iñ,líí3, by tlie firm name of Chapín & Co., and will continue the buüineüB of mauufacturing printing anl wrapjmig paper. C. A. Cuahx, N. Chapín, V. ClTAPÍW. Ann Arbcr.Jane24,18S3 PlOtf Taktn Up. , ON TV!. 15th of October.a Brown and White Co v. about 10 ycars old. Was dry. The o iner is e(itientt'd t) prove propertr, pay charges, and take hr l. JOHN MclNTYRC. NÓrtUnc'd, Xut. 24,1804. CwU84


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