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The Legislature

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The Legislature of tbis State convened in regular session no Wednesday last. Senate. - The Seaate was called to order at ton o'clock, and the mombcrs sworn in by tlio Lieutenant Governor. Messrs. Godfrey, of Wayne, and liancroft of St. Cliiir, wero not presedt. Mossrs. Jones, of Washtenaw, and Hoyt, of Oakland, who presented oertifioates of eloctioü, weré refused eeaLa, and Messrs. Jay and Crawford wero admitted instead, and sworn in. The memorial of Childs, cortesüifg the seat of llobison was referreii to Cominittet). Thotnas H. Glenn was elected Seere tary ; H. W. Fuller, Engrossing Clerk; und J. C. Rrckafellow, 8ergeant-atArms. Housb. - Members wero sworn in by the Lieutenant Governor. Gilbert E, Eeed, of Kulamazoo, was eleoted Speaker ; N. B. Jones, Clark ; William A. Hall, Kngrossing Clerk; J. W.Swift, Ar rns. The contested seats were referred to committees. The message of ex Governor Blair was sent in on Wednesday, and appeared ia the Detroit dailies of yesterday. We shall give t r.sxt week. To insert ït in this number would unreasonably deb'.y i!s issue. - Gov. Crapo's message was sent in on Thursday, and ï a very lenghty document. ffcÊT ïha passport order oí Secretary Seward went into operation on Monday, aud ia being euforced with great stringcncy. No traveler of tho masculina gender - women and children and come at plaasure - ia now permitted te enter the dominions of "Oíd Abo," from the adjotning provïnces,. unless they are immigrantd froro over the ''briny sea," without a passport. The order applies lo passengors coming through Canada by rail froin Eastern States, as well as to citizjus of Canada, or "skedaddlers" who have been bmbored therein. Ameiicau ciiizens must obtain their pasports from the United States Consuls resident in Canada, and aliena must?' have passporls from their own govern. ment, properly vised by our consuls -■- Tl)3se pasaporte, iucluding the stamp tax, cost $0' in silver, or $14 50 groen, backs, making thern a dear luxury, be' sides'delayiug passenger and putting thurn to groat inconvenience. The order acts as an embargo or nonintercourse aot, and travel has so fü'len off that the Michigan Central Railroad Company has taken off three trains o'ch way, and now run but two trains daily over the roud. Th ia could be borne without a murmur by the people, r.nd by the railroad, if il was to accompitób any good, but the passport system is a great humbug, and will not keep out a single raider, and its infliction upou the public is a blunder or something ebe hardly to be toleratod. The authorities at Washington should hear from the people in thunder tones. Did the South Shore linas of railroad pay libentlly for the issue of the passport order? JEÜiT The Dow County officers entered ou duty on Monclay lust. Hon. H. J, Beakes, Judgo of Probato eleet, is in for the term, and the others are quietly waiting for a writ of ouster from the Suprema Court, which our República n friends assure us they are to get forthwith, We were n hopes that a cnee would be argued and submitted at the presont term, which commoneed at Lansing on Wednesday, but adispatck from Hod. J. F. Milleu informa us that the ccurt was to adjourn yesterday, aud if so we must wait a little longer. SST" Gov. Blaih has doubts about the " authority to open polls in hospitals," under the soldiers' votirg law, and recomraends that it be exprepsly eonferred. If Gov. Blaie lias doubts, we may safely conolude that the voting in hospitals was not authorized by l;nv,and that the hospital returns sbould have been rt'jected by the State Canvassers, Had this been done, perhaps the Legislaturo miht have paused to investígate a litilo beíoro admitting Senator Jaï. LC lu the returns of the 20th Miutrgan Iufantry, 69 votes were statod as havir.g been given for Senator irom this oounty. The poll list of the regiment, as certified to by the Doputy Socretary of State, gives the names of but G6 voters from Washtenaw County. - Whore did the other three votes odbm from, and who got thera ? It could not have been_either Jones or Robison, for togethcr they receivod the same numbor in the regiment a.s the Democrat County ticket. jL3L" The Dümocralic Legislativo Cauciis nominatod Hon. G, V. N. Lothrop for United States Senator. A coiuplimest worthily bestovved.